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‘Spectre’ Shows Staying Power, Heading for $35 Million Weekend

19 hours ago | Variety - Film News | See recent Variety - Film News news »

Moviegoers are opting to stick with James Bond and Charlie Brown at North American multiplexes, with “Spectre” heading for $35 million in its second weekend.

The 24th Bondpic took in $10.2 million on Friday from 3,929 locations for Sony with a decline of about 50% from its opening weekend. Fox’s “The Peanuts Movie” remained a solid draw with $5.6 million on Friday — portending a $24 million sophomore frame, or a 45% decline.

Holiday comedy “Love the Coopers” led the newcomers, heading for a third-place finish following a respectable $2.8 million Friday. That would give the CBS Films production, distributed in conjunction with Lionsgate, as much as $9 million opening at 2,603 sites — in line with or above recent forecasts.

Warner Bros.’ mining drama “The 33” showed only modest traction on Friday with $1.8 million at 2,452 sites, which projects to a modest $5 million for its opening frame with an A- Cinemascore from patrons. “The 33,” which centers on the 2010 rescue of Chilean miners, »

- Dave McNary

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Prometheus 2 Gets A Name Change, Again

22 hours ago | cinemablend.com | See recent Cinema Blend news »

Warning: Spoilers for Prometheus are in play. It's been a little over three years since Ridley Scott returned to the world of Alien with his pseudo-prequel Prometheus, and its creator is ready to jump back in! What he's not ready to do though is settle on a title, as Scott has changed the name to the film's sequel yet again. Get ready for Alien: Covenant, folks! IndieWire attended a conversation at the AFI Film Festival, in which the director mentioned how he eventually got involved with directing The Martian after Drew Goddard dropped out. During the anecdote, Scott dropped the new title, almost as if to see what sort of crowd reaction he could muster. Scott's full remarks are included below: I was going to be doing what will be called .Alien: Covenant,. which starts shooting next February, and we were struggling then with the screenplay there and then »

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‘Made In France’ Terror Attack Film’s Wednesday Release Nixed; Disneyland Paris Closed Today

14 November 2015 3:08 AM, PST | Deadline | See recent Deadline news »

In an unsurprising move, French distributor Pretty Pictures and producer Radar Films have pulled the planned Wednesday release of Made in France, about a French Muslim journalist, who infiltrates a Jihadi cell in the heart of Paris, with a view to uncovering a plot to bring havoc to the streets of the French capital.  The film, directed by Nicholas Boukhrief, was set to open Wednesday November 18 on around 100 screens. “Following the tragic events of last night, the… »

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Doctor Strange Adds Badass Martial Artist To Its Cast

13 November 2015 4:35 PM, PST | cinemablend.com | See recent Cinema Blend news »

Looking at the cast of the upcoming Doctor Strange, it's already one of the best, if not the most impressive assemblage of actors that Marvel has ever put together -- it looks more like the credits for an Oscar-bait drama than a superhero adventure. Even though filming has started, they're not done adding pieces just yet, and they just upped the badass factor quite a bit by bringing ass-kicking martial artist Scott Adkins on board. Doctor Strange may be about a former surgeon turned spell-casting mystic, but that doesn.'t mean there.s no room for some good old fashioned hand-to-hand combat. Though it's not official, a source close to The Wrap says that Adkins has indeed joined the picture. His role has not been disclosed just yet, but rest assured, it likely involves pummeling the holy hell out of people in spectacular fashion. Adkins is one of »

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Ant-Man And The Wasp Likely Bringing Back This Important Character

13 November 2015 4:15 PM, PST | cinemablend.com | See recent Cinema Blend news »

Last month, Marvel announced that Ant-Man and the Wasp is heading our way in 2018, which of course means that Paul Rudd and Evangeline Lilly will reprise their roles as Scott Lang and Hope van Dyne, respectively. Beyond the eponymous protagonists, however, no other Ant-Man characters have been officially announced to return, but no doubt new deals are being drawn up to bring back most of the old gang, including Michael Douglas. It certainly appears that Douglas will return. Talking to Collider recently, he revealed that he has been contacted about bringing back Hank Pym. The actor said: I just got a call recently – they want to negotiate for a sequel and I thought ‘That’s great!’ Hopefully, I won’t have to carry quite as much expositional dialogue as the first one but I had a wonderful time doing it. Just »

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Saturday Night Live Recap: Elizabeth Banks Hosts

36 minutes ago | Hitfix | See recent Hitfix news »

Our host for tonight is Elizabeth Banks, aka not Donald Trump Thank God. In addition to not being a racist overgrown oompa loompa, Banks’s other credits include being the director, producer, and co-star of last summer’s Pitch Perfect 2, a key supporting actress in The Hunger Games franchise, a beloved guest star on shows from Scrubs to 30 Rock, and a generally very funny actress/director/producer. And now she can add first-time SNL host to the list!    Cold Open: Cecily Strong delivers a heartfelt message on behalf of New York City to the people of Paris. This was a really classy move on SNL’s part, reminiscent of the warm way they handled their first episodes post-9/11. All in all a well-handled and somber start to the night.   Monologue: Elizabeth Banks uses the skills she picked up from Pitch Perfect 2 to direct her own musical monologue performance of What a Feeling. »

- Emilie Sowers

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Paris Attacks: Motorhead Cancels Sunday Concert

1 hour ago | The Hollywood Reporter | See recent The Hollywood Reporter news »

Following in the steps of U2 and the Foo Fighters, heavy metal band Motorhead has canceled a scheduled Sunday night concert in Paris after the terror attacks in the French capital Friday night. The show had been planned for the Zenith Theater in the northern 19th district of Paris. The band confirmed on Twitter that it was canceling the show. "Because of the serious situation in Paris we have to postpone our gig until January. We are rescheduling and will give details Asap," the band said in a tweet. { "nid": 840252, "type": "blog", "title": "Paris Attacks: U2 Cancels Saturday

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- Rhonda Richford

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Paris Attacks: Biggest Cinema Chain in French Capital to Remain Closed on Sunday, MK2 Opens

3 hours ago | The Hollywood Reporter | See recent The Hollywood Reporter news »

Some major cinema chains, including Gaumont-Pathe, France's largest, said their Paris theaters will remain closed on Sunday following the terrorist attacks Friday night. Gaumont-Pathe operates both the Gaumont and Pathe theaters around the country, including 18 theaters in Paris and its suburbs. City of Paris-owned theaters, including the art-house Luxour and Forum des Images, also remained closed, as well as the independent Cinema des Cineastes. But MK2, which operates 10 theaters in and around Paris, decided to reopen Sunday, confirming its schedule on its website and Twitter. All of the big cinema operators opened Saturday morning

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- Georg Szalai, Rhonda Richford

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Spike Lee, Cheryl Boone Isaacs Use Academy’s Governors Awards to Push for Diversity

3 hours ago | The Wrap | See recent The Wrap news »

The Governors Awards are devoted to honoring filmmakers for impressive bodies of work, but Saturday night’s ceremony began and ended with strong calls for Hollywood to improve its own work in hiring minorities. The show in the Ray Dolby Ballroom at Hollywood & Highland began with Academy president Cheryl Boone Isaacs talking about AMPAS’ new A20/20 initiative, which she said was designed to increase diversity. “This must truly be an industry-wide initiative,” she said, urging the filmmakers and studios in attendance to become more diverse in their hiring practices. And at the end of the night, Honorary Oscar winner Spike Lee. »

- Steve Pond

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Governors Award Winner Spike Lee to Hollywood: ‘You Better Get Smart’

3 hours ago | Variety - Film News | See recent Variety - Film News news »

Governors Awards recipient Spike Lee reminded hundreds of Hollywood heavy-hitters about their failure at diversity, warning that “You better get smart” about making films that represent the population — because by 2043, Caucasians are going to be the minority in the U.S.

Lee’s 15-minute speech was delivered in a calm and genial manner, concluding Saturday’s awards ceremony that also honored Debbie Reynolds and Gena Rowlands. Lee said when he goes through Hollywood offices, there are only white faces, and the only person of color is the man checking the name at the door. “This industry is so behind, is ridiculous.” He said it’s apparently easier for a black person to become president of the U.S. than the head of a studio or TV network.

Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences president Cheryl Boone Isaacs opened the evening by urging Hollywood to move ahead on diversity, saying “Words »

- Tim Gray

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Moving ‘SNL’ Paris Tribute Is Tough Act to Follow, But Host Elizabeth Banks Shines (Video)

6 hours ago | The Wrap | See recent The Wrap news »

Saturday Night Live” hit the right notes in its cold open Saturday with a moving and simple tribute to Paris one day after the terror attacks there that killed 129 people. “Paris is the city of light,” cast member Cecily Strong said onstage. “And here in New York, we know that light will never go out. Our love and support is with everyone there tonight, we stand with you.” Strong repeated the message in French before delivering the familiar line “Live from New York, it’s Saturday night.” The opening was simple, moving and absolutely appropriate. It was also a tough act to. »

- Daniel Holloway

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Predict Best Score Oscar: John Williams ('Star Wars') reaches 50 noms? Thomas Newman ('Bridge of Spies') finally wins?

6 hours ago | Gold Derby | See recent Gold Derby news »

We've launched the Best Score category in our Oscars predictions center, and there are several opportunities for history to be made. First and foremost, legendary composer John Williams could pick up a stunning 50th nomination for "Star Wars: The Force Awakens." He already has more Oscar noms than any other person living, and he's second only to Walt Disney for all-time. -Break- 'Sicario' composer Johann Johansson on creating 'subtle' score (Exclusive Video) Given his epic haul of nominations, it's perhaps surprising that Williams has only won five times: Best Scoring Adaptation and Song Score for "Fiddler on the Roof" (1971); Best Score for "Jaws" (1975), "Star Wars" (1977), "E.T. The Extraterrestrial" (1982) and "Schindler's List" (1993). He hasn't prevailed in more than two decades, but he has been nominated frequently since then, most recently for ...' »

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Critic's Notebook: After Somber Start, Democrats Get Combative In Second Debate

7 hours ago | The Hollywood Reporter | See recent The Hollywood Reporter news »

The specter of the previous day's horrific terrorist attacks in Paris hung heavily over the Democratic presidential debate. For a little while, at least. The event began in somber fashion with a moment of silence. Although the evening was supposed to have focused on domestic affairs, it had quickly been rejiggered to reflect international events, no doubt forcing the candidates to frantically cram for their debate prep as if it was a pop quiz. The ensuing questions didn't produce a wide variety of responses, with Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders and Martin O'Malley all stressing international cooperation in the war on

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- Frank Scheck

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‘SNL’ Pays Tribute to Paris After Deadly Terror Attacks (Video)

7 hours ago | The Wrap | See recent The Wrap news »

Saturday Night Live” paid tribute to Paris one day after deadly terrorist attacks there claimed 129 lives and injured hundreds more. The NBC show opened with cast member Cecily Strong standing on stage in Rockefeller Center’s Studio 8H, facing the camera. “Paris is the city of light. And here in New York, we know that light will never go out,” Strong said, appearing to become visibly choked up. “Our love and support is with everyone there tonight. We stand with you.” Also Read: Clinton, Sanders, O'Malley Avoid Blaming 'Radical Islam' for Paris Attacks She then repeated the message in French. »

- Daniel Holloway

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‘Saturday Night Live’ Pays Tribute to Paris In Opening Segment

7 hours ago | Variety - TV News | See recent Variety - TV News news »

Saturday Night Live” opened tonight with a brief, moving tribute to the city of Paris delivered by cast member Cecily Strong, clad in a black dress.

“Paris is the city of lights,” she said. “And here in New York City, we know that light will never go out. Our love and support is with everyone there tonight. We stand with you.”

She then recited those words again — in French.

And then Strong offered the line that opens the show every week: “And now, live from New York, it’s Saturday Night.”

The gesture from NBC’s late-night stalwart came a day after a coordinated series of terrorist attacks left at least 129 dead and more than 350 wounded across the city.

We stand with you, Paris. https://t.co/hqUX4oqWMj

Saturday Night Live (@nbcsnl) November 15, 2015

NBC’s sketch show has struck the right chord time and again after tragedy has struck. »

- Debra Birnbaum

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7 Takeaways From Democratic Debate: Terrorism, Wall Street Ties and ‘Carnival Barker’ Trump

7 hours ago | The Wrap | See recent The Wrap news »

The three remaining Democratic presidential candidates began their second debate Saturday in Des Moines, Iowa, with a moment of silence for those killed during Isis’ deadly terror attacks in Paris. Host network CBS shifted its questions to focus on national security and foreign policy at the last minute, putting added attention on debate participants former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders and former Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley. The mood was also set by the audience, who didn’t applaud a single time during the discussion of Isis, perhaps because they thought it was inappropriate to applaud any response to. »

- Itay Hod

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Hillary Clinton Hit With Hard Questions on Isis, Iraq in CBS Debate

8 hours ago | The Hollywood Reporter | See recent The Hollywood Reporter news »

In the wake of the deadly attacks in Paris, CBS held to its plans Saturday to refocus the second Democratic presidential to address issues of terrorism and national security, with moderator John Dickerson asking the toughest questions of frontrunner Hillary Clinton. In the opening minutes of the evening debate in Iowa, it was clear that the Face the Nation anchor was in no mood to give Clinton a break. He asked about whether or not she she underestimated Isis, he highlighted the fact that she voted for the Iraq war, he quizzed her on the problems in Libya, and he

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- Tina Daunt

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Spike Lee: Getting a Black President Is Easier Than a Black Studio Head

8 hours ago | The Hollywood Reporter | See recent The Hollywood Reporter news »

Accepting an honorary Oscar at the 7th annual Governors Awards, Spike Lee said, "It's easier to be the president of the United States as a black person than to be the head of a studio." The director told the industry audience gathered at the Ray Dolby Ballroom at Hollywood & Highland, "We need to have some serious discussion about diversity" and he thanked Academy president Cheryl Boone Isaacs, saying "she's trying to do something that needs to be done" for raising the issue and making it part of the Academy's current consciousness. Earlier at the event, Boone Isaacs launched a

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- Gregg Kilday

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Hollywood ‘Stands in Solidarity’ With France, Says Academy President at Governors Awards

8 hours ago | The Wrap | See recent The Wrap news »

Cheryl Boone Isaacs started her opening speech at the Governors Awards on Saturday with a ringing call of solidary for France in the wake of Friday’s deadly terrorist attacks. “I do feel it’s important to mention yesterday’s horrific attacks in France, and to say all of us here stand in solidarity and support of France and the French people,” said Isaacs, the president of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. “We may be in Hollywood tonight, but the Academy celebrates filmmaking wherever it’s done…” she said, saluting France’s role in the history of filmmaking. »

- Steve Pond

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Guillermo del Toro Shares Harrowing Kidnapping Tale in Wake of Paris Terror Attacks

8 hours ago | The Wrap | See recent The Wrap news »

After the deadly terror attacks on Paris Friday night, “Crimson Peak” director Guillermo del Toro shared a powerful and personal tale following the kidnapping of his father two decades ago. “What terror seeks is to provoke hatred- and thus, they will recruit the hated ones, the marginal, the desperate into their ranks,” the filmmaker began on Twitter, calling the short anecdote “A memory in 8 tweets.” Del Toro went on to recount the aftermath of the kidnapping of his father, Federico del Toro, by criminals in Guadalajara. After a ransom of $1 million was paid by del Toro’s friend James Cameron, »

- Linda Ge

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