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Most underrated show, best TV ever
artdev9910 August 2009
I admit I was skeptical when I saw the promos for Terminator: the Sarah Connor Chronicles. I was prepared to not like the show.

Fortunately I gave it some time to develop itself and find its way. Dumping the T3 time line was brilliant because, as someone who has seen all the Terminator movies..T3 was junk.

Some people seem disappointed because TSCC is not one long constant chase like the movies. They are misguided and unsophisticated. One could not sustain that kind of tension over a TV season. Instead, what we have in TSCC is actual plot lines and character development! Thomas Dekker appeared ineffectual early on until the viewer realizes that we are watching a 15 yr old boy who thought he had escaped the horror of the machines for good, only to find "they are back". He is fearful, and feels incapable of leading an army. Some people criticize that portrayal. Yet, how should a 15 yr old feel in that situation? Exactly like that.

As the series progresses we see John Connor progress and become more like the leader he will some day be. One could make the comparison to Greek tragedy and the concept of fatalism where the hero can embrace his fate or try to avoid it. He begins to take chances and use initiative. This is quite entertaining to watch once the viewer begins to understand the process.

Frankly the show is wonderful. It exists on so many levels. And, to dismiss this as merely an action and explosion show is incorrect. This show is first and foremost about people. And, the interactions between cast members are refreshingly real. All the cast members give wonderful performances, even down to the lesser players. Summer Glau, a principal, is fantastic. She supplies just the right recipe of killer instinct and "ingenue" as an infiltrator terminator and the balance keeps the viewer on the edge of their seat as they watch the "machine" take on human behavior..but perhaps, not quite.

I have never purchased a TV show on DVD before and seldom have I purchased movies. But, I have purchased TSCC season 1 and have preordered the season 2 DVD. If anything, rewatching episodes, allows one to appreciate the series even more. With each reviewing, subtleties and nuances are revealed that were overlooked on first view. Try it yourself. Cue in on Hedley's one on one scenes with Dekker. They have an excellent rapport. You will see a single mom who is tightly bonded to her son and torn between the need to protect the child she loves and fostering the development of the leader of the resistance. Watch the subtle interactions between the principals when they share a scene, small glances, expressions and body language are so wonderfully communicative. The camera work takes you right into the Connors kitchen to sit among the Connors and observe the family's interaction. By the end of the first season, you will think you actually *know* the Connors.

Some here, complain that the TV show is not "like the movies". Celebrate that. This TV series blows the movies away. Because, it is the story that counts not the special effects. T3 and T4 are especially over shadowed by the excellence of TSCC

I have never gone out of my way like this to defend, of all things, a TV show for heaven's sake but, this show richly deserves the legions of fans it has created.

If this show goes away, we may never see TV this good again.
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Best show Fox ever had......period
nailz-DX4 August 2009
The Terminator films were awesome, mostly the first two films. In the first it was about a woman who fought for survival but it was much more than that, it was a possible disastrous future, a warning that we as man might be treading the wrong path in regards to technology.

Terminator is just fiction but it still makes you think. Terminator 2 was much the same film as the original but now the destroyer becomes the protector, the heroes just run from a threat they aren't sure how to destroy then they do.....

Sarah Connor Chronicles was a totally different show than it's film parents, It stayed mostly in one place and they rarely ever just ran. At the shows core there was a strong drama around a son and mother and this machine in their midst. Sarah Connor is a complex woman who suffered much in life but still manages to make time for family, she fumbles sometimes in that role but that's what makes her so great.

Some people might blast the show for it's effects or it's action or goofy dialog, I think these were the shows strongest points. TSCC wasn't perfect but it was much better than anything else on Fox. I honestly dare anyone to watch every single episode that aired and see the story that unfolds and tell me that this show has nothing to offer because I would put my money on Terminator over anything else on TV not just Fox. I say that because frankly I'm tired of "Reality TV" and I'm sick of ads for things I care little about, I didn't pay for cable just to be bombarded with BS.......

Anyways, Fox has since canceled the show in favor of Dollhouse, WTF? I look at that news like this, Fox are a group of complete idiots when it comes to TV anymore but...at least the show had a chance and lasted two seasons, most shows don't even get that..... Bravo Fox for killing another show and angering millions of fans.
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Left hanging
jasesoft-imdb7 August 2009
It's a GREAT pity this show has been canceled just as it was really gathering momentum. I found Season One a little hard to get into but season two had me chained to my chair every Friday night (last episode screened on Fox in Australia last night - 07AUG2009).

In Season Two the characters began to really develop and the interplay between them was becoming more and more intriguing. Apart from the three main actors, who are now excelling in their roles, the support cast is equally strong.

The story lines were developing faster and kept you guessing where the show would lead, with a twist every now and then taking it in an unexpected direction. The Season Two finale was excellent and gave the impression Season Three would open up a new swathe of story lines and begin to answer some of the lingering questions from the first two series.

This show is a winner with a great (and attractive!) cast and great story lines - which it makes it so hard to understand the shortsighted approach Fox has taken. It has plenty of legs in it and is begging for someone with some business nous to pick it up for a third, fourth and maybe fifth season! I remember how years ago Buffy was in trouble after only it's 2nd or 3rd season, yet someone was fortunately smart enough to realize the huge fan base that had developed and it went on to run for 7 seasons (and also spin-off Angel) - no doubt lining some executives pockets rather nicely.

TSCC is another one of those shows that has struck a chord with it's viewers and developed a loyal fan base which continues to grow as more and more people discover it.

One can only hope those smart executives are still out there.
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A show I still watch every year.
johnh2216 April 2018
I won't mince words. When they cancelled this show, I was as upset as I was when they cancelled Firefly. Great show.

This series was more cerebral than the movies; I liked where they were going with the Cameron/ Allison character, exploring the machines beyond the cookie cutter origins.

I don't usually watch a T.V show I have already seen. This show is one of my exceptions.
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This show is UNDERRATED -- Definitely Great TV
ThomasJeff10 March 2009
I read all the bad reviews, and watched all the episodes. Trust me, the people giving it bad reviews watched only the pilot or two episodes and gave up too quickly. The show evolves and gets much better than the first few episodes. The plots are exciting, much more than Fringe (which can be disgusting and predictable) or even Dollhouse (which can be too unrealistic), two shows that I also really like this season.

I'll tell you something, I never bought a DVD for a TV show in my life, this is the first time and I've watched every popular show imaginable. This show has great plots, dialogue, and layered meanings and themes hidden within the show. If you liked any of the terminator films, you'll absolutely love this show. If you like any scifi or action TV shows, you'll definitely love this show. Just don't expect it to be like the Terminator movies with humongous budgets and explosions (yet it has quite a lot in each episode).

The Terminators portrayed in the series are amazing. The evil terminator seems so robotic and yet its ability to trick humans is wonderful. The complexities of the terminator characters are very entertaining.

Summer Glau is probably the BEST terminator ever. I love Arnold but she really makes the terminator seem realistic (why would a genius AI infiltrating humans send a bodybuilder? They'd send a little girl!!!).

The AI development storyline for Skynet is intense, alluding to chess was a great idea.

Sarah Connor played by Lena Headey, is very realistic. A very imperfect but tough woman who is on the verge of insanity--yet still tries to behave like a mother. She goes through some tough struggles.

John Connor sucked in the first few episodes, I'm sorry, but resistance are not "laid back, mellow, irrational, teenage delinquents"-- Don't worry though the character evolves into a fearsome resistance leader and engineer. He also struggles with trying to be a normal person and accepting his destiny (quite realistic).

Cromartie, the terminator who tries to kill John, played by Garret Dillahunt is an excellent actor (you probably seen him in Last House on the Left).

Important: The season finale of the second season was probably one of the best season finales I have ever seen in any TV show. It's definitely worth every penny, I really think you will be entertained, especially if you loved Terminator films.
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Go Cameron! It's your built day!...
Chalice_Of_Evil8 August 2008
Despite what some others have said, the series with the too-long name DOESN'T "crap all over the movies" it was spun off from. It actually *builds* upon what has come before and expands the universe that was set up in the first two films (having the good sense to pretend as if the dismal T3 never happened). No, it's not quite like the movies, but that's a *good* thing (since this IS a series, and thus it requires story arcs that can play out over the course of a whole season).

As the infamous Sarah Connor, Lena Headey does one hell of a job picking up where Linda Hamilton left off. She might not be exactly like the movies' interpretation, nor should she be. This is a reinterpretation of Sarah Connor, and Lena gives it her all, doing the character justice. She fits the role well, is believable and manages to perfectly balance Sarah's toughness and leadership role with that of a protective mother who'll do anything to keep her son alive. She's edgy, she's intense, she kicks major butt, but also conveys Sarah's vulnerability (not to mention the weight of the world that she carries on her shoulders) in a nicely nuanced performance. Her portrayal of Sarah Connor makes you believe in this tough-as-nails mother and you're on her side every step of the way. I feel a bit sorry for Lena, though - the fact that she has to deliver those pesky voice-overs each episode (as well as a ridiculously long "Previously, on Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles..." at the start of each episode. Surely they could've shortened it to just simply "Previously..."). The voice-overs do wear a bit thin eventually (especially when Sarah's referencing something totally obscure), but then sometimes they're extremely relevant to the story and thus their inclusion is justified.

"Isn't there some guy? Some guy who's meant to save the world or something?" I hear you ask. Ah yes, John Connor. As the future leader of the human resistance in the war against Skynet, one might not have expected him to be so...emo. Thankfully, though, he's not TOO heavy on the angst. He's actually a damn sight better than both the whiny interpretations of the character that have come before. While he *does* still whine on occasion, he's much more accepting of his destiny than we've previously seen. It's great to see him learn and grow, as his mother trains him and teaches him life lessons in Not Getting The Human Race Slaughtered. Thomas Dekker admirably portrays the troubled young John, and his interaction with his mother is what keeps the series grounded. They have their ups and downs, but what comes across most clearly is how much they care for each other and that they would quite literally move heaven and earth to keep the other one safe. It's one of the strongest mother/son relationships in a series that I've seen a good long while. The excellent chemistry between the two actors is immediately evident, and it's because of this that their interaction on screen comes across as so believable.

As John's other female protector in the series, the multi-skilled chameleon, Summer Glau, proves to be the series' greatest asset. She brings considerable emotion and depth to what is...essentially...a robot. "What's a robot doing, showing emotion and depth?" you may ask. Good question. They explain this within the first two episodes. Cameron Phillips (her first name obviously being a nod to the creator of the franchise, while her last name may well be acknowledging the tool used to put her together on her 'built day' - the Phillips head screwdriver) is more than just a machine. We saw in T2 that Arnie was capable of "learning" things that John taught him, and this time around they've taken it a step further. Not only is she capable of eating chips and picking up lingo (her favourite phrase being "That's a tight present."), but she's also far better at remaining inconspicuous - when attending high school with John - than big old Arnie could have ever been. That's not to say that she doesn't come off as slightly odd to those around her. Almost everyone notices there's something a little 'off' about Cameron, but it's not enough to blow hers and John's cover as siblings.

Summer Glau continues to impress and show off her incredible range, bringing so much more to this role than one might expect. Just with her eyes alone, she conveys SO much. Her deadpan delivery of lines is what oftentimes provides the most laughs in the series, while her relationship with both mother and son taps into the heart of the series. Here we're presented with this machine...but what if there were more to it than that? Whilst she's regarded as one of the "heroes" of the series, Cameron never lets you forget what she was built for. Equal parts chilling and heroic, Cameron is an integral part of the show.

The series shows great potential with its story lines and looks to be expanding the universe even further in Season 2. The first season (which was tragically cut short by the writers' strike) showed a lot of promise and will hopefully only get better as the series continues. If you are willing to accept the fact that this is a different animal to the movies, you should be able to sit back and enjoy.
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Does what T3 failed to do.
Alexander_Anderson17 August 2007
First of all I would like to begin by stating that I actually enjoyed Terminator 3. I know that there are a lot of haters out there but I do not count myself as one of them. I enjoyed the movie for what it was. However, as a die-hard Terminator fan I believe "enjoyable" is an underachievement for a franchise as great as the Terminator series. Terminators 1 and 2 were classics, and the third instalment fell a little short.

The Sarah Connor Chronicles however evokes a feeling which was strangely lacking in T3. Excitement. The idea of ignoring the events of the third movie, which this series seems to be running with, seems a wise move. I enjoyed every moment of the pilot immensely.

Although a little sceptical before I watched the pilot, Lena Headey and Thomas Dekker are cast well as Sarah and John Connor. Initially I didn't believe either had the right look or attitude to play characters portrayed so well by Linda Hamilton and a young Edward Furlong. However I was gladly mistaken. Headly does Sarah Conner almost as well as Hamilton, a high praise if there ever was one, and Dekker plays the reluctant leader with credibility. I see both actors growing into their roles more with each new episode. The main highlight in my opinion was Summer Glau in her role as Cameron. She portrays her character with a grace and beautifully understated performance which is refreshing, and more believable and engaging than Kristanna Loken's performance in T3.

All and all, the pilot was a great beginning to the series with some nice surprises and a lot of action. It may have a few teething problems as all new shows do, but with a little bit of polish before it airs it will be a very strong beginning of a new journey for this classic franchise. Lets hope Fox shows some common sense for once and holds onto this one.
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Likeafrisbee17 March 2021
Don't get why they just shut it down. Well make another try, it's been years. The creators should bring som new eyes to get more motivated with new ideas! This series was to good to end just like that. It's a "TERMINATOR" series. Terminator the moust loved action / Sci-fi movies in the hole world. Just bring som new people in on this, new writers. There are much ideas to this series to bring! Don't give up on this series!
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Simply Amazing
destinys_wing4 March 2009
This show is brilliant. The writers and cast have all done an amazing job in creating their view of the Terminator series. It is like an on going 5/5 star movie. Amazing effects, plot and actors!!! It contains all the elements of great entertainment- action, romance, drama, psychological insight and a bit of comedy even!! If you want to start watching it now, I recommend to buy the first season and watch it all and the previous episodes of season 2 because this show is deep and has much character background and development to truly understand and love it.

Definitely worth watching!!!
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Very good
mbuzanova4 November 2019
Sorry, I'm from Russia, I write through a Google translator. This series is a great continuation of the legendary films. He closes many questions thanks to the long airtime, unlike films. It is unfortunate that it is closed on such a note. I would like to continue.
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The Best Iteration of Terminator Fiction
cbvb27 April 2021
Yes, this show ends after two seasons on a cliffhanger, but it is the best fiction that ever cast in that universe. Sensitive, sad, and tragic - over of my favorite shows ever.
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Bring it back!!!
sierrahickman4 September 2020
I just discovered this series and was completely obsessed!! Im so heartbroken that it just ended after season 2 like that. How did this show not get enough popularity?!? I believe its my favorite yet!!!
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Great Show..stop the canceling!
shawnzulma13 March 2009
This show has taken some weird turns but overall is still one of the better sci-fi shows on prime time. When I heard this show was danger of being canceled I almost flipped. They are going to far with the canceling. Just because a show doesn't rate in the ever changing top 5 doesn't mean it's not a hit with the fans. I do enjoy Camerons strange terminator antics and John I-am-tired-of-trying-to-be-a-future-hero attitude. Sarah holds this all together with her stubbornness and relentless pursuit of trying to stop judgment day. Now it does get a little to unbelievable with Sarah's flashbacks and delusions of Kyle. Also the fact that there is a little bit of sexual attraction implied at John with Cameron is strange. But none the less a great show.
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First impressions from the pilot
evilcritic24 July 2007
I had a chance to catch this pilot yesterday and being a die-hard T2 fan i was very impressed.

Firstly the pilot does dissolve the continuity of T3 almost instantly, yet does it in a way that shows exactly how that film could have been better (for the record, I did enjoy T3 tho). Headey does a first rate job as Sarah, capturing the "weight-of-the-world" angle of the character extremely well despite looking at least ten years too young for the part. Dekker does a decent job as John but is given very little to do in the pilot, that is somewhat counteracted however by hints of what's to come for the character - a look into exactly what sort of life he has in store as far as the real world goes. Summer Glau meanwhile steals the show as Cameron (terrible in-joke with that name by the way), playing the new Terminator as oddly lovable yet traditionally stone-faced simultaneously and even managed to deliver the classic line "Come with me if you want to live" in a matter befitting a good old fashioned cheer.

The storyline is very good if a tad more traditionally sci-fi than we're used to with this franchise - going to so far as to include actual time travel. Although it's a stretch to include this, it doesn't feel particularly forced and works rather well as the device for setting up a series (as well as clearing up the chronology finally, should T3 ever be worked into the continuity again). It is also worthy of note that the pilot i saw included the scenes now stated as being rewritten for the premiere in January (the school shootout). A great sequence in the pilot i saw, I don't think their alteration will really hurt the finished pilot too much.

A first rate pilot for what i hope will be an extremely good series.
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A fantastic start to a show with great potential
antony-112 August 2007
You know when you sit down and watch something new, and it grabs you, surprises you and entertains you? Well it doesn't happen all the time, but this show did that with me.

With a big franchise, and some very big shoes to fill (i.e. Linda Hamilton's) the show and its cast have quite a big battle on their hands. But for the most part the show's pilot does justice to the franchise, and forges ahead with a new direction, extremely well.

The pilot wears its Terminator heart on its sleeve, with lots of Terminator action, but it sufficiently sets up stories so that the show can run for many seasons exploring the Terminator universe while not having to resort to robot-of-the-week.

Lena Headey has a tough job taking on such an iconic role, and I couldn't help but compare her to Linda Hamilton (and to miss Hamilton at times). But she showed some great potential, and in some moments I thought "this actress is going to be cool". I have faith she will do well and turn the role into something that is her own.

Give the show a chance, this one can really go somewhere. If FOX doesn't cancel it that is.
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Could have been a great show. But it's not.
SyberianStorm22 March 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I usually don't write reviews online, but Terminator is one of my favorite franchises out there and this series not being as good as it could have been, irks me enough to write one.

Simply because, this show could have been great. Really great. Unfortunately, it's not. I don't really know why, since there are tons and tons of source material to work with, good and bad.

Season one was quite decent. It was basically a plot hole fest, but an entertaining one at that. Full of inconsistencies (like Cromartie's metal head successfully making a time travel, Cameron's changes in behavior, etc., I could go on, many have already pointed them out), but nonetheless, there were enough action scenes and plot events that kept the pace and managed to not lose the viewer's attention. The... "jokes" stung in here and there were dumb, but at least made you laugh, because they seemed so uncharacteristic (think "class dismissed").

Season two started decently, not faultless, of course, but there were a few episodes that were entertaining to watch, even by themselves (for instance, episode 1, 5 and 12). Then it dove into empty, useless drama with lots of sulking and little meaningful conversation. Starting from episode thirteen, it was a real pain to watch, everything dragged on, nothing worthwhile happened. The problem is not the drama itself, the problem is trying to turn an action based concept into drama alone, with nothing to make it move forward. Characters just walk into a room, they talk about something, then head into another room, talk again, and that's it. And even when they talk, they say basically nothing. A few examples:

Jesse: What does different mean? Derek: Different means different.

Cameron: I don't know what I was going to do. John: What do you mean you don't know what you were gonna do? Since when do you not know what you're going to do. Cameron: I don't know.

It's nonsense. When people talk on screen, they should say things that make sense. They should reveal previously unknown information about themselves, the plot, or something that makes the whole thing go forward. That's what talk is for. If you don't have that, you won't understand what's going on, it will become boring and silly after the first sentence.

Many have criticized the acting of the series. Well, we don't get to see the same level of acting we saw in the feature films, that's for sure. But I think that's a lot more because of the badly written plot and dialogue than the inability of the actors. Lena Headey is no Linda Hamilton, but I don't think she couldn't play Sarah Connor more rough, if the way the story was written would allow it. Thomas Dekker could play John Connor a lot more characteristically, but again, if you're given a dumb set-up and plot with dumb dialogue, you can't make it all turn out well. Summer Glau plays Cameron faultlessly, as faultless as the plot allows. She could be a very interesting character in her own right, but she is also given dumb, "freakish" lines and things to do on the screen (not to mention being the series resident eye-candy). The same could be said about the rest of the cast. They could do better, were they allowed.

After having examined the outside, let's dig a little deeper and see about the inside. Here I experience more major problems with the concept.

The original message of Terminator is long lost. That human beings should not hurt and destroy each other. They should not spew hatred, because it can lead to the eventual creation of a sentience that would want to annihilate them all (Skynet). That humans should learn to trust each other, to work together, to shape their destinies for the better (there is no fate but what we make). And even a soulless Terminator could learn how important that was. Sarah Connor, who hated that machine, could learn to trust it. You get the idea.

Here, you don't get even a glimpse of that. More people die in one single episode than in the feature films altogether. Like it was that meaningless. And you see the main bunch constantly telling each other off, threaten each other, then run off in distrust. John matures somewhat along the progress of the show, but eventually, I couldn't say he is all the better now than he was at the beginning. Just different. The others are the same as they started. Cameron, who has one of the "most advanced learning computers" in her head, hasn't learned a single damn thing since the start. Instead of settling differences and talking things through straight, the characters say nothing to each other, don't answer questions, just sulk and act emo and depressed. If that is to make the series serious... well, it doesn't. Saying coherent things, overcoming obstacles and fighting off weaknesses through sacrifice would make it serious.

Just a little character development and wits would do the trick. Like with Cameron's malfunction, they could've stuck her chip in an interface and tried to repair the damage that way. Could have been an interesting insight to her "mind". Or leading things in a way that Derek eventually starts trusting Cameron. Or Sarah and John could learn to rely on each other more. You could write a long list (or try Yukito Kishiro's Battle Angel Alita to see how it should be done; it's an excellent cyborg story, with the main heroine strangely resembling Cameron/Glau)

Anyway, if you're pondering on to see the show or not, I'd say give it a go. It has a few good moments that are fun to watch by themselves. But it's definitely not the kind of thing you pick for a weekend-long movie marathon.
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Sometimes I wanted the machines to win...
BBBrown21 May 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I sat through every single episode of this now canceled series. Although well outside the targeted 18-49 year old graphic, I've been a sci-fi and Terminator movie fan for decades. This show thrilled on several levels but disappointed on many, many more. In the end, I found it simply depressing.

Often, I would find myself almost rooting for the machines rather than the human "heros and heroines" with their rationalizing any action necessary -- including murder -- as justified to save JC (John Connor). In doing so, they often seemed to mimic the survival plans and actions of the artificial intelligence against whom they were fighting. This dark side of "any means necessary" to justify deplorable actions as the only way insure the survival of the human race is epitomized in "24", "Star Trek: Deep Space Nine" and, to a large extent, the previous U.S. administration. Do we really have to sink to the level of our enemy in order to win?

I do not and have never subscribed to this view and found this series less and less entertaining each time it was presented, often tuning out in disgust at scenes/dialogs of many episodes, especially those depicting the physical and psychological abuse and torture of suspected Skynet workers/collaborators. Each of the lead characters demonstrated an unrelenting coldness with only the briefest signs of sensitivity as to what they were doing, not only to each other but to innocents caught in the crossfire. Rarely did any of the lead characters show any sense/signs of a truly moral center.

If these are the kind of people and actions needed to insure the survival of the human race, one must wonder if we even deserve to continue as the dominant life-form on this planet. I won't miss this series.
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Okay, but....
henrytj23 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
First, I admit I've seen only the first hour of this show. I was prepared to completely hate it. It turns out that it wasn't so bad. The mother character is okay. Not as tough as the Sarah in the movies. Not as smart either.

About Summer Glau, well, what can one say, an intelligent athletic babe acrobatically kicking butt is always a joy to watch. But why did she start acting so mechanical once her true nature was revealed? Did her 'emotion chip' get damaged or something? Anyway I'll blame that on the writers.

The effects are pretty good for a television show. A TV show does not have the effects budget of a Hollywood movie. The TV evil terminators do seem a little dumber and less effective than the ones in movies.

But here is what I don't like, and strongly so. I also found this as the main flaw of the third Terminator movie. And that is the John Conner character. In the T2 movie John was an aggressive, strong character, if not just a little screwed up. But he recovered from surprise quickly and took reasonably intelligent and decisive action when needed. But the John in this new series, like the T3 movie, is a wimp by comparison. In the one scene in the series opener where he is chased into a parking lot by the evil terminator, he shows no tactical thinking. He stupidly glances over the top of a car and gives his position away. Then he cowers down like a frightened bunny until he is cornered and has to be saved by the others. Wait! Wasn't he supposed to be being trained from birth for this kind of thing? He shows not the slightest hint of inner strength. This character is not the resourceful, hardened, military genius of the first two movies.

All in all, it was fun to watch. There were some reasonably well thought out twists, but unless the writers quickly fix the male damsel-in-distress John character, then I don't see the series lasting. Maybe the writers intend to show him developing, but starting him out as so completely useless is a mistake.
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My Initial Review...
Bello-413 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
First let me say this. I enjoy Terminator and didn't hate the pilot episode. I don't worship it, but I enjoy it as much as most fans. When I heard that Terminator was coming to television as a weekly series I was instantly curious of the storyline and quality as the movies and mythos are such that a series is a very tall order. Well if I had to phrase things then I'd say that the pilot, while good, fell several inches short of being tall.

First the cast. Lena Headley and Thomas Dekker are good enough as Sarah and John Connor. I've got no trouble with them. Lena Headley brings a believable routine of life but also caution to Sarah. While Thomas Dekker brings a believable portrayal of John having moved from T2's almost enjoying the excitement to years later the weight of his predestined life overbearing him. The reluctant hero as they'd say. I love Summer Glau, I'm an avid fan, and think that she's an interesting choice to actually be a terminator. Understanding that terminators likely come in different shapes and sizes to avoid being instantly singled out, I still can't be bias and so I feel that she's perhaps to small against the beefy bad terminator played by Owain Yeoman the way she's thrown around like a doll. I also had trouble with how she acts to human, not enough monotone in my opinion, to make you initially curious. Regardless of how advance she may be she needs to deepen her voice and no longer apologize like she did to John in the pilot for "lieing" to him. She lied in order to get close to him, it's what she does. However I remain open minded, and knowing her range of abilities as an actress from Firefly and Serenity, I'm more than willing to give her a chance, cause it was only the pilot episode and I gave that same chance to Sarah Michelle Gellar, whom I had never heard of before, as Buffy Summers and Katherine Heigl in Roswell whom I thought would just be T&A after a few episodes, and Shiri Appleby also in Roswell whom I had only ever seen before in two episodes of Xena Warrior Princess!

Owain Yeoman I don't like. He needs to be more cold, more machine. Right now he's trying to hard. Robert Patrick as the T-1000 exuded both those attributes in spades while having a lot more wicked fun. He needs to take some lessons and get some memorable lines of which I only heard one while he was shooting up the school.

Understand me when I say I did like the pilot overall. It could have been better, but hey it's only the pilot episode. I already do like how the writers and producers acknowledge that they intend to stay away from the terminator of the week, meaning we'll see other stories and developments. I also like how Summer as Cameron Phillips uses her computerized brain as much as her indisputable brawn. And this time around, it looks as if future John Connor has sent back what could amount to caches of materials that can be used in their fight and flight in future episodes. As the series develops it'll be interesting to watch how things coalesce and what the writers can come up with. Let's just hope that they can stay original, stay away from the mundane, and that the fans are willing to give this show a chance and not savage it because it may not be T2 in quality on a weekly basis.

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Best Terminator advancement since Terminator 2!
frobin-jojo5 August 2012
This show is the best story advancement of the Terminator franchise since Cameron's Terminator 2 in terms of quality and plot development.

The plot of this series is set after the events of Terminator 2.

Most of all Summer Glau is the sexiest and most mysterious Terminator ever and Lena Headey really cool as Sarah Connor. Also Shirley Manson as Terminator with very mysterious mission and loyalties are so thrilling interesting ... but we will never know ... too bad!

I love the plot and the development of the Terminator story in this show.

And it's really a shame that the show got canceled (and Fox preferred the lame Joss Wheadon show Dollplay instead).
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Excellent Spin-Off
siberianflashhusky4 March 2008
Warning: Spoilers
You know when you see a movie or a show and you're obsessed within minutes? That's how I felt about this show.

Many people have been saying that Headly was not a good choice for Sarah Connor, but I think she did a good job for having such big footsteps to follow.

I think Dekker is doing a great job as John Connor. John's personality is quite believable as he "doesn't want to run anymore."

Another actress people were questioning, was Summer Glau because she weighs, all of what, 93 lbs. But since she is playing the part of a terminator/protector, she should be stronger than she looks. Plus it would be hard for her to follow in Terminator 1&2's footsteps.

I like the addition of Derek Reese as a character, Kyle's brother, John's uncle, and wanted for murder. My favorite scene with him is probably in the two hour finale when he shot a man threatening John with a gun.

Another scene that was so amazing, and I'm glad this was included in the show, was in the last episode when Derek figures out he's John's uncle and brings him to the park where they see a younger version of Derek playing baseball with John's father as a kid. (Kyle died in Terminator 1 before John was born so this is John's first sight of his father.)

Due to the ending of the last episode of the season, I'm demanding that FOX returns the show with a second season as I think this show deserves it. Crossing my fingers . . .
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Excellent Series!
YeomanRand25 April 2008
One of the best sci fi television shows to come along in years, particularly if you are a fan of the Terminator movies. It takes place in the time between the second and third Terminator movies, and it is obvious that efforts have been made to respect the source material. The pilot episode was a little weak, but for those who stay with the series, the payoff is big. The FBI raid scene in the final episode of Season 1 was a masterpiece - the music perfectly complemented the action. While the tone of the show is serious, the writers manage to infuse a little humor at the right times. This is definitely "must see TV" for me.
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Best New Series In a Long Time!
carson_blue8 March 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Excellent show with a good plot. The show is good about keeping lots of twists and paradoxes relevant to the story. With time travel and infiltrator machines, anything is possible, and they haven't been shy about making the show full of action and drama. The season finale was great too, it left a lot of questions, and with time travel and the diverse cast, they could keep this show going for a long time.

This season (1) was great albeit short, and everyone I know who liked the movie is happy with the series.

The only thing they should avoid is using side characters from previous movies, but with different actors...

Also, it needs an Arnold cameo :D

So you have my praise Fox, just don't nuke it like you have in the past (Family Guy... Firefly...)
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The best TV series of the decade
springsunnywinter18 March 2008
The first Terminator is my all time most favourite movie and I really like T2: Judgment day & T3: Rise of the Machines. I never imagined that there would ever be a series based on the films but when I heard about it I thought that it was another terrible spin off but when I saw the first episode I was completely wrong. Terminator: The Sarah Conner Chronicles is an absolute amazing and outrageously entertaining TV series of the decade. They time travelled to 2007, and that is the time the series takes place. Skynet is rebuild after T2 and that is the major plot of the series to show how without Miles Dyson and why.

It takes place after T2 and shows what happens before T3 and has a good balance between story and action. Every single episode has more than enough to keep you glued to your seats and I never miss a single episode. The pilot episode was so good that it keeps me watching the rest of them and that is a good thing because the first episode is the most important. It answers every question about Sarah Conner because she suddenly vanished after T2.

Both Lena Headey & Thomas Dekker are brilliant Sarah & John Conner, they act really well and I have crush on Lena although she is mush older than me. Most people's favourite TV series is either Doctor Who or Prison Break but mine is The Sarah Conner Chronicles. Other than this I only watch The Simpsons because most of them are not really that good since the 90s. It is definitely worth watching especially if you are Terminator fan but if you want nothing but brainless action then its best avoided.
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Excellent show, we want more!
davesgotacat26 February 2008
I have always been a big fan of the films and was delighted to hear about the TV adaptation, I thought if it was done well it would be great but I didn't expect (or hope) it would be this good.

I considered that Lena Headey was an odd choice for the role of Sarah Connor although after seeing her other work I had no doubt she could pull it off. As good (and iconic) as Linda Hamilton was in her movie (albeit mostly in Terminator 2) Lena has made this character her own and excels in showing Sarah's strengths and vulnerabilities. The rest of the cast is excellent too, I liked Summer Glau's performance in Firefly were she played a character with all of her emotions on show to now playing a terminator with nothing showing, a nice switch for her and superbly done.

I was surprised by some of the vitriol raised by fans of the films. The three movies always left me wanting more and now we are getting it. The writing is very good, they are doing some intelligent story lines with the terminators.

This is on my must-buy on DVD list, cannot wait for that to come out.

More please!
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