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General Questions

What is a "keek"?

A "keek" is a short video update that can be up to 36 seconds in length. You can post keeks via webcam, iPhone, Android, or Windows 8 devices and share them via Email, SMS, Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr and other social networks. Posting keeks is a fun way to share your life, stay up to date with friends and tell the world what you're up to in real-time.

Is there a cost to join Keek?

No, Keek is absolutely free.

Do I have to register to view keeks?

No. However, you do need an account if you would like to post keeks, follow and/or subscribe to other users, comment or "keekback", etc.

What is a "keekback"?

A "keekback" is a video comment that can be posted in response to another user's keek, the same way you would post a text comment.

Why is the length of a keek 36 seconds?

It's a secret.

Is Keek on other social networks?

You can follow us on Twitter (@Keek) and Facebook.

Are there Keek mobile apps for Android, iPhone or other mobile devices?

We currently have apps for iPhone, Android, and Windows 8 devices.

How do I confirm my Keek account?

Check your email inbox for an email from @keek.com. Open the email and click on the confirmation link contained in the email. Confirmation emails may take up to five minutes or more to be received. If you did not receive your confirmation email please send an email to support@keek.com. Please be sure that “@keek.com” is listed under your safe senders list in your email client and check your junk folder to be sure you didn’t miss the email.

How do I get my Keek account verified?

To apply for account verification please follow the steps outlined here.

Are there any limits to how many keeks I can post?

There are no limits to the amount of keeks you can post.

What is the difference between "follow" and "subscribe"?

When you "follow" a user you will receive updates on that user's activity in your "Following Tab" as they happen. Alternatively, when you "subscribe" to a user, you can select email and keekmail notifications when that user posts a new keek. You will also receive updates on that user's activity in your "Subscriber Tab" as they happen.

How can I retrieve deleted content?

Unfortunately, once content has been deleted there is no way to retrieve it.

How can I reactivate a deleted account?

Deleting an account is permanent action that cannot be undone. Once an account has been deleted there is no way to reactivate it.

How can I contact Keek?

For all Account questions, send an email to support@keek.com
For all Product related issues, send an email to feedback@keek.com
For all Privacy and Copyright concerns, send an email privacy@keek.com

Verified Accounts

How do I know if an account on Keek is verified?

This symbol indicates that an account is verified.

Why are only some accounts verified?

Keek account verification is used to authenticate the identity of specific users. The verified icon helps establish trust and makes it easier for users to find you and your content.

Who qualifies for verification?

Individuals or businesses at high risk of impersonation that have a sizable audience on Keek, other networks, TV, entertainment etc.

Private Accounts

Do I have to switch to a private account? I’d like to keep my account public!

Nope! This feature is not mandatory; it’s just an option for those users who would like to have a little more anonymity.

What is a private account? What happens when I switch to a private account?

You can switch your profile from ‘public’ to ‘private’ at any time in Settings. When switching from public to private, only users you approve can view your keeks. Your future keeks will not be available publicly. All past keeks, including Keek thumbnails on ListView, even though posted when your profile was public, become private.

Is all of my activity protected when I switch to a private account?

Keekbacks and comments left on another user’s account (private or public) are visible to anyone and are 100% public. Keeks posted previously may still be publicly visible in some places.

Will I lose any keeks when I switch from a public to a private account?

No you won’t!

How do I know if a keek is private?

A lock icon appears on top of the keek thumbnail if it is private.

Do I lose followers if I switch from a public to a private account?

Nope! All of your followers and subscribers remain the same.

Once my account is private, what can the public see?

Even though your account is set to private, anyone can still search for your profile and see your following information:

  • Profile username
  • Profile photo
  • Country
  • Bio description
  • Member since
  • Gender
  • Views
  • Number count for Keeks, Followers, Likes, Subscribers, Following and Comments
  • Keekbacks left on another user’s Keek profile
  • Comments left on another user’s Keek profile

Once my account is private, what can my approved followers/subscribers see?

Only approved followers (or approved subscribers) can see your following info:

  • Age
  • Keeks
  • Keeks in embed player
  • Comments feed (which includes comments and Keekbacks)
  • Likes feed
  • List of followers
  • List of following
  • List of subscribers
  • Social media links

How can I switch from a private to a public account?

You can switch your profile from ‘private’ to ‘public’ in Settings > Privacy.

What happens when I switch from a private to a public account?

When switching from private to public, your past and future Keeks will be available publicly. All past keeks, even those posted when your profile was private, now become public. If your private account has any pending ‘follow’ or ‘subscribe’ requests, when you switch to public, all of the pending requests will be automatically declined.