Professional Development > Revalidation >

Role of the College

The College has been working with the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges to introduce specialty-specific information for use in the revalidation of doctors in Emergency Medicine, as well as establishing a Revalidation Subcommittee of the Professional Standards Committee, under the direction of the Revalidation Chair Dr Gillian Bryce.

The Subcommittee will continue to monitor the procedures and effectiveness of revalidation as the system matures, and seek to develop specialty advice for doctors to use in appraisal.

  • Areas of work being considered by the Subcommittee include:
  • Developing guidance about the Specialty Standards Framework
  • Developing appropriate multi-source feedback and patient feedback tools
  • Producing specialty specific guidance on appraisal
  • Developing a system of local, regional and national support for the remediation of doctors
  • Providing detailed revalidation information from multiple sources on the College website
  • Developing CPD modules appropriate for supporting revalidation.

Subcommittee members also act as Specialty Revalidation Advisers to answer complex queries sent to the College’s “revalidation help” email address,