Drawn & Quarterly Debuts On ComiXology And Amazon’s Kindle Store With Lynda Barry, Guy Delisle, Rutu Modan, Anders Nilsen, And More

Drawn & Quarterly, comiXology and Amazon are pleased to announce today that a distribution agreement is now in place to sell Drawn & Quarterly’s digital comics and graphic novels across the comiXology platform as well as Amazon’s Kindle Store. Today’s debut brings us celebrated Drawn & Quarterly titles like Lynda Barry’s One! Hundred! Demons; Guy Delisle’s Jerusalem: Chronicles from the Holy City; Rutu Modan’s Exit Wounds and Anders Nilsen’s Big Questions available on both comiXology and the Kindle Store.

Drawn & Quarterly’s Publisher Peggy Burns says, regarding the new arrangement:

It is fitting that on our 25th anniversary, D+Q moves forward with our list digitally with comiXology and the Kindle Store. ComiXology won us over with their understanding of not just the comics industry, but the medium itself. Their team understands just how carefully we consider the life of our books. They made us feel perfectly at ease and we look forward to a long relationship.

KindleFire_OneHundredDemons_smComiXology’s co-founder and CEO David Steinberger adds:

Nothing gives me greater pleasure than having Drawn & Quarterly’s stellar catalog finally available digitally on both comiXology and Kindle. D&Q celebrate their 25th birthday this year, but comiXology and Kindle fans are getting the gift by being able to read these amazing books on their devices.

The expansion of the Drawn & Quarterly catalog to such a pervasive system of platforms will no doubt make the comics more readily available to readers worldwide and help spread the love of the medium as well as expose readers to the array of possibilities that the medium can offer creators.

A complete list of today’s debuts includes:

Woman Rebel: The Margaret Sanger Story by Peter Bagge

The Freddie Stories by Lynda Barry

One! Hundred! Demons! by Lynda Barry

Ed the Happy Clown by Chester Brown

I Never Liked You by Chester Brown

The Playboy by Chester Brown

Jerusalem: Chronicles from the Holy City by Guy Delisle

A User’s Guide to Neglectful Parenting by Guy Delisle

Goliath by Tom Gauld

You’re All Just Jealous of my Jetpack by Tom Gauld

Marble Season by Gilbert Hernandez

Letting it Go by Miriam Katin

Exit Wounds by Rutu Modan

Jamilti and Other Stories by Rutu Modan

The Property by Rutu Modan

Big Questions by Anders Nilsen

Dogs and Water by Anders Nilsen

Don’t Go Where I Can’t Follow by Anders Nilsen

Daybreak by Brian Ralph

Harley Quinn’s Little Black Polybags


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