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Quotes for
Elliot (Character)
from Open Season (2006)

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Open Season (2006)
Elliot: [Wearing a gumball dispenser on his head] I come in peace.

Elliot: Ian's right, I'm a loser
Boog: No you're not a loser
Elliot: Yes I am!
Boog: No you're not!
Elliot: Yes!
Boog: No!
Elliot: Trust me, you know the day I met you Ian kicked me out of the herd, I lost my antler, I got run over, and tied to the hood of a truck. What do you call that?
Boog: Ahhh... a loser! But check this out... behold the mighty grizzly... I look like a bear, I talk like a bear but I can't fish, I can't climb a tree, I can't even go in the woods!
Elliot: Thats nothing! Half doe, half buck! I'm a duck!
Boog: I ride a unicycle for crackers.
Elliot: I have a glass eye.
Boog: I can't snap.
Elliot: I thought log was a colour.
Boog: I can't see my feet!
Elliot: I killed a man!
[Both laugh]

Elliot: [stuck in the ground] Ok, righty tighty
[turns left]
Elliot: Leeefffttty loosey
[turns right]

[explaining the woods to Boog]
Elliot: Okay, Forest 101: These tall stick things are called trees. The big rocks are called mountains and the little rocks are their babies.

Elliot: I feel a little light-headed.
[His one remaining antler falls off]

Boog: [Helium voice] Hello, idiot.
Elliot: [Helium voice] That's Elliot.

Boog: We've been going around in circles!
Elliot: Cir-cle. One time around.

Elliot: I get it. You're like a pet.
Boog: I'm nobody's pet!
Elliot: [Holding up a water dish that reads "Boog"] Right.

Elliot: [when Boog asks where are the toilets in the forest] Don't look now, but I see a little bush with your name written all over it.
Boog: A bush? Are you serious?
Elliot: Go on. Its just like riding a bicycle, only... you're crapping on it.
[Boog reluctantly goes to the bush]
Elliot: Show us your GRRR face, nature boy!

Elliot: [singing, to the tune of "The Teddy Bears' Picnic"] Once there was a magical elf who lived in a rainbow tree/ He lived downstairs from a flatulent dwarf who constantly had to pee/ One day the elf could take no more/ so he went to bang on the rude dwarf's door/ and what do you know, they suddenly both were marrrrried.

[about the coffee he found in the dumpster]
Elliot: Yuck. Yuck. Yuck! It's terrible and wonderful at the same time! It's like freedom in a cup!

McSquizzy: Is this a private fight or can anybody join? Because McSquezzy wants in.
Boog: Good, 'cause we're gonna need your nuts!
Elliot: And your acorns, too!

Boog: [holds Elliot over a cliff] Take a good look around, Elliot. What's missing?
Elliot: Wait, don't tell me, I know this one...
Boog: Timberline is missing!
Elliot: Oh, I was just going to say that.
Boog: My garage is missing. My breakfast, lunch and dinner are missing! My life is missing, and it's all... your... fault!
Elliot: What are you going to do?
[drops him into his hand]
[realizes that he wasn't falling]
Elliot: Ha ha! you're funny. I was like, "No way" and then I was like, "Uh-huh!" Ha ha ha ha!
[Boog throws him over his shoulder]

Elliot: I call them Woo-hoos. Like in... WOO-HOO!

Elliot: Look at me! I'm a doe and I'm a buck. I'm a DUCK!

Boog: Get out of here!
Elliot: Hey, I took you out of the garage. You should thank me.
Boog: Thank you?
Elliot: You're welcome.

Elliot: You know, I've been thinking, we should have a secret handshake, and like nicknames and stuff. Like, I can call you Boogster, and you can call me the Incredible Mr. E. You like that? I just made it up.

Reilly: [about Boog] Hey, guys. Check it out. The largest carnivore in North America. The grizzly bear.
Elliot: And he's a good dancer. We're gonna be in a show.

Elliot: [standing with his butt in the air, his antler stuck to the ground] Hey, Boog! Look, no hands! Though I think I'm getting a sunburn.
Boog: All right, where's home?
Elliot: Or maybe it's a moonburn. Check it out.
[Boog slaps him in the butt]
Elliot: Ow!

[while Boog and Beth are hugging each other]
Reilly: What's he doing?
McSquizzy: Is he not gonna maul her?
Elliot: No! She's his mom! She's taking us home.
Porcupine: Every buddy?

Open Season 2 (2008) (V)
Elliot: Weenie. When did you get here?
Mr. Weenie: Don't you see. Boog, McSquizzy, Giselle. They'll all be torn to pieces.
Elliot: Torn to "pizzas"?
Mr. Weenie: Pieces, you strudelkopf.

Elliot: It's me! Elliot.
Fifi: Who is Elliot?
Elliot: I am. And I'm here to rescue my lady, kick butt and take names? What's your name?
[gets captured and is tied up]
Elliot: Wow. Did anybody see that coming?
All: Yes.
Roberto: Even Roger saw that coming.
Roger: I did?

Boog: Elliot: Isn't this great, Boog?
Elliot: Boog: What's great?
Boog: Elliot: You know, not great that Weenie's been kidnapped, but great that we're living life on the edge. It's just like old times. Two guys, out on the road!

Mr. Weenie: Where are the others?
Elliot: Oh, they're rescuing Mr. Weenie and Buddy. Hey, Buddy.

Open Season (2006) (VG)
[when Boog and Elliot are riding on the roller coaster in the minefields]
Elliot: It's like a roller coaster, except really, really dangerous!