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20 Most Epic Movie Moments Of 2015

5 hours ago

Marvel Studios

The most epic movie moments of the year aren’t necessarily the greatest scenes from this year in film, or even the biggest. Instead, they were the moments that put audiences on the edge of their seats while their jaws collectively dropped, showcasing scope, creativity and payoff all at once.

Though these moments in question aren’t necessarily all action set pieces, those types of sequences naturally lend themselves well to staying in people’s minds. A small character moment can be important, but the criteria of being epic conjures up images of a massive range and impossible stunts.

Some moments were brief, and some played out as entire, unforgettable sequences. Many represented the high points in very successful films but even otherwise poor movies can be buoyed by a single, spectacular moment.

With so many incredible and action-packed movies this year, a handful of them could comprise »

- Connor Briggs-Morris

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New Deadpool Trailer: 8 Major Revelations From Director Tim Miller

6 hours ago

Fox/Marvel Comics

The new Red-Band trailer for Deadpool (which arrived on Christmas morning after what’s proved to be a great marketing stunt in the form of #12DaysOfDeadpool) is packed full of the kind of violence and humour fans were hoping would be part of the beloved character’s first big screen solo outing, and the movie so far looks like it will end up being a lot of fun when it’s released next February.

Whether or not the devoted fanbase and unique tone will result in it being a box office success remains to be seen, but the fact that Deadpool is being made after leaked test footage forced Fox to act due to the overwhelmingly positive response makes it by far the most interesting of 2016’s superhero movies. Deadpool is an experiment, and as a result, it really could go either way.

However, director Tim Miller »

- Josh Wilding

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Suicide Squad: Ranking The Characters By Anticipation

6 hours ago

Warner Bros.

The DC Extended Universe is going to be taking a massive leap forward in just a few months with the arrival of Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, but next August will test just how interested the masses are in the budding franchise when the villainous ensemble piece Suicide Squad hits theaters.

DC and Warner Bros. deserve a lot of credit for taking such a gamble so early in the Dceu’s existence, as a film stuffed with DC antagonists and antiheroes doesn’t instantly scream mainstream appeal in the same way that capitalizing on their big-name heroes does. So far, it’s been a somewhat divisive beast, one armed with a boatload of talent in front of and behind the camera, but whose creative choices have run the entire gamut of fan reactions.

It’s a big risk project that could easily fall apart if not handled right, »

- Geoff Cox

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Njpw Wrestle Kingdom 10 – Everything You Need To Know

6 hours ago


Time truly does fly in the world of professional wrestling, and 2016 is almost upon us. Of course, there is little time to breathe in this crazy world, and the first major show of the year comes in the form of New Japan Pro Wrestling and Wrestle Kingdom 10. The show takes place at the Tokyo Dome, one of the most famous venues in the world, and to call the card stacked would be a massive understatement.

There is every chance that it’ll be the best show of the year as well, if last year’s effort is anything to go by. Whether it was the better than it had any right to be hybrid battle between Minoru Suzuki and Kazushi Sakuraba, the hoss violence between Tomohiro Ishii and Togi Makabe or the simply untouchable semi and main of Nakaumura/Ibushi and Okada/Tanahashi, it was a fantastic show.

As »

- John Bills

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Cm Punk Confirmed For EA Sports Ufc 2

6 hours ago


Though he was not part of the WWE’s recent WWE 2K16 video game, Cm Punk fans who want to control their favourite star on screen can rest easy: he will be a playable character in the upcoming Ufc 2 from EA Sports, despite having yet to appear in the octagon and having no professional fights as a mixed martial artist.

That makes grading his strengths and weaknesses for the game somewhat problematic, no doubt. While the roster includes up to 250 fighters from Conor McGregor to Russia’s Alexandra Albu, only Punk, it seems, has zero fights in the promotion. How did EA gauge his abilities on the mat and as a striker? That remains to be seen. However, it’s clear the video game giant, and the Ufc, didn’t want to lose out on the extra attention including Punk would bring. At the end of the day, it’s a business decision, »

- Jay Anderson

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Deadpool Trailer 2 Breakdown: 40 Things You Need To See

14 hours ago


As the Merc with a mouth and sidekick Weasel promised, the second Deadpool trailer landed on Christmas day with all the festive spirit of punching your grandma in the face with a hand full of dildos.

The trailer was revealed on Espn as a gift to all NBA fans (apparently a key demographic for Fox’s outrageous X-men cousin) and inevitably, it seems to have taken the raft of December trailers as a challenge. This is how you do high-octane, outrageous fun with lots of crotch shots, lots of blood and lots of swearing. At this point, it’s shocking that he didn’t drop a c-bomb.

There’s a lot of repetition in there, unlike most of the other December trailers, but there’s more humour and more narrative – including a fairly major spoiler about why Deadpool comes into existence. But then that does seem to be the way, »

- Simon Gallagher

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8 Problems Nobody Wants To Admit About Star Wars: The Force Awakens

25 December 2015 1:42 AM, PST


By now, most huge fans have to have seen Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Barring any acts of god, all the people who were 100% excited about seeing the movie can’t have helped themselves by this point. I’ll wager that includes you, dear reader, as Tfa continues to tear up box office records like no one’s business.

Because of these insane opening weekend audience viewing figures, we’re seeing a huge discourse online and in our homes, offices, on public transport…

While people for the most part have freakin’ loved it, judging by the global reaction on the internet, we’ve all managed to agree what the obvious issues are with the movie. Its similarities to A New Hope, the over-reliance on mo-cap for Snoke and Maz Kanata, the disappearance of Poe Dameron and Captain Phasma for large chunks of the runtime (resulting in a severe lack »

- Dan Woburn

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Kurt Russell: 5 Awesome Performances And 5 That Sucked

25 December 2015 1:36 AM, PST

Weinstein Company

Kurt Russell has the kind of CV most actors can only dream about; he’s done it all, from romantic comedies to tense dramas, gory horror movies to Fast And Furious sequels. He has many iconic characters to his name, but he’s able to avoid typecasting because he always brings something unique to every part he plays.

He got his start as a child actor with Disney, where he made his film debut as a boy who kicks Elvis on the shin. He made such an impression during his time there that Walt Disney’s final words were “Kurt Russell”, which he wrote down on a notepad shortly before his death. Russell had a hard time transitioning from child actor to movie star, but thanks to hard work and some risk taking he was able to prove he’s more than just an awesome chin.

After a »

- Padraig Cotter

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7 Secret Villains In Comic Book Movies

25 December 2015 1:25 AM, PST

Warner Bros.

Over the last fifteen years we’ve seen studios go from carefully dipping a toe into comic book movie waters (think: the fairly reality-based/played-straight first X-Men) to chucking everything and the kitchen sink in (Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice, for example).

Easter eggs have been a part of those comic adaptations from day dot. In a business-minded arena like Hollywood, where sequels aren’t always a sure thing, filmmakers often enjoy peppering their adaps with nods to additional characters from the source material.

Be it to set things up for the hoped-for sequel or to simply provide something for true fans to chew on, these characters are fun to spot and figure out, often appearing in their civilian guise or with some subtle alteration, crying out to be noticed.

They’re included so that the director can wink at you and say ‘Look, we get it. »

- Dan Woburn

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Star Wars: The Force Awakens – 7 Biggest Unanswered Questions

25 December 2015 1:08 AM, PST

A Star Wars movie leaving a few things unanswered is nothing new: back in 1999 everyone was going crazy over why Qui-Gon Jinn’s body didn’t disappear like the Jedi in the original trilogy and how on Yavin midichlorians worked; in 1980 playgrounds were full of children debating if Darth Vader had actually told Luke the truth about his parentage; and even earlier, in 1977, the first movie in the series presented innumerable questions, from what the Clone Wars were to why the Lars clan drank blue milk.

That’s the beauty of Star Wars, really; it’s a world so vast and ripe for exploration we can’t help but imagine what’s lurking just out of frame, let alone deal with the big things raised explicitly. And, being so in the spirit of Star Wars it is essentially the movie equivalent of  Force ghost, the same is true of The Force Awakens. »

- Alex Leadbeater

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15 Most Critically Hated Films From 2015

25 December 2015 12:58 AM, PST

Millennium Pictures

2015 may have seen ridiculously acclaimed movies like Inside Out (98%), Spotlight (97%) and Mad Max: Fury Road (97%) come our way, but more importantly, now that Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Road Chip has finally hit cinemas, we can run down the most critically-savaged offerings of the year.

It’s a testament to the cinematic dreck that arrived this year that not a single movie above 10% made this list: that’s right, the likes of Fantastic Four, Pixels and The Transporter Refueled apparently weren’t terrible enough to truly be among the worst of the year.

Granted, a few of these movies are, to be polite, “specialist interest”, or rather, so awful and low-flying on the cinematic radar that you may not even have heard of them, but those poor critics who did see them had almost nothing good to say.

Yes, Adam Sandler’s here of course, along with a bad video game movie, »

- Jack Pooley

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Batman: Arkham Knight – 10 Ways The Season Of Infamy Is A Mixed Bag

25 December 2015 12:52 AM, PST


So this is it, this is the way Rocksteady departs the Arkham Saga. Or is it?

This cryptic message was left at the end of the company’s last Arkham Insider video last week, but irrespective of this, the studio has had a rather arduous year to deal with, at least in respect to all things Batman. Having captained the success of two Batman games and managing to surpass critical expectations on both of them as well, capping off their own Arkham Trilogy was never going to be a journey devoid of its own problems. As we have seen previously, Arkham Knight has both managed to impress and falter in the face of insurmountable fan expectation, and though Rocksteady have endeavoured to make their finale to the Arkham saga as good as it can be, Knight will ultimately go down as a release marred by its divisive nature.

Indeed, »

- Ewan Paterson

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12 WWE Wrestlers Who Had The Worst 2015

25 December 2015 12:50 AM, PST


For some wrestlers, 2015 was great to them. The New Day rose to new levels of popularity, The Dudley Boyz finally got the WWE return that they long pined for, and before his injury, Seth Rollins became a top star and carried the company on his back for the majority of the year.

There were other wrestlers who weren’t so lucky, and 2015 was quite cruel to them. Some talent looked set to break out this year, only to become mere afterthoughts. Others received character changes that were so damaging to their careers that they may not ever fully recover from it.

Wrestlers like Kevin Owens, Sasha Banks and Charlotte had a disappointing year as their pushes didn’t match their talent. Overall, though, they’re at least on the main roster and look poised to have lengthy WWE careers, so they’re not found here. This list is »

- Andrew Soucek

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10 Times Comic Book Movies Departed From The Canon And It Was Great

24 December 2015 12:51 PM, PST

Warner Bros.

Comic book movies have become increasingly big business in the twenty-first century and, because this is the way that Hollywood works, that means that film producers have had to start taking comics seriously as source material. Where once a low rent Stallone vehicle could put a Lawgiver pistol in the hands of the Italian Stallion and call it Judge Dredd, now we can enjoy an implacable, deadpan Karl Urban coming far closer to his on-page equivalent.

The blessing of the original comic creator is now seen as such a cornerstone of marketing the movie that the likes of Sin City’s Frank Miller and PersepolisMarjane Satrapi have even been given a co-director credit on the screen versions of their stories. All of this has been greeted with great delight by comics fans convinced that “staying true to the comic” is the key to ensuring a good movie. »

- Jack Gann

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10 Wrestling Facts We Didn’t Know Last Week (Dec 24)

24 December 2015 12:44 PM, PST


These days, Hulk Hogan has been advised to stay away from World Wrestling Entertainment. Amidst racism allegations, the ‘Hulkster’ is taking some time out from the promotion. His most recent spell with the company – as an ambassador of sorts – came after he had spent significant time in Tna. There, Hogan continually claimed that it was only a matter of time before Impact Wrestling became the biggest brand in the grappling world.

Obviously, things didn’t turn out that way. That said, one of Tna’s biggest stars told this week how he had full faith in both Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff’s vision for what the promotion could be. The person backing up the disastrous run may just surprise some fans. That’s what this article is all about, providing 10 wrestling-related facts which weren’t exactly common knowledge last week.

Tna surfaces more than once, when a former »

- Jamie Kennedy

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10 Most Emotional Wrestling Moments

24 December 2015 12:21 PM, PST

Jonathan Bachman/AP

Pro wrestling is an emotional industry. The sacrifices that men and women must put up to be involved are well-documented, but they should never be discounted just because they are common knowledge. It’s been said that wrestling is the ultimate form of entertainment, melding the worlds of threatre, rock music and combat sports into one beautifully orchestrated demonstration of skill.

Many of the entries in this article caused tears to flow from the eyes of millions of people across the globe. In truth however, others caused fits of rage and copious amounts of curse words to flow from the mouths of viewers. Whatever the case may be, all provided the chance for people to display emotion.

One thing World Wrestling Entertainment, in particular, has been able to harness is a sense of ownership over what’s happening on television. When all the elements come together correctly, »

- Jamie Kennedy

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8 Top Challengers For WWE Champion Roman Reigns In 2016

24 December 2015 12:16 PM, PST


Roman Reigns ended 2015 in a way that many fans who watched him begin the year at the Royal Rumble never thought would have happened: by winning the WWE Championship in front of a joyous, excited crowd cheering him on in Philadelphia. Following a well-done, believable ass-kicking of Triple H at the previous night’s TLC PPV, Reigns defeated Sheamus to become the WWE title holder and is likely to soon be putting an end to the rivalry involving the Celtic Warrior.

But what does Roman Reigns’ 2016 look like from there? His WrestleMania opponent may be an easy one to predict at this point (then again, maybe not), but what about beyond the Show of Shows? Who should WWE have lined up to take on their new hopeful flagship performer?

Obviously, there are many potential challengers for Roman Reigns in 2016, but only a handful of them are A) a »

- Matt Davis

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27 Wtf Moments From WWE Tribute To The Troops 2015

24 December 2015 9:25 AM, PST


Happy Holidays to one and all! It’s that time of the year again where we all settle down with loved ones to eat and drink too much, so why not indulge in the annual, uber-patriotic cringe-fest that is the WWE’s Tribute to the Troops?

Though nothing of significance ever really happens on these shows, it was nevertheless a surprisingly entertaining broadcast, full of unexpected appearances from famous actors and singers, weird (and occasionally funny) comedy segments, one shocking result, and clear evidence that the WWE is in conflict with itself as to whether it’s really a PG enterprise.

It’s the show a lot of fans decide to give a miss every year, but with a beer in hand and the fast-forward button ready for those terrible musical interludes, there’s actually a solid hour of entertaining television to behold.

Here are 27 Wtf moments from »

- Jack Pooley

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8 Hotly Anticipated 2016 Albums (And Why They’ll Be Disappointing)

24 December 2015 8:57 AM, PST


A new album by one of your favourite artists is one of life’s profoundest joys. The excitement when it’s announced, the anticipation coming up to release…it’s a feeling that can’t be replicated, and it’s made all the more significant when it’s an album by an artist who hasn’t released any new material in a long, long time.

But all too often music fans get excited for a new release, only to be disappointed. The worst is when this disappointment is totally unexpected, and seemingly comes out of nowhere. Their last album was so good…so what on earth happened?

There are several upcoming albums that – if given some some thought – are already set up to fall short. The signs are there, it’s just a case of looking out for them. But it’s difficult to keep up to date with »

- Brian Wilson

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11 Upcoming Sci-Fi Movies That Could Be Better Than Star Wars: The Force Awakens

24 December 2015 8:38 AM, PST


Even now, with it finally being released, the amount of attention that Star Wars: The Force Awakens has gotten is hard to comprehend. The film is already a box office juggernaut, and its critical reception has been nothing but glowing. But just because it’s a welcome addition to a beloved franchise hardly guarantees that it will even hold up as one of the best films in its genre over the next few years.

The upcoming movie slate for science-fiction films is absolutely stacked. Despite boasting plenty of lesser-heralded titles that might be further away from release, there’s a whole host of upcoming sci-fi films which have been temporarily overshadowed by the awareness that Star Wars has generated.

Nevertheless, it’s a good time to be a fan of the genre as the next couple of years could be potentially amazing. There’s promising original pictures, exciting adaptations of acclaimed source materials, »

- Connor Briggs-Morris

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