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Courses Approved by RCEM

RCEM Simulation Courses

See Simulation Training

Paediatrics Emergency Medicine Symposium for CT3 EM Trainees

8 October 2014, The Royal College of Emergency Medicine.  Further details: CT3 PEM Symposium 8 Oct 2014.

Royal Society of Medicine - Emergency Medicine Section meetings

The RSM EM section runs regular educational days - the programme can be seen at

Pathology events here: 

Advance Life Support Group

This group runs a variety of courses relevant to Emergency Medicine, which can be found on the link shown here In addition, the Resuscitation Council shows a list of courses on the link here:

Meningitis Awareness

The Meningitis Research foundation, together with the RCPCH have developed an e-learning resource for doctors in recognising snd managing meningitis in children. The course can be accessed via this link:

Emergency Medicine Continuing Education Forum (EMCEF) 19

A variety of high-calibre evidence-based presentations on up-to-date topics. You should not come out of any of these sessions thinking that this is what you have just heard your junior colleagues being taught. Further information about the event can be downloaded from this link: EMCEF 19 - Brochure v1