Individual Giving

NPR and NPR Member Stations are thankful for support from the many people across the country who count on and care about the news and programming we provide. Gifts of all sizes from our growing audience on-air and online help us fulfill our mission "to create a more informed public—one challenged and invigorated by a deeper understanding of events, ideas and cultures."

More Questions?

Contact Gift Processing:

Gifts can be designated as general support to be directed where it is needed most, or targeted to specific areas of a donor's interest such as coverage of international news, science, arts and culture, or the NPR Internship Program. Gifts support the NPR Foundation, which was founded to raise and administer funds that protect our long-term financial security.

Ways to Give
With a Check
Send a check made payable to NPR to our secure bank Post Office box. Your gift will be credited automatically to the NPR Foundation. Mail check donations to:
NPR Foundation
Dept. 6054
Washington, DC 20042-6054

With a Credit Card
You can make a gift with your credit card by contacting Gift Processing at giving(at) Your gift will be credited automatically to the NPR Foundation.

With a Gift of Stock
If you'd like to make a gift by transferring stock or other securities, please ask your stock broker to follow the steps below. Your gift will be credited automatically to the NPR Foundation.

Please contact NPR Gift Processing at giving(at) to notify us of your gift. Include donor name, phone number, name of stock and number of shares.

Send electronic certificates to:
NPR Foundation Tax ID# 52-1795789
DTC # 0226
NFSC/fbo SunTrust Robinson Humphrey
Account Number: MA2000930
Account Name: NPR Foundation

Send physical certificates to:
NPR Foundation
ATTN: Assistant Treasurer Finance Division
1111 North Capitol St., NE
Washington, DC 20002

Questions about Planned Giving?

Contact Dorothy DuBois:


1111 North Capitol St., NE
Washington, DC 20002

Estate Planning
Some donors elect to ensure the vitality of NPR far into the future by including NPR in their estate planning. These donors make a valuable contribution to supporting the mission of NPR and our Member Stations while taking advantage of federal and state tax laws that may allow reduction of income taxes, lower gift and estate taxes, or provide income during the donor's lifetime. If you are considering including a gift to NPR in your estate planning, please consult your financial advisor or contact our office at 202-513-2097 or email giftplanning(at) with any questions.

Employer Gift Matching
Many employers offer matching gift programs that will double or even triple a donation's value. Please check with your company to find out if your company will match your gift to NPR. Contact NPR Gift Processing office at giving(at) with questions.

Combined Federal Campaign
Employees of the U.S Government can also support NPR through the Combined Federal Campaign, which seeks to promote and support philanthropy among federal civilian, postal and military donors.

Donor Privacy Statement
NPR generally refrains from disclosing information about its donors to the public or any for-profit, non-profit or governmental entity. We do disclose the names of donors above a certain level, but will not disclose contact or any other personally identifiable information without the donor's express permission.

In addition, as a recipient of grants from the Corporation of Public Broadcasting, NPR complies with CPB's requirements to protect the privacy of donors to NPR.

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