Mariachi Manchester. Piero F Giunti/Courtesy of the artist hide caption

itoggle caption Piero F Giunti/Courtesy of the artist

Music Interviews

Mariachi Band Brings Morrissey To Dia De Los Muertos

At one of the largest Day of the Dead celebrations in L.A., Mariachi Manchester reinterprets the work of The Smiths' lead singer.

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From left: Nire, Nani Castle and Maluca. Nire's debut album, Radika, is available now. Courtesy of the artist hide caption

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Buika's new album, Vivir Sin Miedo, is available now. JaviRojo/Courtesy of the artist hide caption

itoggle caption JaviRojo/Courtesy of the artist

Songs We Love

Songs We Love: Buika Feat. Jason Mraz, 'Carry Your Own Weight'

The singer from Mallorca whose voice is steeped in flamenco and layered with jazz and R&B influences, duets with an American pop superstar.

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Brownout's single "La Raza" is a tribute to Kid Frost and El Chicano. Courtesy of the artist hide caption

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Songs We Love

Songs We Love: Brownout, 'La Raza'

We celebrate Dia de La Raza with a posse remake of Kid Frost's Latin hip-hop classic that also features Mellow Man Ace, Niña Dioz, Das Racist's Kool A.D. and others.

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Ibeyi. Sophie Wright/Courtesy of the artist hide caption

itoggle caption Sophie Wright/Courtesy of the artist


Twice The Fun With Guest DJ Ibeyi

The twin sisters bring a long playlist to Alt.Latino, turning this week's episode into a singalong.

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