OIG at HHSCuntas deimhnithe


Office of Inspector General, U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. Tweets on health care fraud, waste, abuse; enforcement; compliance tips & more.

Washington, DC
Clárú: Bealtaine 2011


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  1. 12 uair an chloig ó shin

    Unfortunately, during the pandemic, we have seen a rise in the number of reports of elder harm and neglect. We encourage you to check on your loved ones in long-term care facilities and to report all concerns of abuse and neglect.

  2. 13 uair an chloig ó shin

    Georgia physical therapy provider agrees to pay $500k+ to resolve fraud claims. See release for full details:

  3. 16 uair an chloig ó shin

    We recently updated our work plan with 7 new items. For more information about our upcoming work, check out our work plans page:

    6 business professional all working together. The text says New Work Plan Items
  4. 18 uair an chloig ó shin

    In a new report, OIG determined that thousands of beneficiaries in six Appalachian states received high amounts of opioids through in 2018, with hundreds at serious risk of opioid misuse or overdose.

    Right side of graphic shows the Appalachian states of VA, WV, OH, KY, TN, AL. On the left is a quote from the new report.  Click link to read full report.
  5. 19 uair an chloig ó shin

    These scams are STILL happening. If you think you may have been the victim of a phone spoofing scam, please report it to 1-800-HHS-TIPS or . 2/2

    Taispeáin an snáithe seo
  6. 19 uair an chloig ó shin

    Scammers are always looking for new ways to commit fraud. Earlier in the year these bad actors began calling beneficiaries and posing as OIG employees to try and obtain their personal and medical information. You helped make our "spoof" post the 3rd top tweet of 2020. 1/2

    Text says Top Posts of 2020 #3 and there is a screenshot of our 3rd most popular tweet of the year.
    Taispeáin an snáithe seo
  7. 15 Noll

    Fraudsters use social media for related scams. Scammers are hacking accounts to impersonate your friend or government employees in order to send direct messages to beneficiaries about being eligible for grants -- that's fraud! Learn more:

    Jen is texting with who she thinks is her friend Jim. But Jim's social media account was hacked! Fake Jim says: Hey Jen, you're eligible for grant money! Call 999-867-5309. Jen replys: Thanks Jim! I'll call because I can always use a tip from a friend. BEWARE JEN! THAT'S FRAUD!
    , , agus 4 duine eile
  8. 15 Noll

    Looking for a new job? Look no further! HHS OIG is one of the best places to work in the federal government. We recently posted a Supervisory Criminal Investigator position, where you'd root out fraud to protect beneficiaries and programs.

    A federal agent stands in the background. Text says: NOW HIRING
  9. 15 Noll

    To learn more about our new Special Fraud Alert regarding speaker programs, check out our website:

    Taispeáin an snáithe seo
  10. 15 Noll

    OIG's #4 top tweet of 2020 was our Special Fraud Alert. With your help we are bringing awareness to the fraud & abuse risks associated with the offer, payment, solicitation, or receipt of remuneration relating to speaker programs by pharmaceutical & medical device companies. 1/2

    Text says Top Posts of 2020 #4, with a screen shot of our top 4 most popular tweet of 2020, a Special Fraud Alert.
    Taispeáin an snáithe seo
  11. 14 Noll

    Pain clinic medical providers sentenced for their roles in operating pill mills in Tennessee. See release for full details:

  12. 14 Noll

    NEW REPORT: Instances of labor and delivery care not following national clinical guidelines or best practices. See report for full details:

  13. 14 Noll

    An estimated 13 percent of patients in hospitals experienced patient harm events during their stays in FY 2017. See report for full details:

  14. 14 Noll

    Raise your hand if you'd like to join one of the best places to work in the federal government ✋. Join our team and help root out fraud, waste and abuse as we protect U.S. Department of Health and Human Services beneficiaries and programs. Learn more:

    A group of employees perform work at a bank of computers. Text: Apply Now With HHS OIG
  15. 14 Noll

    When the virus emerged, so too did fraudsters attempting to scam unsuspecting individuals. You helped OIG spread the word about COVID-19 scams and made our Slam The Scam GIF our 5th most popular post. 2/2

    Taispeáin an snáithe seo
  16. 14 Noll

    Throughout the week we're going to share our top 5 tweets of 2020! You helped make these our most liked & most shared posts of the year. With your assistance we were able to further share our mission of protecting programs as well as the beneficiaries that they serve. 1/2

    Shows a picture of our 5th best post of the year, a telephone being slammed with the caption Slam The Scam. Text on the left hand side says Top Posts of 2020 #5
    Taispeáin an snáithe seo
  17. 13 Noll

    Have you read our Semiannual Report to Congress (SAR) yet? The recommendations we make to are critical to helping their programs better serve beneficiaries. Read our Fall SAR & see what else we've accomplished over the past 12 months.

    Text says Semiannual Report Protecting the Integrity of HHS Programs
  18. 12 Noll

    Health care company owner to pay $1 million to settle False Claims Act case. See release for full details:

  19. 12 Noll

    New York improved its monitoring of its personal care services program but still made improper payments of more than $54 million. See report for full details:

  20. 11 Noll

    You didn't have time to see all the great work we completed this week? Don't worry, you can catch up on all of our work at the What's New section of our website. ​We updated our FAQs, posted new reports, and so much more.

    Blue and yellow graphic that says What's New?

Tá moill ar an lódáil, is cosúil.

Tá Twitter ag cur thar maoil le gníomhaíocht nó tá fadhb eile ann. Bain triail eile as nó tabhair cuairt ar Stádas Twitter chun tuilleadh eolais a fháil.

    Seans, leis, go dtaitneodh seo leat
