Category: µTorrent

This ongoing series will help you get the most out of μTorrent, from the basics to tips and tricks. When you want entertainment on-the-go, where do you look? Probably that highly sophisticated computer in your pocket — that also happens to make phone calls. As smartphones continue to become bigger, faster, and easier to own,…

This ongoing series will help you get the most out of μTorrent, from the basics to tips and tricks. If you visit the Connection Preferences in μTorrent, you’ll see a couple of checkboxes for UPnP and NAT-PMP that are checked by default. These settings are key to make sure that μTorrent doesn’t get tripped up…

This ongoing series will help you get the most out of μTorrent, from the basics to tips and tricks. Torrents aren’t just for computers. Gaming and mobile consoles can actually run torrent media files, provided that they are converted to the proper video codec supported by the device. µtorrent Pro, available now for Windows, converts…

This ongoing series will help you get the most out of μTorrent, from the basics to tips and tricks. Ready for some uTorrent optimization mythbusting? There are many tutorials online about how to speed up your downloads, but a lot of these recommendations are made by people who don’t fully understand the BitTorrent protocol, and…

This ongoing series will help you get the most out of μTorrent, from the basics to tips and tricks. μTorrent is known for being a light, simple and super fast – but what happens when the client takes a little bit to get going? While there are more than two million pieces of content available…

Whether it’s Tomorrow’s Modern Boxes from Thom Yorke (downloaded over 4.4 million times), Diplo’s previously unreleased first album F10rida (over 2.1m downloads), or clips from the documentary Korengal (over 750k downloads), if you’ve gotten one of these bundles via uTorrent, they only live on one device.