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CEM/IFEM Symposium: Quality and Safety in Emergency Care


Tuesday 15 & Wednesday 16 November 2011, The British Museum, London

Final Programme - (also available as a download here)


Day 1: Tuesday 15 November

Time Location & Content
08:00-8:50 West Foyer

Registration, Coffee & Exhibition
8:50-9:00 Stevenson Lecture Theatre

Presidential Welcome
Dr Mike Clancy, RCEM President
9:00-9:20 Stevenson Lecture Theatre

Defining Quality and Safety in Emergency Care: The Challenge for IFEM
Professor Peter Cameron, IFEM President
9:20-9:35 Stevenson Lecture Theatre

Outline of Symposium Goals
Dr Fiona Lecky
9:35-10:50 Stevenson Lecture Theatre

Plenary Session 1: Quality From the Patient and Purchaser’s Perspective
Chair: Dr Sandra Schneider

Quality From the Patient Perspective
Dr Suzanne Shale

Quality from a National Clinical Director’s Perspective
Dr John Heyworth

Quality in Emergency Care: The UK Department of Health Perspective
Simon Burns MP
10:50-11:05 West Foyer

Coffee & Exhibition
11:05-11:50 Sackler Rooms

Breakout Sessions: International Perspective on Purchaser and Patient-Driven Definitions and Measurements of Quality Emergency Care

Facilitators: Professor Aris Exadaktylos, Professor Elizabeth Molyneux, Professor Jonathan Benger & Dr Suzanne Shale

Stevenson Lecture Theatre

Summary of International Perspectives on Government and Patient-Driven Definitions and Measurements of Quality Emergency Care

Chair: Dr Sandra Schneider

12:00-13:00 West Foyer

Lunch & Exhibition
13:15-13:25 Stevenson Lecture Theatre
VIP Address, HRH The Princess Royal, College Patron
13:25-14:25 Stevenson Lecture Theatre

Plenary Session 2: International Perspective on Mitigating the Threats to High Quality, Safe Patient Care Created by ED Overcrowding

Chair Dr: Jim Ducharme

The Canadian Perspective
Dr Michael Schull

The US Perspective
Professor Ellen Weber

The UK Perspective
Professor Suzanne Mason

14:25-15:15 West Foyer

Coffee & Exhibition
15:15-15:45 Stevenson Lecture Theatre

Panel Session: International Perspective on Mitigating the Threats to High Quality, Safe Patient Care Created by ED Overcrowding

Chair: Dr Jim Ducharme
Panel: Dr Michael Schull, Professors Ellen Weber & Suzanne Mason
15:45-16:00 Stevenson Lecture Theatre

Summary of Mitigating the Threats to High Quality, Safe Patient Care Created by ED Overcrowding

Chair: Dr Jim Ducharme
16:00-17:30 Stevenson Lecture Theatre

Plenary Session 3: International Perspectives on Patient Safety

Chair: Dr Peter Jones

Diagnostic Error
Professor Pat Crosskerry

Risk Management & Patient Safety in the ED
Dr Greg Henry

17:30-17:45 Stevenson Lecture Theatre

Summary & Close
Free Evening


Day 2: Wednesday 16 November

Time Location & Content
08:45-09:15 West Foyer

Registration, Coffee & Exhibition
09:15-09:30 Stevenson Lecture Theatre

Welcome & Review of Day 1
Dr Fiona Lecky
09:30-11:00 Stevenson Lecture Theatre

Plenary Session 4; International Emergency Medicine Perspectives on Quality and Implementation of Best Practice
Chair Dr Ian Higginson

The Impossibility of Perfection
Professor Patrick Nee

Evidence-Based Emergency Medicine Research Findings; Their Impact on Quality and Physician practice in the ED Professor Ian Stiell

10:00- 10:15
The CAEP Perspective
Dr Jim Ducharme

ACEP Perspective
Dr Sandra Schneider

ARCEM Perspective
Dr Carmel Crock

RCEM Perspective
Professor Jonathan Benger

11:00-11:15 West Foyer

Coffee & Exhibition
11:15-12:45 Sackler Rooms

Breakout Sessions: International Emergency Medicine Perspectives on Quality and Implementation of Best Practice
Facilitators: Dr Geraldine McMahon, Dr Ruth Brown, Professor Brian Holroyd Dr Ian Sammy
12:45-13:00 Stevenson Lecture Theatre

Summary of International Emergency Medicine Perspectives on Quality and Implementation of Best Practice
Chair: Dr Ian Higginson
13:00-14:00 West Foyer

Lunch & Exhibition
14:00-14:10 Stevenson Lecture Theatre

Best Poster Award
14:10-15:35 Stevenson Lecture Theatre

Plenary Session 5: Quality and Safety in Emergency Medicine: Perspectives From the Developing World and Further Safety Considerations
Chair: Mr Gautam Bodiwala

Perspectives on EM Quality and Safety in Africa
Professor Elizabeth Molyneux

Perspectives on EM Quality and Safety in the West Indies
Dr Ian Sammy

15:10 - 15:40
Safety Issues; An ED Systems Perspective
Dr Art Kellermann

15:40-16:00 Stevenson Lecture Theatre

Bringing it all Together for the Consensus Document
Professor Peter Cameron and Dr Fiona Lecky
16:00 Close