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Wednesday 11 November 2015

Setting the Standard


Standard identifiers, metrics and processes in journal publishing and how they can help you. #alpspstandards

Chair: David Sommer, Product Director and Co-founder, Kudos

Podcasts and presentations where available are indicated by links from the programme below. Please note the terms and conditions of use as stated in our Privacy Policy.

So, why are standards so important? A great example from daily life is EAN-13. This is the standard for retail barcodes. If you work in a supermarket, you don’t want or need to know how EAN-13 works, just that it makes your life simpler when it comes to checking stock, prices and working on the till. It’s very similar for journal publishing.  And what happens if we ignore them? Content becomes less discoverable and less usable. Users who are used to touch screen technology and immediate results will simply go elsewhere if searching for your material takes more than a click.  How will they help me or my organization? Adopting standards now can improve the value of your content and also help to future proof your business in the rapidly changing world of publishing.

If you want to know more about the “what”, “why” and “how” of standards in journal publishing, then book now for our seminar. It will cover the identifiers, metrics and processes that improve scholarly communications and explain the problems that standards attempt to solve, their practical applications and potential pitfalls. Delegates will be able to take broad, but practical, knowledge back to their organisations and begin to use standards to enhance the customer experience and improve efficiency both internally and throughout the journal supply chain.

Who should attend?

Journal publishing staff, particularly those in Editorial and Production who want to find out more about the standards which are being adopted across the industry and the benefits that they can bring.



Registration and Coffee


Introduction and welcome from the chair (audio)


Content Identifiers - Rachael Lammey, Product Manager, CrossRef
CrossRef is a membership association of scholarly publishers that develops shared infrastructure to support more effective scholarly communications. Founded in 2000, CrossRef's specific mandate was to be the citation linking backbone for all scholarly information in electronic form. By joining Crossref, members can assign Digital Object Identifiers (CrossRef DOIs), which are tagged to an expanding range of article metadata supplied by participating publishers. The end result is an efficient, scalable linking system through which a researcher can click on a citation and access the cited article in a persistent way. This presentation will give an overview of DOIs, their application in scholarly communications and the expanding set of metadata that surrounds them that also feeds into evolving industry standards. (audio) (presentation)


Institutional Identifiers - Phil Nicolson, Data Manager, Ringgold
The use of institutional identifiers is becoming ever more important as the challenge of uniquely identifying organisations within an increasingly complex supply chain grows. As the CASRAI report identified there are already a number of identifiers available, with each offering differing attributes. This session will look at the increasing importance of these institutional identifiers, how they are used and the benefits they can provide, and why a simple question such as 'which institution are we referring to?' may not be as easy to answer as it first appears. (audio) (presentation)




Individual Identifiers - Laurel Haak, Executive Director, ORCID
ORCID is a community-based non-profit organization that provides an open registry of persistent identifiers for researchers, and tools to integrate these iDs into research information workflows. Launched in 2012, the Registry has provided iDs for over 1.6 million researchers. Over 350 organizations have joined ORCID, and have used our tools to integrate iDs into a number of workflows at universities, research institutes, associations, funders, repositories, and in publishing systems. These integrations support authenticated connections between researchers and their works, funding, and affiliations, and are being used to reduce researcher reporting burden, improve discoverability, and support trust in digital data. This talk will provide a brief overview of the core ORCID mission and will focus on how iDs and related tools are being used by the publishing community in manuscript submission, to support acknowledgement of peer review activities, to define contributorship roles and to improve author discoverability.  (audio) (presentation)




Beyond the Journal Impact Factor: The use of multiple metrics for publication performance evaluation - Ian Potter, Global Business Development Manager, Publishing & Associations, Thomson Reuters
Different metrics offer different perspectives, and using a combination of perspectives is the only way to fully understand a given situation. This presentation will focus on metrics that can be applied at journal and/or publisher level to better understand citation performance. Thomson Reuters has been providing metrics to the community for decades, and has been actively developing an expert interface called Incites, able to deliver bibliometrics analysis using multiple angles. Examples of Incites analysis will be presented, and the importance of using the right data source, built on high quality standards, will also be highlighted.  (audio) (presentation)


Data exchange and metadata standards - Tim Devenport, Lead Consultant, Serials & Subscriptions Standards, EDItEUR
This presentation focusses on clear, unambiguous and automated communication in the journals supply chain, so that resource potential can be unlocked and machines can take the strain. Underlying this is a whole range of business purposes, neatly summarized by metadata enthusiasts some years ago thus: “People make stuff, use stuff and do deals about stuff.” We will look at descriptive metadata standards, formats for automated transaction processing and best practice recommendations. And crucially, how each of these work and how they address particular business challenges, current or emerging. Examples will include the ONIX-PC descriptive format, ICEDIS and EDIFACT transactional standards, the ALI protocol for access and license indicators and the Transfer recommended practice. (audio not available) (presentation)




Library focussed standards - Sarah Price, Assistant Director: Collection Management & Development, University of Birmingham
This session will provide an overview of both the traditional and new library focussed standards using the term ‘standards’ in the broadest sense to cover a community of practice. It will describe the benefits of engagement, adoption and maintenance from a library perspective, but also why the same standards offer benefits to publishers. It will cover how adoption supports the student experience, researcher workflows and enables libraries to manage operations effectively and efficiently within the wider supply chain. Finally, it will cover why working pro-actively with standards across sectors is important. (audio not available) (presentation)


Forthcoming standards - Neil Jacobs, Head of Scholarly Communications Support, Jisc
Many of the future developments in particular standards areas will have been covered in previous sessions.  This final session will take a selective tour around some of the more interesting likely developments that have not otherwise been covered.  It will look at some of the active NISO groups, initiatives on open access policy expression (for journals and for funders) and the potential of event-based notification architectures implemented through standards such as PubSubHubbub.  (audio) (presentation)


Q&A Session (audio)


Close followed by drinks and networking

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