We're less than a week away from PIX 2015, and we're taking the opportunity to introduce you to some of our talented re:FRAME speakers. You can catch them October 6 & 7 live streamed right here, or join us in person at Seattle Center! Just pick up an all-access pass to gain entry to re:FRAME talks at McCaw Hall.

Rick Sammon isn't one to embrace downtime. The author of 36 books, Sammon leads workshops around the world and hosts the Digital Photo Experience podcast. A driving force in his career has been education, with a focus on helping photographers find inspiration and stay motivated. His latest book, Creative Visualization for Photographers, encourages shooters to make deliberate choices.

So what does creative visualization mean for photographers? Sammon describes a six-step process he uses when he's creating images. He details the importance of thoughtful attention to subject selection, composition, lighting, focus, exposure and processing. An advanced photographer is well versed in these concepts, but Sammon's guidance for photographers of all levels is to slow down and pay close attention to his or her choices in each of these steps. You can read more on his website.

Find out more in his book, Rick Sammon's Creative Visualization for Photographers. For more, take a look at his website and follow him on Twitter and FacebookCatch him at PIX talking about motivation and inspiration for creatives on Tuesday, October 6 at 3:15pm.