Company Data

Our depth, breadth, quality and timeliness of data on a global range of companies enables deep analysis

Whether it is for developed, emerging or frontier markets Thomson Reuters is the leading of source of company data including fundamentals (financials), estimates, ownership, officers & directors, ESG, deals, filings, broker research, corporate actions and legal entity data. Our decades of collection and quality management experience create an array of information that our customers trust for their most important investment decisions. 

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Company Data Products:

Thomson Reuters DataScope for Corporate Actions

Offers comprehensive, timely, premium-quality corporate actions content for the world’s capital markets. Whether you are focused on pre-trade or post-trade activities, we offer a complete solution to support multiple processing activities

Thomson Reuters Reference Data

Comprehensive reference data for the global financial and investment management community. We are an originator, consolidator and value add re-distributor of security and financial instrument data with hundreds of sources and partners.

ESG Research Data

The most comprehensive ESG database containing information on 4,000+ global companies and over 500+ data points, including all exclusion (ethical screening) criteria and all aspects of sustainability performance.

Datastream Professional

Custom information and intuitive charting combine to improve your workflow & generate greater revenue by helping you find profitable insights from a deluge of data. Generate bigger investment ideas using sophisticated macroeconomic tools.


Thomson Reuters estimates are the industry standard relied on by over 70% of the top US and European asset managers and the most quoted by major media outlets. We deliver the highest quality estimates content with decades of history.

Fundamentals (Company Financials)

Thomson Reuters covers 99% of the world’s market cap, so you can be confident you will find the company you are searching for, from developed to emerging market. View financials in the format you prefer.

Thomson ONE Corporate Intelligence

Gather competitive intelligence to identify growth opportunities, monitor market developments, and research your clients, prospects and peers. Combines institutional-quality information across Thomson Reuters.

Deals Business Intelligence

Turn deals data into actionable strategic business planning information with our dynamic analysis and reporting tool. Deals Business Intelligence is an Excel add-in application, which delivers greater flexibility and ease of use.

Reuters Insider

Designed specifically for financial professionals, Reuters Insider goes beyond the headlines to give you expert commentary and in-depth analysis about the latest trends and issues affecting the global markets.

Thomson Reuters Entity Risk

With clear linkages and hierarchies, you can capture better insight

Ownership & Profiles

The most complete global share Ownership & Profiles data in the industry, providing insight into ‘who owns what’ for public equities and delivering intelligence on investment managers, securities firms and their key decision makers.

Thomson ONE Research Analyst with Datastream

The complete package for the sell-side equity research analyst, that builds our world class information into the models and charts that drive your research reports. Be the first to deliver new insights and guidance to your clients.

Thomson Reuters DataScope Onsite

The strategic deployed data delivery platform for enterprise content deployed at client sites and completely managed by Thomson Reuters making it a high performance, maintenance free data source for our clients.

Significant Developments

A unique news analysis, tagging & filtering service that simplifies your workflow by providing concise summaries and categorizations of crucial, market-moving company events on a near real-time basis. We can also produce customized reports.

Thomson ONE Corporate Development

Provides access to market-leading, institutional quality information in a web-based and Excel environment for complete flexibility. We help you to define and execute your company’s growth strategy and research potential targets.

Officers and Directors

One of the most comprehensive databases of public and private company executives and directors in the world. The database features profiles for key decision makers from publicly traded companies with over 10 years of employment history.

Event Related (StreetEvents) Content

A one-stop solution for market-moving corporate disclosure information by bringing together conference call and webcast details, transcripts, call summaries, and more. We offer coverage of events for over 18,000 public companies.

Autex Block Data

Ranks brokers based on trading activity by volume or by value traded in selected stocks, markets or industries, or by user-defined custom portfolios. Also provides detailed trading activity reports for each broker in the Autex community.