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IMDb > King Edward II (Character)
King Edward II
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King Edward II (Character)
from Edward II (1991)

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Edward II -- A British monarchs preference for his male lover over his queen provokes civil war and ultimately leads to the kings downfall.
Edward II -- text os

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Edward II (1284-1327) was king of England from 1307... See more »
Alternate Names:
Edouard II / Eduard II / Edward II / King Edward / Le roi Édouard II / Prince Edward


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  1. Battle of Kings: Bannockburn (2014) (TV) Played by Christos Lawton

  2. "A Cursed Monarchy"
    ... aka "Les rois maudits" - France (original title)
    ... aka "The Curse of the Templars" - Europe (English title) (imdb display title)
        - Le Roi de Fer (2005) TV episode, Played by Christopher Buchholz (as Edouard II)

  3. The Bruce (1996) Played by Richard Brimblecombe (as Edward II)
  4. Braveheart (1995) Played by Peter Hanly (as Prince Edward)
  5. Edward II (1991) Played by Steven Waddington (as Edward II) / Jody Graber (as Prince Edward)

  6. Edward II (1982) (TV) Played by Philippe Clévenot (as Edward II)

  7. "Les rois maudits"
        - Le roi de fer (1972) TV episode, Played by Michel Beaune (as Le roi Édouard II)
  8. Edward II (1970) (TV) Played by Ian McKellen (as King Edward) / Myles Reithermann (as Prince Edward)

  9. The Deadly Affair (1966) Played by David Warner (as Edward II)
Archive Footage:
  1. "Memòries de la tele"
        - Episode #4.4 (2009) TV episode, Played by Josep Maria Flotats (as Eduard II)
  2. Here's Looking at You, Boy (2007) Played by Steve Waddington (as Edward II)
    ... aka "Schau mir in die Augen, Kleiner" - Germany (original title)
    ... aka "Here's Looking at You, Boy - The Coming Out of Queer Cinema" - International (English title)

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From Edward II (1991)
Edward II: I here create thee Lord High Chamberlain, Chief Secretary to the State and me, Earl of Cornwall, King and Lord of Man.
Piers Gaveston: My Lord, these titles far exceed my worth.
Edward II: Thy worth sweet friend is far above my gifts. And therefore to equal it, receive my heart.
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