Swift's Tumblr post addressed to Apple kicked off a debate regarding the strict contracts music photographers are often required to sign.

Following several weeks of controversy involving pop singer Taylor Swift and a growing number of music photographers and news publications, Swift's management has revised the terms of its photo contract. Last month, singer Taylor Swift lambasted Apple following its launch of Apple Music over the company's policy to not pay musicians royalties for songs streamed during the service's free trial period. Her statement resulted in Apple reversing its decision, but also elicited response from photographers claiming her plea was hypocritical in light of a restrictive photography policy at her shows.

On the same day Swift published her Tumblr post aimed at Apple, photographer Jason Sheldon published his own post detailing a contract photographers were required to sign at a recent Swift concert. The contract, according to Sheldon, 'appears to be a complete rights grab, and demands that you are granted free and unlimited use of our work, worldwide, in perpetuity.'

Some back-and-forth between one of Swift's UK representatives and Sheldon ensued, and a number of Canadian music photographers declined to photograph her Montreal show in protest. In light of these events, Swift's concert photography contract has been updated, and was done so in conjunction with the National Press Photographers Association (NPPA). With support from the AP and other news organizations, the new photography agreement was released yesterday.

The new contract contains language that makes it clear that copyright is not transferred away from the photographer or publication. The images published by the associated publication can also be used on the photographer's website and portfolio, which was only permitted under the previous contract with management's approval. The new contract also backs off on the potential consequences for not following the terms set out in the document. The old contract stated that equipment could be subject to confiscation, where the new one states only that photographers may be asked to delete files.

While it's nice to see Swift's management taking steps in the right direction, the new contract is still quite restrictive on use of images. It's not the ideal contract that music photographers would want, but it's certainly an improvement over the previous version.