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Free Content Center
Bankrate’s FREE Content Center
Now you can add Bankrate's award-winning content to your site -- free!
With a great selection of free content to choose from, simply add our widgets to your site and we'll deliver current rate information, our latest articles or our most popular calculators to your site.

Terms of Use

By downloading this Widget, you agree to be bound by terms and conditions of the Widgets Terms of Use, the Bankrate's Terms and Conditions and Bankrate's Privacy Policy/Your California Privacy Rights, including the following:

  • You may not modify the Widget in any way other than as permitted by the specific customization options that may be offered by Bankrate.
  • You may not display the Widget in a manner that does not permit successful linking to, redirection to or delivery of the applicable www.bankrate.com Web page.
  • You may not insert any intermediate page, splash page or other content between the Bankrate.com Widget link and the applicable www.bankrate.com Web page.
  • You may not embed the Widget in any advertising or include the Widget on any Web site that is offensive, abusive, harassing, threatening, discriminatory, vulgar, pornographic, or otherwise inappropriate.
  • You may not charge a fee or any other form of consideration to permit third parties, including, without limitation, users of your Web site, to use or access the Widget.
  • You may not us the Widget or its associated content in any manner that would constitute an endorsement (whether express or implied) by any person or entity of any product, service, activity or brand contained on your Web Site.