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International Federation for Emergency Medicine (IFEM)

In 1991, the British Association for Emergency Medicine, along with the American College of Emergency Physicians, the Canadian Association of Emergency Physicians and the Australasian Royal College of Emergency Medicine founded the International Federation for Emergency Medicine. Since then more and more countries with Emergency Medicine as a recognised discipline have joined its fold. RCEM remains as a founder member of IFEM.

The mission of the IFEM is to “promote at an international level interchange, understanding and cooperation among physicians practicing emergency medicine”.

International meetings are held on a biennial basis, most recently in Dublin

The 2014 conference will be held in Hong Kong (11-14 June 2014):

To find out more about IFEM please visit their website at


IFEM Framework for Quality and Safety in the ED (2012) - IFEM has developed a framework for quality and safety that is applicable across the globe. The framework:

  • Summarises what patients should expect from an ED.
  • Examines how the ED differs from other healthcare settings.
  • Presents a theoretical framework for the domains of quality and safety.
  • Identifies the enablers and barriers to quality care in the ED.
  • Suggests areas where the measurement of indicators may prove valuable


Latest News from IFEM

Newsletter - December 2014
Newsletter - April 2015