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"Late Show with David Letterman"
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Index 48 reviews in total 

18 out of 25 people found the following review useful:

great fun!

Author: weidelman (weidelman@hotmail.com) from Oslo, Norway
5 January 2002

"Late show with David Letterman" is in many ways superior to other talk shows in late night television. Even if Letterman is the main focus, and often tends to act a bit egocentric, he still (or perhaps it`s more correct to say that the writing does) includes many of the crew members in the sketches. This gives the show an excellent flavour of diversity, and make it even more outrageous and entertaining. The writing is very original and innovative, and is able to grasp with current events in a clever, and at the same time, plain crazy way that will make you burst out in laughter.

But of course, the most important person is Dave himself, a highly individual host with his own, unique style. He is by all due respect not a very good stand up comedian, and might sometimes seem quite uncomfortable delivering his jokes in the opening monologue, but he is well aware that this is not his strength, and keep it to a minimum, 3 or 4 minutes (as a comparison, Jay Leno`s monologues last for 10 minutes) Also considered harsh, sarcastic and unpredictable, Letterman is not loved by everyone, and these traits might sometimes make him a bit unhuman, but at the same time, his unpredictability is also his genius, and what makes him stand out from his fellowships.

His greatest strength is his exceptional ability to ad lib and deliver funny comments to almost any situation, and that is why the writing includes a lot of segments where the camera is capturing the life and people in New York City. In this way, Letterman can easily comment on what he observes and ask silly questions to the people on camera, and the fun will soon appear. Despite his reputation as a bad boy, he is a great ironic, and is able to joke with himself in a way that most comedians can`t. Still, he is just not goofing around all the time, and might appear quite serious when he is interviewing his guests with curios questions, especially those who have something to say.(unfortunately, not many do)

The music director Paul Shaffer plays a major part in the show, and functions as Lettermans sidekick with his funny, and some times not very well thought comments(and yes, i agree, he sometimes looks as a parody in his flamboyant suits) Their relationship is extremely established, and their chemistry is also fabulous, so it`s unthinkable to imagine anyone else as the music director. So, if you wan`t to watch a very special and imaginative talk show with a touch of pure genius, "The late show" is the right vehicle. And if you haven`t become a regular viewer yet, you better hurry up, because it`s hard to say for how long David will keep going. By all means, im not a prophet, but i will guarantee you that David Letterman is too unique to be replaced. Watch the show regularly, and you will understand what i mean.

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14 out of 18 people found the following review useful:

Dave is turning back to the old Dave!

Author: Sara from United States
4 February 2005

I have been a big Letterman fan for years. I would tape shows when I was only 13, never missed a show. I agree that Letterman had his years where you could tell he felt like a failure and didn't put much into it. But I will add that he is much more real than Jay Leno. Jay Leno is your typical phony talk show host. You really saw how real Dave is if you saw his show on January 31, 2005 remembering Johnny Carson. I saw both his and Leno's shows on Johnny. Jay seemed much more scripted and fake. This was probably due to how the death of Johnny Carson hit the two, being that Dave was close with Johnny. (Johnny even wrote jokes in retirement and sent them to Dave to use). I have noticed lately that Dave's comedy is turning back around to the old Dave. Hopefully he realizes that he is appreciated and keeps up the turn around!

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20 out of 31 people found the following review useful:

Letterman is king of Late Night.

Author: swat611 from Oklahoma
29 May 2003

David Letterman is the king of Late Night TV. On the air now for 21 years, apporching 10 years as host of the "Late Show" on CBS. Leno is no match to Letterman, nor is Jimmy Kimmel on ABC. I feel like the "Late Show" has more class then other late night talk shows, though you might think not it at times. When Dave retires he will leave BIG shoes to fill.

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20 out of 32 people found the following review useful:

Letterman reliably entertaining

Author: pperrone from Leesburg, VA
5 February 2003

I'm "only" 34 but I've been watching Letterman since I was about 13. He in fact has one of the few shows I can tolerate to watch on TV. I can always count on him to be entertaining. He clearly has it down to a science now and doesn't deviate much from his standard ritual whereas years ago it was always something new and different. That said, his ritual is actually reliably entertaining. Clearly one of the attractions to watching him for so long is the comfortable feeling one has with having the same show play around the same time of night for so many years. Of course, now I use TiVo. The bottom line is that Letterman is truly the best thing going for TV and is a reliably good and entertaining show.

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20 out of 33 people found the following review useful:

WOW, The best talk-show EVER ~!

Author: Jenna (jENNA007) from Dallas, TX
7 June 2001

David Letterman is a smart and insanely funny man. He's brought us this amazing show that has about a thousand unforgettable moments and a mouth-full of witty remarks. The thing I love about his show the most is that it has such an unpredictable-feel to it, its much much better than Leno, and any other talk-show I've seen. Letterman is great at being a talk-show host, its like he was born to do it. I also love Paul Shaffer, he is an awesome music director and a lot funnier than any other music director i have ever seen! I hope this show keeps going forever!! I LOVE IT I LOVE IT I LOVE IT ~!!

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15 out of 24 people found the following review useful:

Dave is the man.

Author: Poivoroinen from SWEDEN
24 February 2002

I recently watched the Late Show when Janet Jackson was the guest. She had a very toppish top on that kind of embarrassed Dave. I laughed like never before. Despite him being embarrassed, he deliverd some lines that were simply perfect. "Need help with the zipper?" "I'm 54, I'm not used to these kind of things." Paul: "You have always loved fast women, Dave."

Well, Dave cracks Leno everytime. He is just more personal than mr standup.

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15 out of 24 people found the following review useful:

The Late Show is Better than ever!!!

Author: connerg-2 from Ellensburg, WA
12 September 1999

If you would have asked me three months ago if I thought that The Late Show with David Letterman was a good show, I would have told you to change the channel to one of the other Late Night shows. But now I have changed my tune, The Late Show with David Letterman is better than ever, and is easily funnier and more entertaining than his competition, and if you have been tuning in to watch the the other Late Night shows (Politically Incorrect - The Tonight Show), then i challenge you, to give Dave a chance and see how much better and funnier he is than those other guys.

Paul Shaffer is on the right key, and Mr. Letterman is definitely still and will always be "King of Late Night". And yes Paul and Dave are a couple of "them guys".

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10 out of 16 people found the following review useful:

Best Late Night Host

Author: jmatrixrenegade (jmatrixrenegade@aol.com) from NYC
17 August 2003

Upfront, I will say that I enjoyed him more in the past, especially when he was on at 12:30 ... he mellowed some, but after twenty years, he still is quite good. Dave may not have been able to fulfill his dream and take over from Johnny on CBS, but in a sense, he has ... he is the comfortable veteran, someone you feel good ending your night watching (unless you are into news ... then, you check out Ted Koppel). And, he still shows his edge at times, especially sometimes when he has those little monologues such as when he decided to try to get a parkway named after him (lol).

The CBS Mailbag feature is still funny, he interacts with the audience pretty good (I don't care for those segments, but I got to admit he connects with them), and the announcer is hiliarious. Other amusing, though getting a bit old things ... the "will it float" and "is this anything" segments -- that grinder girl is amusing. Stephany ... "did you see or touch any monkeys" ... is great too, her sarcastic voice at times reminds one of a young female Dave. The crew also has some good bits. The deli bits are getting tired though and go too long. Paul? People seem to love to dis him, but one gets the idea that he is a perfect fit for Dave, and finding a new guy would be damn hard.

It might be a generational thing (it's also regional ... Jay has higher rating, and is more popular in the heartland), but I don't understand why people are saying Conan is better than Dave. Now, Conan has some better comic bits and is decent overall, but he's really no match to Dave. Dave might seem bored during some interviews (but when he isn't, he really connects ... e.g. Drew Barrymore, Lisa Presley, Regis Philbin, Kelly Ripa, and others), but he surely is a better interviewer than Conan -- even after Conan has had years of on the job training. Also, Conan does not have good monologues ... many are actually pretty lame, and he even jokes about the lack of reaction (doesn't make it any less lame). Finally, his bits often go too long. So, really, Dave might be older and at times seems a bit tired, but he still beats Conan imho. Jay? Smarmy in my opinion ... and I used to like the guy.

It is amusing to note that David Letterman has many credits, especially before his talk show stint. I wonder if someone did a collection to highlight that fact. Oh well ... I check when the guests are good, but even when they are not, he has a good 1/2 hr more often than not.


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4 out of 5 people found the following review useful:

Good late night entertainment

Author: maz underscore from Australia
11 April 2007

As far as American talk show hosts go, I find David Letterman the least pretentious and the least fake out of all of them. He seems to mostly say what he thinks and not JUST for the sake of being shocking or funny.

Letterman is mostly a likable guy and can at times be very witty, and of course satirical, which is something about him (as indeed his writers) that I enjoy. Yes I know, he is at times cocky and a bit of a show pony, but he's a talk show host and he's meant to have a personality and in my opinion he's the best there is.

I enjoy the little sketches like "Great Presidential Speeches" and "Will it Float?," I always enjoy watching Biff Henderson's little adventures and of course hearing from the always wonderful, Alan Kalter.

It's a nice little piece of late night entertainment and while some episodes are obviously going to be better than others depending on the guests - you know you're always going to have a bit chuckle.

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2 out of 2 people found the following review useful:

More Funny Than Jay Leno!

Author: ShelbyTMItchell from Seymour Tennessee
6 September 2013

*** This review may contain spoilers ***

David when he moved from NBC to CBS brought his own dry witted and really talented sense of humor. Too bad that he did not get the Tonight Show on the former network. As ratings would had been very high for that show.

Still David can be a bit rude to his guests. But guess that is just the way he is. And how he can be in personality. Though he means no harm nor foul. Despite Jay Leno being nicer, David is still more funnier.

Jay brings in the older viewers while David brings in the 18-49+ viewers in key groups! Love Letterman though only have been seeing bits and parts lately of him in recent years.

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