Clara Oswald is dead and the Doctor is all alone. But that's just the start. Prepare yourself for a truly mind-bending experience this Saturday night, with Doctor Who's 'Heaven Sent'.

A 'single-hander' episode starring only Peter Capaldi, this episode is bleak, baffling and brilliant. No spoilers here - but here's 10 hints at what to expect:

1. There are reveals in this episode that will fundamentally change your understanding of Doctor Who.

2.  "Clara said I shouldn't take revenge. You should know... I don't always listen."

3.  The Doctor sports a makeshift monocle.

4.  "I hate gardening!"

5.  One tense sequence recalls a similar scene in Sherlock. 

6.  "I hate wood!"

7.  The scare factor is high, with some real 'horror movie' moments.

8.  "I can't actually see a way out of this. "

9.  The cliffhanger contains a huge twist - it'll leave you burning for the series finale, 'Hell Bent'.

10. "This is somebody's game - and I can't stop playing."

Doctor Who continues this Saturday (November 28) at 8.05pm on BBC One

Peter Capaldi in Doctor Who S09E11: 'Heaven Sent'
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Watch Digital Spy's video review of last Saturday's Doctor Who below:

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