...for Christmas. According to a survey carried out by the "student only" website edu.com on what high-tech gadget college students would like for Christmas 40 percent said they wanted digital cameras, of those 75 percent wanted hand-held digital still cameras over web cameras.

Online Survey by edu.com Reveals High-Tech Products College Students Most Desire this Holiday Season

Online "Student-Only" Shopping Site Provides Parents A Resource To Make Educated Purchase Decisions

BOSTON, Oct. 24 /PRNewswire/ -- In a recent survey conducted by edu.com, the Internet's "student-only'' store for significantly discounted, brand name, school essentials, college students identified digital cameras, CD burners and MP3 players as their most desired high-tech gadgets this holiday season.

edu.com, (www.edu.com) surveyed more than 7,800 verified, enrolled college students to determine which high-tech products they most desired and would like to receive as a gift this holiday season. Of those students who responded, 40 percent said they wanted a digital camera; 34 percent said a CD burner and 23 percent specified an MP3 player. The survey further reveals that 75 percent of students prefer hand held digital cameras to Web cams; S3 (formerly Diamond), Creative Labs and Sony are the most popular brands for MP3 players; and that Hewlett-Packard, Sony, Yamaha and Iomega rate as the most desired brands for CD burners.

While anyone can visit www.edu.com to receive unbiased information, expert and student product reviews, 24/7 customer support and helpful buyer's guides, only verified, enrolled college students can take advantage of the significant discounts offered at the site. This season, parents are encouraged to use the site as a resource to make smart purchase decisions, then coordinate with their child to actually buy. Parents can purchase at edu.com by either shopping with their college student child or simply loaning him/her their credit card.

At edu.com, students receive deep discounts, up to 70 percent off retail, on brand name school essentials including computers, software, textbooks, bank services, phone and Internet services and more. In addition, the site offers substantial savings on electronics popular among college students including MP3 players, digital cameras, scanners, CD burners, interactive games and more.

"edu.com is the only online company to serve, and have the ability to poll, a 100 percent verified student-only audience,'' says Don LeBlanc, vice president of Customer Insight at edu.com. "At edu.com we verify each customer who registers to ensure that he/she is indeed a college student and deserving of the big discounts we have negotiated on their behalf. Limiting our audience to college students and continually querying their interests, enables edu.com to accurately determine what products and services they need and value most.''