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Revalidation Guidance

RCEM Revalidation Guide

The Revalidation Guide for Emergency Medicine brings together key information regarding current revalidation requirements and processes in all four countries of the United Kingdom. It has been developed as a web-resource for Emergency Medicine (EM) doctors who may have queries about their revalidation. The guide advises on the requirements of revalidation which are current at the time of publication and will be subject to change as the GMC, the Department of Health, the NHS, the Academy and other partners update and amend their guidance. We will attempt to update our guide as the system matures.

Download Revalidation Guide for Emergency Medicine


Guidance on supporting information for appraisal and revalidation

The Academy Of Medical Royal Colleges (AoMRC) has worked with the Medical Faculties and Colleges to produce a Specialty Guidance document. For ease of reference, the document gives generic guidance on supporting information required for annual appraisals and revalidation, followed by specialty specific guidance for those working in Emergency Medicine at the end of each section.

The GMC recommends that doctors in specialist practice should consult the supporting information guidance provided by their college or faculty. This guidance amplifies the headings provided by the GMC, by providing additional detail about the GMC requirements and what each college or faculty expects relating to this, based on their specialty expertise.  These expectations are laid out under ‘Requirements’. Further descriptive information is given under the heading “Guidance.”

There is also a short reference checklist you can use to assist you.

Download RCEM Core Guidance for Supporting Information

Download supporting information checklist

Download GMC supporting information guidance

GMC Patient and Colleague Questionnaires

The GMC has produced Patient and Colleague Feedback Forms for general use. The Royal College of Emergency Medicine is recommending that our members and fellows use these templates if none are provided by their employing organisations. Please see the links below for the Patient and Colleague Questionnaires and guidance documents for using them:

·        Colleague questionnaire

·        Patient questionnaire 

·        Self assessment questionnaire 

·        Instructions for administering GMC colleague and patient questionnaires 

·        Information for appraisers: interpreting and handling feedback results 

·        Frequently Asked Questions for doctors and employers 

·        Frequently Asked Questions for patients 

·        Frequently Asked Questions for appraisers


Further resources for appraisal and revalidation

A template form for ensuring legibility and clarity of Doctors' record keeping for Appraisal can be found here:

Download data Proforma

A reflective template can be found by clicking into the link below:

Download Reflective Template