Reuters Brand Attribution Guidelines

Reuters news and information is of the highest quality and editorial integrity, and the Reuters brand communicates this to audiences everywhere. Reuters journalists around the world have, in the extreme, given their lives in pursuit of a story – and our more than 150 years of timely reporting, accuracy and impartiality make the Reuters name a distinguishing mark of excellence.

The Reuters Brand Attribution Guidelines have been developed to ensure that you are able to leverage the strength of our brand in your editorial environment, while making certain that compliance with our contractual requirements is easy to achieve. In order to add value, our globally recognized and respected brand must be displayed properly, and our contractual terms require that the brand be presented in specific dimensions and in specific ways. 

Online Usage

All types

  1. On pages containing Reuters content (except mixed content pages), online publishers must insert the Reuters logo in a prominent place near the top of the Reuters content in a size no smaller than 164 x 41 pixels square. The Reuters logo can link to
  2. On pages containing any Reuters content (except mixed content pages or where elsewhere specified in a contract addendum governing third-party content included in a Reuters service), online publishers are obligated to insert in close proximity to the Reuters content the following notice: "Copyright (insert current year) Thomson Reuters. Click for Restrictions." Each Notice of this kind must contain a hypertext link to Full Legal Notice, which must appear in a legal notice area on the publisher's Internet service or, at Reuters election, on a page maintained at a URL to be provided by Reuters or its third-party content providers.


  1. Include the latest Reuters logo and display it near the top of page. It must be at least 164 x 41 pixels in size and can link to
  2. Headlines must click through to full story content.
  3. Any teaser thumbnails must be clearly related to the story.
  4. Include correct headline crediting, including Reuters, Date & Time (unless these are noted at the top of the page).
  5. Display: Copyright (Current Year) Thomson Reuters. Also include: "Click for Restrictions" notice at the bottom of the page, with a hyperlink to Full Legal Notice on a separate page.


  1. Include the latest Reuters logo and display it near the top of page. It must be at least 164 x 41 pixels in size and can link to
  2. Headlines shown here in bold
  3. Use full-size picture with caption plus crediting (John Smith/Reuters).
  4. Display full story text.
  5. Display: Copyright (Current Year) Thomson Reuters. Also include: "Click for Restrictions" notice at the bottom of the page, with a hyperlink to Full Legal Notice on a separate page.

Mixed Content

  1. Include the latest Reuters logo and display it near the top of page. It must be at least 164 x 41 pixels in size and can link to Or: Attribute each Reuters headline individually, e.g. with (Reuters) following the headline.
  2. Have headlines click through to full story content. Also use headline correctly crediting Date & Time, unless Date & Time appear at the top of the page.
  3. Display: Copyright (Current Year) Thomson Reuters. Also include: "Click for Restrictions" notice at the bottom of the page, with a hyperlink to Full Legal Notice on a separate page.

Graphics and Pictures

  1. Include the latest Reuters logo and display it near the top of page. It must be at least 164 x 41 pixels in size and can link to
  2. Display correct headline crediting, as supplied by Reuters.
  3. Provide clearly visible written credit to Reuters and to any photographer credited in the caption of a photograph published, unless otherwise agreed upon with Reuters. (The credit should read either "Reuters/Jane Doe" or "Jane Doe/Reuters" where "Jane Doe" is the name of the photographer. Where no photographer is specified in the caption provided, the credit should then simply read, "Reuters").
  4. Display: Copyright (Current Year) Thomson Reuters. Also include: "Click for Restrictions" notice at the bottom of the page, with a hyperlink to Full Legal Notice on a separate page.

Video Services

Unless otherwise specified on the Video Services Order Form, there are no credit/branding requirements for Reuters content.

Other Services

Please refer to the Media Services Terms and Conditions for definitions of the terms used below which appear in italics.

The client will not remove or conceal any copyright, trade mark or other proprietary notice incorporated in the Reuters Service.

Crediting of the Content 
Where any Content delivered by Reuters carries a Reuters credit or a Content Providers credit the client will clearly and prominently display that credit where a substantial part (with respect to quality or quantity) of such Content is reproduced in the Client Service.

Attribution of the Content 

Where any still visual image is attributed by Reuters to any individual, the client will clearly and prominently display such attribution where the image is reproduced in the Client Service.

Where any text story is used "As Is," the client will maintain the original Reuters dateline and attribution contained in the story and will provide a hyperlink to This link may be affixed at the client's preference to a Reuters text credit in the dateline or next to the copyright notice immediately below the story, or to a Reuters logo (at least 164 x 41 pixels in size) displayed next to the story.

Translation of the Content 
Where the client translates a substantial part (with respect to quality or quantity) from the original language the client will identify that it is the maker of the translation.

Any questions?

The Reuters Brand Attribution Guidelines should address any questions you may have regarding usage of the Reuters brand. For further information, please contact your Reuters account manager. Thank you for being a valued Reuters customer