Tomorrow’s BBC - Creating an open, more distinctive BBC


We want your views on the BBC and what it should do in the future

Every ten years there is a review to consider what the BBC should do, which helps shape what it does in the future. The Government has begun this process, which is called Charter Review. Both the BBC Trust, who represent licence fee payers, and the Government are currently consulting on the scale and remit of the BBC together with funding options for the future.

Tomorrow’s BBC: Future ideas for the next Charter

As part of Charter Review, the management of the BBC has been thinking about how it should continue to inform, educate and entertain all audiences into the future. It has issued a document entitled British, Bold, Creative which sets out plans to create an open, more distinctive BBC in the next Charter period.

Alongside stating the intention to continue providing most of the services and experiences it does now, the BBC document includes a range of new ideas (some more worked up and developed than others). This reflects the BBC’s aim of maintaining its existing role as a broadcaster of world-class radio and TV, while also continuing to successfully meet the challenges of the internet age.

The BBC wants to invest around £150m (or 6 per cent of direct spending on existing content and services) in these new ideas. Financial pressures mean that the BBC will need to reduce spending on existing services to fund these new ideas – it will not be able to save all the money it needs through greater efficiency. This may mean any new services are funded by stopping or reducing some of the things the BBC currently does.

These new ideas are now at a point where input from the public will be helpful in deciding which should be the priority. The BBC Trust would like to know what you think, and whether you believe that these are the right things for the BBC to be doing in the coming years. Your views will help inform our discussions with the management of the BBC and the Government.

This is your opportunity to be part of the debate about the future shape of the BBC and its services.

There are eight consultation questions - please answer as many or as few questions as you want. At the end you will also find some questions where we ask a few more questions about you and how you found out about the consultation.

If you are viewing this on a mobile phone, you can access the survey using a mobile optimised version here.

This phase of our consultation will run until 5th November 2015.

Guidance for organisations/stakeholders wishing to respond to the consultation can be found here.

To request a questionnaire in audio or braille please call 0800 0680 116 or Textphone 03700 100 212.

Data Protection

The BBC Trust will comply with the Data Protection Act when handling your response to this consultation. This document tells you how we use the information you give us.


BBC Trust

Key Dates

Status: Closed

Ran from 10 Sep 2015 to 5 Nov 2015

Other Information


Anyone from any background