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PIX 2015
Zvonimir Tosic

Zvonimir Tosic

Lives in Italy Dogana, Italy
Works as a Surveyor
Joined on Oct 14, 2010

Zvonimir Tosic's recent activity

  • Then we have dinners together too, birthday celebrations, anniversaries. Occasional small talks, about all sorts of things, including weather conditions, about composition, politics, sport, science. ...
  • This is not about brands. It is the assessment of a camera category that has deteriorated into another camera category. DSLR market has become anything but SLR. SLRs once were made to take quick ...
  • That's the problem when living in the smart-phone age. Then real cameras, in order to sell, must imitate the stupidity of the lowest common denominator. Ie. a DSLR imitate how grandpa's p&s camera ...
  • Does it mean that if we take a closer look, say, we move our nose 60% closer to the picture taken with an APS-C sensor, then we shall see no visible difference between it and the FF image observed ...
  • Pentax was stuck with legacy lenses only when they launched 645D several years back, whilst Leica had time, since 2006, to deliver specifically made lenses for the new digital format of the S...

  • As said above, it is a crazy idea for DSLR. But what about a mirrorless camera, something like Leica Q, but with a 645Z sensor in it and suitable lens? 35mm f2.8 or like that ... Doable?
  • Real MF (6x6, 6x7, even 645) have the image size at least twice that of 35mm film. So the MF mirror cannot fit in the DSLR design so small as Leica S. Leica S is styled as per Leica's own R range...

  • Real MF (6x6, 6x7, even 645) have the image size at least twice that of 35mm film. So the MF mirror cannot fit in the DSLR design so small as Leica S. Leica S is styled as per Leica's own R range...

  • It is great.

    And yes, for those who compare this with GR, Leica Q blows Ricoh GR out of water not only in speed, focusing speed and processing, but in sheer image quality. Half of these images...

  • It is great.

    And yes, for those who compare this with GR, GR should be compared to Leica X. Leica Q blows Ricoh GR and its own X out of water not only in speed, focusing speed and processing, but...

  • It is great.

    And yes, for those who compare this with GR, GR should be compared to Leica X. Leica Q blows Ricoh GR and its own X out of water not only in speed, focusing speed and processing, but...

  • Send Ricoh a letter, proposing an FF camera with a 645Z sensor in it. It will not have the SR, but will work in the fashion of Panasonic LX100 camera; larger sensor is employed to obtain maximum ...
  • Replied in No
    No. You need a motorised, modern lens, not an antiquated FA 35 with a screw drive motor. K3II with a brand new 70-200 is FASTER  than 7DII using its own 70-200.
  • If they release 42MP FF, then it will be exactly as the numbers of years I have passed on that day. :-) But of course, Pentax worked with Sony to make certain that happens. :-)
  • Ricoh listened to my advices over the years, recognised I was the top contributor with insanely great ideas, and agreed to release the news on my birthday. I shall be getting one FF with a special ...
  • Strange reflections .. Was it Norah Jones' and Peter Malick's group arrangement? Or something similar to that?
  • I understand you may be in dismay waiting for it, but apparently, Pentax development team was taken off guard as well. It seems someone at Ricoh had been playing with their new line of 3D printers ...
  • Replied in Not 2, but 4 FFs
    The cheaper model will most likely come in 3 colour combinations. Black, silver, gunmetal. :-)
  • Well, for years Ricoh has been releasing same small digital GR using sametiny 1/1.7" sensor, same everything. I don't know why they even wasted time with it.
    APS-C sesnored GR made a radical step...

  • APS-C sensored GR made a radical step forward, people responded, but that was it. Releasing the same camera again, Ricoh slightly lost the momentum. A pity, because lots of new things could go...

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