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RSS Feeds

About our RSS feeds

RSS stands for "Really Simple Syndication". A summary of content of a website can be displayed and is automatically updated. Many medical journals and web-based resources provide RSS "feeds" of the content of the current issue. Here we have combined many different feeds and filtered out content according to the titles available on the left.

Related articles from the most recent issues of all the high impact emergency medicine, critical care and general medical journals, including the EMJ, BMJ, NEJM, Lancet, Critical Care, Chest, JAMA, NeLH, and others are displayed. This will act as a link to the article's abstract on the journal's website.

It may be necessary to hit your browser's refresh button if you are revisiting any given topic. It will take a few moments for the updated information to download.

To request a new topic, contact the administrator, and we will add it to the list.