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New photo, camera you haven't used in years

Challenge #38 in the Technology Enabling Art series. Hosted by ProfHankD.
Challenge has finished
This challenge is for digital photos taken now with camera equipment (BOTH body AND lens) that you used to use, but haven't shot more than a few photos with in at least 3 years. Normally, I'm the guy pushing new technology, so why this challenge? Cameras are just tools to help you make the photos you envision, but very often vision gets narrowed to what your equipment can easily do: you learn a formula for making good photos with that equipment. The hope is using that old camera will reawaken how you thought about making images then, helping you to see more options that might make a great photo.
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phase has
13 entries
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Playing with myself
by dreyko
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1st place
Shot on a d700 w/24-85mm lens. Its is an old camera and I only shoot primes these days. Should pass. Hasn't been used for more than a walk or 2 since getting the d610.
Submitted: Monday, 23rd November, 2015 02:26 (GMT)
Taken: Sunday, 22nd November, 2015
Focal length: 45 mm
Shutter speed: 50 sec
Aperture: F4.2
ISO: 1200
Views: 222
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