Training and exams

Work, Learn and Return (Overseas Development Project) - a new scheme.

Health Education England (HEE), along with the Royal College of Emergency Medicine, is offering places for overseas doctors to develop emergency medicine skills and gain valuable clinical experience. The programme is up to four years, after which the doctor will return home to use their skills to care for patients and share learning with colleagues. For more information please visit the HEE webpage here.


Information about postgraduate training in Emergency Medicine


Register for the trainee e-portfolio

Paediatric Emergency Medicine

Learn about subspecialty training in PEM

Work place-based assessments

Learn about and download the training work place-based assessments


The full training curriculum is available in this section

Medical Training Initiative

Find out about sponsorhip opportunities to train in the UK


Criteria and guidance for equivalence entry on to the specialist register


Details of College examinations


EMTA is the national organisation that represents trainees in Emergency Medicine