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Membership login information

Your password will not be recognised unless it conforms to the following rules

  • It is an alphanumeric field of at least 8 characters long
  • There must be at least one capital letter and one number

If your password does not conform to the above rules, it will not work.  Please click on the “forgot password” link and an email will be sent to you.  It will be sent  to the email address listed within the membership database.  This email will ask you to click on a link which opens a new window requesting you to change your password.  You will then be able to login successfully.


If you have three failed attempts to login it will lock the account and you will need to contact the membership team who will reset your account.  Email:


NB: please do not create a new account if you are a member as this could result in duplicate records in the database. 

If you are applying for membership or registering for access to ePortfolio you must create an account first before completing the on-line application form. The ‘ePortfolio only’ option is for non-trainees only who wish to pay for access to the ePortfolio.  Trainees in UK training posts pay an annual training administration fee (which includes access to the ePortfolio).

Create an account for:

If you are already a member use the Examinations link at the top to apply for an Exam.