Leading FX trade matching service

Thomson Reuters Matching

Unbiased, anonymous and world-leading electronic FX trade matching via the FX Trading interface, allowing you to execute trades quickly and accurately.

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FX trading with trade matching and dealing


Thomson Reuters Matching is an anonymous central limit order book (CLOB) with award winning trade matching capabilities in FX spot, forwards, swaps and non-deliverable forwards (NDFs).

With over 80 currency pairs and 1,100 subscribers, Matching is a primary market and the industry leader in professional trading for Commonwealth and emerging market currencies including GBP, AUD, NZD, CAD, NOK, DKK, CNH and MXN.

Content and features

Deep liquidity 

Anonymous market trading in FX spot, forwards, swaps and NDFs.

Turnkey desktop solution

Direct access within FX Trading, Thomson Reuters innovative new FX desktop.

Trader specific design

Trader designed keyboard and keypad for ease of execution.

Venue aggregation

Aggregator montage combines anonymous Matching liquidity with disclosed Bank Stream liquidity.

Straight-through processing

Automated post-trade processes through Thomson Reuter Trade Notification and Deal Tracker streamline workflow and reduce errors.


Markets and industries

Foreign exchange

Thomson Reuters is the leading provider of trading and analysis platforms for foreign exchange markets. 

Thomson Reuters Matching

The powerful trade matching combination

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