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APEM 2012

APEM Annual Conference  - Bristol - 5th & 6th December 2012

We hope to see you at this year’s APEM Annual Conference in Engineer’s House, Bristol.  The two day program contains a number of exciting keynote lectures, with updates from leaders in the field of Paediatric Emergency Medicine.  In addition, the latest developments in PEM research will be showcased through oral and poster presentations, culminating in the awarding of the Liz Molyneaux prize.  Thursday afternoon will see the second meeting of the PEM research group, with all welcome to attend.

**Abstract submission has been extended – closing date 26th October 2012**

Abstracts are invited for oral and poster presentations.  Research should be relevant to PEM, and abstracts should be no longer than 300 words (suggested format of Background, Methods, Results, Conclusions).  Submitted abstracts should be sent by email to

Engineers House was built in 1831 and is a Grade II listed building situated on Clifton Downs.  This picturesque area of Bristol affords views of the Suspension Bridge and is close to all major transport links.  The social event on Wednesday evening will be held nearby, and further information on local hotels can be found at

To register for this event, please complete the registration form or go to for further details.  Costs are £150 for Consultants and £100 for doctors in training.  Enquiries to Kath Berry ( Venue information and directions