Professional Development > Conferences and courses > Previous conferences > Annual Scientific Conference 2012 >










Dear Colleagues,

On behalf of the Local Organising Committee it is a great pleasure to welcome you to the College’s 2012 Annual Scientific Conference, to be held at The Edge in Sheffield on Wednesday 7 November 2012. This is an excellent conference facility on the University of Sheffield campus:

The scientific programme will focus on taking research into practice. This year the meeting will be held for one day only due to the IRCEM conference being held in Dublin this June. However, the programme for the day promises to be no less stimulating and presents an excellent cost-effective opportunity for your research to be presented.

The programme will include a plenary presentation from our College Professor of Emergency Medicine, Alasdair Gray, lightning poster presentations and top scoring abstract podium presentations, as well as the best trainee research submitted for the Rod Little Prize.

In addition, we will have a series of break-out workshops which include topics on how to involve your ED in research and how to write a paper.

The day will be a great opportunity for increasing our knowledge and understanding of the role that research can play in our specialty. We have deliberately kept the cost of registration for this event low in order to attract as many delegates as possible. You will find registration information and the call for abstracts at:

In Sheffield, we look forward to welcoming you to our Annual Scientific Conference and hope that you have an enjoyable and worthwhile day.

Yours sincerely,

Suzanne Mason
Professor of Emergency Medicine
Director of Health Services Research
School of Health and Related Research
University of Sheffield




