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"Thwart Institutional Cowardice"

Congratulations Vicki Abeles for Raising Funds for next film "Beyond Measure" Read more

Shaping Serendipity for Learning: Conversations with John Seely Brown

"Conventional wisdom holds that different people learn in different ways. Something is missing from that idea, however, so we offer a corollary: Different people, when presented with exactly the same information in exactly the same way, will learn different things." - John Seely Brown Read more

Entrepreneurs: Pirates in the Arena

"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena . . . Read more

Mind Overload! from Technology & "Societal Exhaustion"

Mindfulness: "I've seen it transform classrooms . . . " Read more


Now almost 16 million views - "brilliant" video - under two minutes Read more

11 Back-to-School Parenting Scenes of the 70s (Humor)

Get up in the morning and make yourself a cup of Sanka with Sweet 'n' Low. Line up all the lunchboxes on the formica counter top in your kitchen. Open up a bag of Wonder Bread and do this assembly line style. Read more

There is No Education Without the Arts

"We're not talking about making sure that everybody has private music lessons," Read more

Ivory Tower: The Movie

A documentary about higher education that "questions its cost and value" . . . Read more

Author John Green: Teenagers Think the Big Questions in Life Matter

Why Do We Give Them Short-Shrift? The Teen Whisperer: How the author of "The Fault in Our Stars" built an ardent army of fans Read more

Want smart & different kind of brilliant? Check out John Oliver

Video - Humor His Climate Change segment with Bill Nye and "the deniers" is just that. Read more

Wanted: Teacher, Coach or both?

"The coach is the boss of you, but they're not the boss." Read more

The Satori Generation

Enlightened or Generation Resignation? Read more

Bullying: "Most parents have no idea . . . kids aren't talking" - 4 tell-tell signs

Photo above: Kameron Jacobsen, age 14, died from suicide brought on by bullying Read more

The Paradox of Wealth

"But what is overlooked in all the shouting is that paradoxically, the people who have the most to gain from insuring some measure of economic equality and social justice are the wealthy." by Joseph Ganem Ph.D. Read more

Cool Smart Teen: Changing the conversation about building stuff

Not just building an app to play with . . . but a test for cancer Read more
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Video: What is the link between "design-thinking" and creativity?

Creative Confidence: Must-Watch Interview on Charlie Rose Read more
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How Much Do Early Years Lead to Student Success?

"The idea being that wasn't necessarily to create little engineers everywhere, though that would be great for us. The idea was to take advantage of the natural learning process and curiosity that children have at that age . . ." Tamika Lang, Boeing Read more

The New Resume

A picture is worth a thousand words. A video game-like format is worth . . . Read more

Noam Chomsky: In the news again, this time about Twitter and High Schoolers

Noam Chomsky, Professor Emeritus at MIT, "father of linguistics", political commentator.  From bio: "Besides his work in linguistics, Chomsky is internationally recognized as one of the most critically engaged public intellectuals alive today":               ... Read more
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From iApe to iPad

Are our kids sitting too much? (Are we?) Exercise: Miracle-Gro for the Brain Read more
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I Forgot My Phone: Viral Video

If you missed this one, do check it out below.26 million views and counting . . . two minute run-time.... Read more

Advice to Graduates: Accomplishment is Unreliable

The Best Commencement of 2013 - George Saunders: "But still. It bothers me. So here's something I know to be true, although it's a little corny, and I don't quite know what to do with it: What I regret most in my life are failures of kindness. Those moments when another human being was there, in front of me, suffering, and I responded . . . sensibly. Reservedly. Mildly." Read more

# of School Shootings Since Sandy Hook Elementary in 2012

The New Normal?  Unless . . . Today, another school shooting.  This time in Oregon.  One student dead.  One teacher injured."All told, there has been nearly one shooting per week in the year and a half since Newtown."June 10, 2014... Read more

Eleven Barbies

Girls: We Are the Champions, Inventors, Doers & Makers Read more

Two Schools: Which one builds a better bully?

"Education-as-we-know-it is about building hierarchies - among athletes . . . " Read more
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The New Stupid: Parents

"I think you're Crazy . . . . . .You really think you're in control??" -Gnarls Barkley Read more

The Parent-School Relationship: The Importance of Listening

"....I have been part of schools that have constantly told me what to do but never listened to what I had to say.' " Read more

Talking Story: Drowning Doesn't Just Happen to Kids . . . Hana Hank Saved a Family

"And someone saved my life tonight, sugar bearyou almost had your hooks in me, didn't you dearYou nearly had me roped and tied,Altar-bound, hypnotized,Sweet freedom whispered in my ear,You're a butterflyAnd butterflies are free to flyFly away, High away, bye... Read more

Life as a Learning Lab

" . . .we've spent hours and hours discussing how we can help students follow their interests and passions, and also help students learn powerful ideas and develop as systematic thinkers." Mitchel Resnick on Alan Kay, Squeak and Scratch Read more
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Guest Post: The Difference between a Mentor and Role-Model

"a good mentor takes the time to understand" Read more
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Welcome, Professional Students . . . to the Hunger Games, er, we mean School

"First, students have to jump through ever-more demanding, preassigned academic hoops. Instead of developing a passion for one subject, they're rewarded for becoming professional students, getting great grades across all subjects, regardless of their intrinsic interests." - David Brooks, The Creative Monopoly Read more
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Are we creating innovators? 22 Insights

C.J. Westerberg dissects new book by Tony Wagner - "Creating Innovators" Video Trailer Read more

Do students and teachers get feedback or measurement?

What do we measure and why? Questions About The Uses of Measurement by Margaret Wheatley and Myron Kellner-Rogers Read more

The "Anti-Creativity Checklist"

14 Ways To Say NO to Innovation: Harvard's Youngme Moon Read more

What Adults Can Learn From Kids: "Don't Underestimate Our Ability"

12 Year Old Literacy Advocate Sets Us Straight
Are Teachers & Parents Actually Making Kids "Shrink To Fit?"
TED Video - Eight Minutes of Adora Svitak Read more

Legendary Quincy Jones riffs about technology, music, math, creativity, and . . . parenting

" . . .We'd go to executive conferences with Bill Gates and he'd say, 'Alan will you please take over?' . . . " - Quincy Jones Read more

The Only Child. Spoiled? Lonely? Nope.

Chelsea Clinton, Cary Grant, Rudy Giuliani, Robin Williams, Mahatma Ghandi & Frank Sinatra: You're Not Alone Read more

Memorial Day: A Whole New Meaning

"And reflect on the families left behind. For us, every day is Memorial Day." Read more

The Limits of Education

New guest post. Financial Literacy: Yes. Does it equal "doing the right thing?" Not necessarily. Read more
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The Inner Net

Connected and Disconnected Read more
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Ouch! Millennials: The Me Me Me Generation?

and/or The Next Greatest? The 80 million Americans born between 1980 and 2000 Video Read more

Why Perry Hall is not in the National Lexicon

Afterwards he stated in a recorded call from the jail with a cousin: "You know what school I wish I went to? Sandy Hook Elementary." Read more

Boston: A Gollum Moment for Media? And nostalgic for Tom Friedman?

Pro-innovation-disruption-MOOC-advocate and NYTimes columnist Thomas Friedman gets nostalgic: "That's why, when the Internet first emerged and you had to connect via a modem, I used to urge that modems sold in America come with a warning label from the surgeon general, like cigarettes. It would read: "Attention: Judgment not included." Read more
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The Bad Habits You Learn in School

And it's not about smoking. John Coleman via Harvard Business Review Read more

Turning on the Light

Blog post from MIT student Kirsten L. - #BostonStrong #MITStrong Read more

Weekend Funnies: My Teenage Son is "Going Through a Phase" Video

Gabriel Iglesias' smart teenage son doesn't talk to him anymore. 2 Minute Video via Comedy Central Read more

"The Fringe Benefits of Failure, and the Importance of Imagination"

JK Rowling, Harry Potter Author, Captivates Crowd With Harvard Commencement Speech Read more

To be Daringly Vulnerable

Transforming Education, Parenting and Work, PLUS the Wholehearted Parenting Manifesto Read more

The Arts: Seeing & Thinking Differently

Artless & Senseless? "Once it is recognized that productive thinking in any area of cognition is perceptual thinking, the central function of art in general education will become evident." -Rudolf Arnheim, Visual Thinking Read more

Time to Re-think School Award Ceremonies?

Should school leaders take another look at how award ceremonies affect learning and motivation? Read more

Weekend Video Funnies

Watch 9-Year Old play tennis with "No Fear" vs. pros and Ben Stiller Read more

Music Education . . . do you recall . . . the day the music died?

"One of the things that musicians and artists tend to do is explore other people's art and other people's way of doing things" Read more

Should Schools Teach Students How-to-Code + Lessons Beyond

More concerning is that if we can't portray what is taught in school as compelling, maybe it's not as relevant as we think. Read more

Wanted: A new superhero to feed America

"My superhero is the food angel. She leaves a basket . . . " - Feeding America PSA Read more

From the Culture of Aloha, a Path Out of Gun Violence

In an OLA school environment, we would find group and individual achievements and excellence praised, rather than superiority or domination. -Poka Laenui Read more

Mother Nature's Child: New Documentary Trailer

Children today spend on average spend less than 40 minutes "outside" Read more

New Steve Jobs movie: Where Fun and Money Collide

Woz vocal about inaccuracies in new biopic: Jobs didn't get social value of tech until later Read more

Friday Funnies: Law of Drama

"The lady doth protest too much, methinks." Hamlet, Shakespeare Read more

Conversations that happen in the middle

"We (parents and teachers) really don't get into a conversation . . ." Read more

Viral Video - What do you remember from high school? (Humor)

Week-end Funnies 2-Minute Video Below Viral video parody (nudity alert!) Some Study That I Used to Know is already at 1.5 million views. It's another play on Goyte's hugely viral video Read more

Maker Faire Africa 2012 in Pictures

Possibly one of the more unexpected products at Maker Faire Africa this year in Lagos is a urine powered generator, created by four girls. Read more

What world am living in . . . what should I learn?

Tom Friedman asks "How Do We Adapt to Thrive?" Lessons from Singapore Read more

A "rising global army of freelancers." Are students equipped for this world?

The problem lies with the system that punishes artists and rewards bureaucrats instead. Read more

The Most "Inarticulate Generation?"

2 Minute Video - Truth in Humor Read more

Something's Gotta Give

What stays, what goes, and what we're missing in education Read more
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Zuckerberg Doesn't Have a Tiger Daddy

FACEBOOK Zuckerberg father: "Rather than impose upon your kids or try and steer their lives in a certain direction, to recognize what their strengths are and support their strengths and support the development of the things they're passionate about." Read more

Are our kids sitting too much? (Are we?)

"What's particularly interesting about recent research is the revelation that sitting for extended periods of time does significant damage to human health that cannot be undone by exercising." Read more

A 14-year-old and her Love-Hate Relationship with Twitter

I hate Twitter because it makes me feel bad about myself. I hate Twitter because it makes me feel good about myself. Read more

College M.I.A.'s #7

College Missing In Action: J.D. Salinger, Harry S. Truman, Steve Jobs, Ted Turner -- Didn't Attend College Or Dropped Out -- "Some of the people coming out of those apprenticeships are in more demand than college graduates because they've actually managed things in the workplace." Read more

Weekend Light - Daniel Radcliffe Sings the Elements

Harry Potter sings the periodic table of elements on the Graham Norton show with Colin Farrell, Rihanna...humor video Read more

Mayor Bloomberg on Guns: "What are you going to do?"

"It's not about gun control, but crime control" Read more

Learning. Outside the box.

When you are taught inside a box, you lose parts of yourself. Must-Watch Quick Video. Read more

Note to Aaron Sorkin

Dig Deeper into Education Read more

The Changing Face of the American Dad

"Rather than having one parent totally identified by the job and one identified by the parenting, we both have found a middle ground." Read more

Teenage Whisperer: Hear Me Roar

"So please stop shuffling the paper me around And stop, talk and listen and then I might just be found . . ." Read more
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"A" students tend to become professors, and "C" students become wealthy donors...

"Creativity, he said, might be an even more valuable asset that educators and parents should emphasize." -WSJ quoting Larry Summers, former President of Harvard, President Obama and Clinton advisor Read more

More College M.I.A.s --- Larry Ellison, James Cameron . . .

Larry Ellison of Oracle recently closed on the purchase of a majority ownership of land in Lanai, Maui, Hawaii (for those who've been on vacation), which was the catalyst for re-publishing this classic post which may still resonate . . . Like it or him or not, he is another M.I.A. (Missing in Action- didn't graduate or attend college who is among the notable and/or accomplished) Read more

Does our educational system put the brakes on the entrepreneurial spirit in America?

"Parents could turn the system on its head if they weren't so caught up in outmoded mentalities about education forged in the stable economy of the 1950s (but profoundly misguided in today's chaotic, entrepreneurial economy)." Read more
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How Design Impacted a Rural School System

A "Small Story" with Big Implications: "We need to be better citizens in our own backyard" Read more

"You can discover more about a person in an hour of play than a year of conversation." - Plato

There is a Play Deficit in our country and it is harming our children. Our children are playing less than any previous generation, and research clearly shows this lack of play is producing profound physical, intellectual, social and emotional problems for today's kids. Read more

A very viral Al Pacino riff

"Inches" Make the Difference. Inspiration for students, parents, educators - - - Read more
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Three Great Reads on High-Stakes Standardized Tests

Three Great Resources for Parents, Teachers & Administrators Read more

A Favorite Quote for the 4th of July

in order to give their children a right . . . to study painting, poetry, music, architecture . . . John Adams, letter to Abigail Adams, July 5th, 1780 Read more

"Sugar and Kids: the Toxic Truth"

There is a "high" one get from this substance - which is also hidden in so-called "healthy" foods such bread, tomato sauce, yogurt - where one needs more of it over time to get the same feeling of satisfaction, even after a week. Read more
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Hard Sciences. A "Boy" Thing?

What schools and parents can do to guide girls' interests in Science, Technology, Math & Science - PBS Video + Series - Judy Woodruff reports Read more
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The Chinese Curse. Is America Next?

Is America Leaving Behind What Asia Wants? : Controversial Book & Video Read more
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Great minds don't "do desk" alike. Surprise.

The series is called "Desktop Diaries" - with three videos that are such an indulgent insight into their working minds, as expressed by their organization - pack rat version, the streamlined version Read more
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Are you "That" Parent?

How many good questions aren't asked about schools and education because of the apprehension of being "that" parent? Read more


Daughter came home from school asking, okay, strongly requesting me, to drop everything I was doing to watch this video which was viewed in her . . . Read more
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Stories Matter: The Danger of a Single Story

Melinda Gates' Twitter Poll: A Top "Crowd Fav" TED Talk Read more

How would students rethink education? The list may surprise.

While a few of those might seem large at first glance, the reality is that most students wanted more authenticity and more autonomy. Read more

"Gaming the System: Redshirting in Kindergarten"

"I wonder if we'll look back on the way children were raised in our particular time and place and say, 'What were we thinking?'" -Malcolm Gladwell Read more

What is the "right" kind of parent?

"It is sad to me when I hear parents feeling bad that they aren't doing "x", or feeling bad or embarrassed that they are doing "y"or doing too much of "x", or reluctant to ask questions and convey their concerns." Read more

Harry Potter Dissed by Oscars. Video - Humor.

Videos: Harry Potter and Sherlock Holmes : How It Should Have Ended Read more
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The Case for Distraction . . . or Ritalin?

"It is the attempted standardization of a human being and of a notion of achievement that is limiting, prescriptive and bullying." Read more

Say 'No' to the Greek Chorus

"The mess, the mess! . . . an engraved invitation to transformation. . . Certainty is dead. . ." Read more

Have The Jetsons Arrived?

From "Connect A Million Minds" Initiative - 3 Minute Video. Read more

Michelle Obama beats Jimmy Fallon in White House Race

Video--- FLOTUS Michelle Obama takes on Fallon to promote her Let's Move initiative. Read more

"What happens to all the Asian-American overachievers when the test-taking ends?"

"Let me summarize my feelings toward Asian values: . . .F--- grade-grubbing. F--- Ivy League mania. F--- deference to authority. . . . F--- earnest, striving middle-class servility." Read more
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The Dark Side of Our Achievement Culture

New "Race To Nowhere" Trailer Video Read more

Three Young Women Wow Crowd at TEDx

" . . .making my own opportunities when I didn't even know what I was doing." Read more

What Color is My World? by Kareem Abdul-Jabbar

African-American Inventors & Innovators: MSNBC Morning Joe video Read more

Homeschoolers Bite Back

"I homeschool to give him the world as his classroom, with all the wonderful diversity it offers." Read more

A Connected Teacher: Priceless

Does This Look Like Your School Classroom? Read more

Technology: Enabling a "Golden Age" for Introverts?

"Rather than riding the texture of a live conversation to figure out how to give and receive information, people are now used to simply pushing their thoughts out into the world, to be responded to at some undetermined future point." Read more

How U.S. Education is Failing our Kids: Eric Ries

. . . how our educational system teaches students that incremental effort always brings incremental benefits. Not so . . ." Read more

What does it mean to be a tech-savvy and connected principal?

I wasn't there. In fact, I was almost literally half-way around the world. It happened in Philadelphia and I'm in China. Read more

Cheating: Ace test-taker takes SAT for other students for $$

"I totally give him this like, a new lease on life. He's gonna go to a totally new college, he's gonna be bound for a totally new career and a totally new path in life." -Sam Eshaghoff on 60 Minutes Read more

Crossing the Math Chasm

Asking the Right Questions: So at one end we've got falling interest in education in math, and at the other end we've got a more mathematical world . . . teachers are also frustrated. Read more

Meryl Streep as Margaret Thatcher

Holiday Movie Time! If you missed last night's 60 Minutes on CBS, check out Streep in this fabulous interview with Morley Safer. We also included a fun second video which was not featured on the show, Meryl's Men: How She Feels about her Co-Stars like Dustin, Jack, Kevin and Alec. Read more

Holiday Reading: Thinking fast and slow

Because it is much easier, as well as far more enjoyable, to identify and label the mistakes of others than to recognize our own. Read more

Boy Role-Modeling: The "Man Box"

New TEDWomen Video: Tony Porter Makes a Call to Men Everywhere Read more

Why Can't a Boy Be More Like a Girl?

Why Boys are Tuning Out. "Indirectly, that's what she (the teacher) tells them (boys): 'Be a Girl' " Read more
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Bravo, Gustavo Dudamel!

The 29 year-old Conductor Who Is Redefining Music Education Read more

Parents: Do our kids know what "it takes" to be good at something?

Youth Motivation & Mastery: Create the environment conducive to having kids discover what it takes to become good at something on their own, rather than having "us" - the authority figures - telling them how. Read more

Are Girls Really Alright?

"The Morale of this Story? Embarrass Your Daughters"- Rachel Simmons Read more

Richard Dreyfuss: "We have mis-educated our children so badly"

New Update links: Announces new Civics Initiative PLUS his iTunes EULA Read more

Does Education Need "A New Sheriff"? Elizabeth Warren

Gotta Watch Two Minute "Truth in Humor" Rap Viral Video: Elizabeth Warren Read more

Exercise: "Miracle-Gro for the Brain"

PBS Video: Results of a 6-year high school program prove reading levels and Math test scores significantly increased by exercise BEFORE . . . Read more

Teachers: Don't Leave Out the Parents

"I think we should start assuming that parents are truly on our side and not someone who is out to get us." Read more

"Why Can't Playgrounds Look More Like This?"

"Because a playground doesn't have to cost a million bucks and come in a box. In fact, it's better if it doesn't." Read more

Thugs In The Locker Room: Listen To The "Culture Of Silence"

" . . . sports columnist Sally Jenkins wrote about the swagger of young male athletes and the culture of silence that protects their thuggish locker-room behavior." Read more

Are students "respectful" of adult "values?" Why should they . . . if adults in authority don't walk the talk?

"We do not tolerate intellectual dishonesty from our children in our schools. But it is apparently tolerated and promoted everywhere else. Educational standards cannot be improved until adults begin to model the education values that they loudly espouse." Read more

Parents as Role Models in Fighting Obesity

Now, a study in today's Journal of the American Medical Association finds that heavy teens often gain a lot more weight in their 20s. Half of obese adolescent girls . . . Read more

A More Complex Steve Jobs Revealed

Reporter Steve Kroft of CBS' "60 Minutes" reporter Steve Kroft interviews biographer Walter Isaacson in 2 prime time videos PLUS Jobs' relationship and views on Bill Gates, Larry Page of Google, and Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook. Read more

"I'm her mom, not the nanny!"

" 'I don't think we know anybody Hispanic who isn't a baby sitter,' he said." Read more

Magazines Don't Work. iPad Does. . . according to a 1-year old

Excerpt from The Atlantic Monthly: "The video shows how magazines are now useless and impossible to understand, for digital natives. [A] humble tribute to Steve Jobs, by the most important person: a baby." Not such a great thing . . . Read more

Ending the Dinosaur Era?

Global is not a test score. Two thought-leaders. Fred Wilson interviews Carlota Perez in this illuminating and inspiring video about our global future Read more

"My screwed, coddled, self-absorbed, mocked, surprisingly resilient generation."

" . . we had a PC education - people tried to hide from us as long as possible that not everyone is equal we were told we all have a fair chance of making it that's just not so and we're starting to realize that . . ." Read more

A.D.H.D.: An American "Dream" or Reality?

What are the currents in our time that might be causing an upwelling of psychopathology? Read more

The Great Disruption

"Two master narratives - one threat-based, one opportunity-based, but both involving seismic changes." Read more

Should Kids Be Paid (Bribed) For Good Grades?

Colbert Interviews Harvard Professor In Amusing Video PLUS
Death Threats, A Time Cover Story & "Morning Joe" Debate (w/Surprising Conclusions From Scarborough) Read more
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Girls go to college, and boys create and run tech businesses. Ouch.

"Are girls better at school and boys better at breaking the rules?" Read more

Occupy Wall Street explained in a NY minute on Bill Maher's "Real Time"

Bongo drums, disorganization, and incoherence? Maybe not so fast . . . Read more

John Sculley on Genius

Former CEO of Apple riffs about Steve Jobs, what makes the best innovators & the nature of genius in this essay tribute to mentor - his "Oxford Don" - Alan Kay Read more

Modern Manhood: Bill Bennett on Morning Joe

William Bennett promoting his new book, "The Book of Man," below, which prompted an interesting discussion on MSNBC's Morning Joe today. Read more

Lady Gaga: "Bullying is for Losers"

Video: Lady Gaga sings tribute to Jamie Rodemeyer, gay 14-year old who committed suicide last week Read more

"Mr. Cellophane" Invisible Kids: In the middle of the achievement gap

Because you can look right through me, walk right by me, and never even know I'm there Read more

Taking a homework break and "feeding my brain"

13-year old daughter is doing homework on-line. Mom walks in. Sees her watching a video when "supposed" to be doing homework . . . Read more

The Unintended Consequences of Grading "Effort"

"Even when I try really hard, I'm still dumb." Grading effort is a precarious endeavor that teachers need to think long and hard about before . . . Read more

Lipgloss: "The Gateway Drug" for Girls

3 Quick Videos from the "Women of the World" 2011 Conference Read more

Malcolm Gladwell: We're Off the Rails

Being Smarter about Stuff: like Income Inequality Read more

Education at the Crossroads

By Seth Godin. Should this be about school or about learning? For a while, smart people thought that school was organized to encourage learning. Read more

Phillips Academy Andover Students Rap About Learning

It's all there - auto-tunes and rap juxtaposed with professors and football fields. Read more
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How I Spent My Summer: Being Edgy

"Colleges have moved people from thinking they should be exceptionally well rounded to using the vocabulary that 'well rounded' means 'no edge,' " Read more

"Why It's Smart to be Bi-Lingual" - the brain's new super-food?

Watch actor Bradley Cooper, of The Hangover impress in this interview done in French. Read more

Welcome Back to School, Parents!

A Back-To-School Newsletter - Does it sound anything like your school? Read more

Above and Beyond

Video "tells the story" of how the 4Cs in school -- communication, collaboration, critical thinking and creativity - can spark learning Read more

Facebook and education? Social media? Ask kids what they think.

The Southpark Episode A group of teens set me straight this week-end when I asked them about Facebook. Read more

Being Parented To Be Sexualized And Snippy?

Cyberbullying. On-Line Sexting. Promiscuity is a badge of honor that is filtering to younger and younger girls in affluent communities. Time to step in. Read more

And the beat goes on . . . from Atlanta test score cheating to Wall Street to oil spills

" . . . the cheating occurred at 44 schools and involved at least 178 teachers and principals, almost half of whom have confessed, the governor said." Read more

Harry Potter: It's been a great ride

"My childhood is over . . ." Read more

What Should Kids Know?

What about reading and writing, civics, life skills, mastery skills, pleasure of knowledge? What kind of Math should high schoolers learn? Read more

Got Jobs? Yup. Got Tech?

A Help Wanted Listing via Fred Wilson post Read more

The Social Network Grows Up with Google Plus

What goes round must . . . What circle of "Friends" are you in? Sound familiar? Read more

Supreme Court Justice Touts Video Game Site To Teach Civics & Government

Sandra Day O'Connor Slams No Child Left Behind: Good Morning America Video Read more

Burma Through Skateboarding

Video - was hooked after the first minute. Global, Culture, Education. Read more

Compare Singapore vs. U.S. Teacher Development. Hmm.

How the U.S. Can Build A Better Teacher Read more
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John McEnroe & Bjorn Borg - One of the Greatest Sport Rivalries

One of the best short HBO profiles featuring the relationship between two tennis greats - American John McEnroe and Swede, Bjorn Borg - in a short documentary, aptly named, "Fire & Ice." Read more

Lady Gaga bullied in high school: "it sticks with you for life"

Lady Gaga visits Barbara Walters and the gang on ABC's "The View." Video. Read more

The Unintended Parent-Child Disconnect

"The real value of college isn't in teaching what is known; it is in preparing students for the unknown." Read more
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What if . . . College Had No Clothes?

How would high school be different? Read more

Parents & the homework blues. Forget the flash cards . . .

"Be There. . . .Let's not forget the emotional connection between teacher and student." David Brooks and "The Social Animal." Read more
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What Do They Know? They're Just Students . . .

Dr. Alec Couros Says He's An Educator, But Has His "Open Doctrine" Gone Too Far? Video - Humor Read more

What Skateboarding Can Teach Us About Learning

Dramatic Video "School Sucks" : Building a Better Learning Culture Read more


by Velorazzo  Flickr... Read more
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While I was Procrastinating. . .

The 20-something Seth Godin? Video Version. "While I was procrastinating . . ." Read more

Colbert takes on Renaissance man, James Franco

"Is his brain like a shark, and will die if he stops learning?" Read more

Obama on Being a Dad to Two Teen Girls

Some things he won't have to worry about right now . . . Read more
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The Shift is About to Hit the Fan?

"I Am" documentary by Tom Shadyak, director of Bruce Almighty, The Nutty Professor, and Ace Ventura: Pet Detective. Read more

Don't Take Away My Extra-curricular Activities or Charge Me Extra

Over the past few decades, we have tended to define human capital in the narrow way, emphasizing I.Q., degrees, and professional skills. - NY Times David Brooks Read more

Sir Ken Robinson: The Purpose of Education

It's Personal. Cultural. Economic. Read more

Stephen Colbert To Mr. Math: "Lies, Damned Lies"

Find out which numbers are lonely, lucky, liberal or conservative! Read more

A More Global Perspective On Teacher Development

High Stakes Standardized Tests As Measurement? Teacher Development & "What Works" With Students Read more
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" . . . when you teach kids, you have a moral obligation to work to see the best in them . . ."

Leader Chris Lehmann Slams Teacher Blog Denigrating Students in "Bloggate" Read more
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The "N" word and Huckleberry Finn

Another terrific report from 60 Minutes last night, if you missed. Byron Pitts takes on the "N" word and Huckleberry Finn. Yay or Nay? Read more
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10 ways to build resilience . . .

Does your child's school and class culture sound like this? Read more

School Pie Charts LOL

Final Exams, What Teachers Hate Most, What I Like About Being a Father, What to do About Homework, What I Got From My College Degree, and more . . . . funny charts Read more

Stephen Colbert Interviews Tiger Mom

Well, we asked when the story broke, and Stephen did get around to interview Amy Chua - aka the Superior Chinese Mom" - last night on The Colbert Report. Read more

Is a new "Thank You" culture coming?

Gary Vaynerchuk on "Morning Joe" with a message that social media will drive a more humanized and "small town" world. Read more
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Why does this viral video about child-driven education make so many uncomfortable?

A Child Driven Education: Two Videos that may change the way you think about the ability for a child to learn and the role of technology in education. Two viral videos: Sugata Mitra Read more

Sir Ken Robinson Changing the Education Paradigm - New Video

The geographic ADHD map is a hoot, while the over-arching message and smug thinking in certain academic/thought-leader/politico circles is not . . . Read more

How To Create Jobs For At-Risk Youth

Guest Blogger Edward DeJesus Gets Real: " . . . More Youth Will Find More Successful, Productive Work In The Human Service System Than In The Green Industry . . ." Read more
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David Brooks Says "Superior" Chinese Mom is "Coddling" her Children

"Practicing a piece of music for four hours requires focused attention, but it is nowhere near as cognitively demanding as a sleepover with 14-year-old girls." Read more

Are Chinese Moms Better than American Moms?

The parents reading this article in the Wall Street Journal are more likely to be the ones having their their children tutored, equally-scheduled, and possibly kinda cheating, and/or privately schooled, and legacy-guaranteed to some marquee-name university, so they can agree with Chua's so called superior- parenting techniques . . . ." C.J. Westerberg Read more

The Teacher Model in Singapore: What Matters Most

"Numerous research studies point to why developing good teachers should be our priority, how effective teachers improve student learning, and the devastating effect that ineffective teachers have on students (many a parent can relate to this)." Read more

School of One: Is This What "Blended Learning" Looks Like?

When Technology & Education Collide - Every "One" Has a Story Read more
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Kindergarten Test-Prep Nightmare

Are You Tipping Off Your Child's Test Monitor? A Jaw-Drop View of How To Prepare Your Kindergartner To "Win" Private School Entry Read more

We're All Frogs Boiling In Water

The Hidden Impact of Technology on our Everyday Lives . . . Read more

The Arizona Tragedy: How To Teach Our Children Well

Deepak Chopra Leads the Conversation on "Morning Joe" Plus Ways to Teach about the Arizona Shootings Videos Read more
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The Creativity Crisis In Our Schools

"The correlation to lifetime creative accomplishment was more than three times stronger for childhood creativity than childhood IQ." Read more

President Obama: Isn't It Time To Listen To Students?

Student As Customer? Don't We Want Change That Works For The Student First? Read more

Bestselling Author Seth Godin Slams The Education System

Declares "School Is A Complete Failure" and "The Application Process Of Getting Into College Is A Joke" - Watch Jaw-Dropping 4 min.Video Read more

Forgive Me, Father, For I Have Linked

Laura Bush's Middle School Initiative, Teacher Colleges Being Graded, and Maureen Dowd on the Catholic Church "app" (yes, you heard right) Read more

Dealing with Parents of a Cyber-bully

Parents who present the other parents with a printout of their child's most repugnant moments should be prepared for minimization, even denial. Why schools must be involved. Read more

Disney's Schools In China

" Disney's focus groups find that for Chinese parents, 'education means everything'. English, in particular, is viewed as a ticket to the wider world ..." Read more

Mentoring: The New Activism in America

Newark Mayor Cory Booker - Blizzard Superhero - on the move with a call for action in the "education movement " Read more

The Battle for the Mind of the High School Student

UPDATE: Technology & the Teenage Brain Mash-up Read more

Cornell Professor Roars at Yawning Student

Having a Bad Day - Video plus Seth Godin link Read more

Stephen Colbert on the Mark Twain 'Huck Finn' Censorship

"As long as the 'N' word doesn't appear in the Cliff Notes, you're okay . . ." Read more

"the Jersey Shore-ization of American Society"

"School Shock": TIME's Joe Klein riffs about parental involvement and our "crap culture" Read more

So you want to get a Ph.D. in Humanities?

Humor: Video Series Plus "So You Want to Go to Law School" Read more
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Bullying & the Brain: Tips for Parents

As parents, "our emotional brain wants to fix" the situation and often times we are counter-productive by not being calm in this very chaotic situation. The three steps to remember Read more
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Pushing back on mediocre professors

Seth Godin: "The vast majority of email I get from college students is filled with disgust, disdain and frustration at how backwards the system is." Read more

"Pretty" Blown Away

Not just for parents of girls: Poetry Slam video Read more

Education of a President

"Change is hard," Obama says. "If people now want to take their ball and go home, that tells me folks weren't serious in the first place."- "Obama in Command: The Rolling Stone Interview" by Jann Wenner"'Given how much stuff was... Read more

Your Child's Digital Dossier

Your Child's Life As Recorded by Technology - Four Minute Video Read more

The Education Crisis: "The Daily Show" Version

Wish-We-Thought-of-ThatThe Daily Show Version of "Education Nation" and "Waiting for Superman"Video Below (Humor)An education news round-up that only Lewis Black on Jon Stewart's The Daily Show can do . . . Black takes no prisoners with NBC's special "Education Nation"... Read more

White-Hot Debate: Should Homophobia be Addressed in School Bullying Programs?

Heated Confrontation on Anderson Cooper: Check out Video Read more

Race To Nowhere: Must-Watch Documentary Clip

Are We Creating A Culture Of Unprepared High Achievers? Read more

Colbert to Parents: Keep Fear Alive

"The More You No" Video: Banning Books & the March on Washington DC in October Read more

"The Many Teachers In Our Lives"

"Five Writers Share Their Memories" Of Fellow Soldiers, Parents, Spouses & Friends
Opinion From The Los Angeles Times Read more

Harvard Kids: On Speed Dial Where Life Is A Blur

Intensely Scheduled Extracurricular Activities Take Center Stage Read more
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Waiting for Superman: A "Signal Moment" In Education?

"It's a moment ripe with ferment and possibility, but also rife with conflict, in which the kind of change that fills many hearts with hope fills others with mortal dread- and which gives a movie like 'Superman' a rare chance to move the needle." Read more

Destination: Education

Imagine If Every Student Spent A Year Abroad Before College. . . Read more

New First Impression: Your Child's Digital Tattoo

A "New Cache Society"?On-Line Messages Live Permanently On the WebFuture College & Job Seekers:  Listen UpVideo Below With so much press dedicated to cyberbullying and the ill effects of too much time spent on-line, let us not forget how important... Read more

ADHD? Or, Too Young for School?

Rampant Misdiagnosis of ADHD - Grow Up! Read more

Recording Artist & Philanthropist John Legend To Bill Maher: "You're Wrong On Education"

Retaliates Against Maher's "Rule" To "Fire The Parents, Not The Teachers" Read more

The Professional Lives of Teachers in Singapore

An American Math Teacher Travel Journal Read more

India's "I Can" Mind Shift: What America Can Learn

By Empowering Kids To "Lead The Change", India Raised Math, English and Science Outcomes Read more

Transforming School for Real Learning: The Video to Watch

Best education video of 2010? Brilliant TED talk by Chris Lehmann, principal of Science Leadership Academy -- a featured school in "Apple in Education" series takes on technology to meta-cognition to empowering students to the role of education. Check it out. Read more

The Cheerleader Culture Riff

The Worst Kind of Role-Modeling? Read more

Brian Williams @12Noon EDT: Teacher Town Hall - MSNBC's "Education Nation"

Check out Brian Williams and his "Teacher Town Hall", streaming live, which "will bring together teachers from across the country, both in-person and online, to brainstorm ideas, talk about what works . . . Read more

Stephen Colbert University

Kaplan University and University of Phoenix: Not Having a Great Day Read more

Teachers Can't Do It Alone

A powerful and well-done video presentation about the teaching profession - the churn, the upcoming demand, and most glaringly, the lack of collaboration . . . Read more

Our Razzle Dazzle Culture

"A society that is concerned about the strength and wisdom of its culture pays careful attention to its adolescents." --Ted Sizer Read more
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Oh, Joy. Now We Have Gambling For Grades.

Not exactly the kind of "tech advances in education" one wants to brag about. Read more

"Net Neutrality Is The First Amendment Issue Of Our Time"

Senator Al Franken Takes On Google-Verizon And The Big Boys Read more
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Education Arms Race

Outnumbered? Sure. Yet are we dumping valuable assets? Dr. Yong Zhao and "2 Million Minutes" Compton Duke It Out In One Of The Most Important Debates In Education Today Read more

College Grads: Diploma First. Passport Next.

"I don't care where you went to business school. I don't care whether your grades were good or bad. You have to leave the country." Read more

A Leader Reveals Key Job Candidate Questions

" . . .In abundance, it's very easy to lose focus. But in adversity, one must have extreme focus. . . " Read more

A Must-See "Morning Joe" Debate:

All Roads Lead To Education: Afghanistan, National Security And, Yes, Even Obesity Read more

"Always Learning": The Next Work-Out For Boomers & Gen-X?

" . . .This is the largest study ever to confirm that hitting the books could help you fight the symptoms of dementia in later life. . ." Read more

"How Creative Are You?"

. . . .this test is that measures (and values) exactly the opposite qualities that are generally most valued in schools, especially in middle and high schools, where compliance, conformity and rigid adherency to instruction, rules and "what is taught" are rewarded and highly valued . . . Read more

Teaching A Pig To Dance

Former Republican Presidential Candidate and Actor Fred Thompson and The Daily Show's Jon Stewart Know Better Read more


Custom Made For "All The High School Grads": 4 Min. Vid - Great Site For Students Read more

A New Conversation With Sir Ken Robinson

"The Problem Is In Order To Get Through This Culture Of Standardized Testing, We Are Standardizing Our Children To Make Them 'Fit The Test'." Read more
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Eyes Wide Open: Parental Advice About Teens

How To Distinguish Between Typical Teen Behavior & Serious Problems Read more

"Get Off Facebook": Middle School Principal Takes On Cyberbullying

Sends Message To Parents & Tweens: "There Is Absolutely No Reason For Any Middle School Student To Be A Part Of A Social Networking Site!" GMA Video-Stephanopoulos Read more


NC's Raleigh/Durham to New York City: We're Smarter Read more

On-Line Enrichment: A Smart Summer School Alternative

What Do Home Schooling, Supplemental Learning & Summer School Now Have In Common? No Need To Be Chauffeured. Read more

Star Trek Has Arrived: Telepresence Coming To Schools?

Cool Technology: The Next Wave In Videoconferencing - "Beam Me Up, Scotty". Read more

"I Am What I Learn" : The Myron Rolle Story

Football Star puts NFL "on hold" to attend Oxford with a Rhodes Scholarship. Video. Read more

The Oil Spill And Our Educated Citizenry

 "To educate a man in mind and not in morals is  to educate a menace to society."                                              ... Read more

Bright Spots For Jobs: College Grads

"Companies in second-tier tech locations such as Austin, Texas, and Raleigh, N.C., had an easier time recruiting talented employees during the slump. But now that Silicon Valley firms have started aggressively hiring, and the general economy is improving, competition is stiffening. . . " Read more

Graduation Mash-Up: Reality-Check Time

Three To Read: Sharp Observations On Our Graduating Class Read more

Marijuana For A.D.D. Instead Of Adderall?

". . . .Andrew, Weed Is Nothing Short Of A Miracle For Me . . ." Read more

Dear Millennials: Your Parents Lied To You

"You're wonderful, sweetie. Just keep working hard and you can be anything you want to be. Great job!" (soccer mom, 1992) Read more

"Ritalin Or Recess?" Are Schools Promoting The Use Of Drugs?

"Study high, take the test high, get high scores" - NYU Student Read more

A 2.5 Year Old Has First Encounter With An iPad

Video: Approaching the 1 Million Mark In Hits - Oh, The Places These Kids Will Go! Read more

War On Cancer & Chemicals Affecting Our Kids

"Some 41 percent of Americans Will Be Diagnosed With Cancer": Six Things We Can Do Read more

Education Business: Major Revelations About For-Profit Schools In PBS Special "College Inc."

College Inc., a powerful special documentary aired last night on PBS's Frontline, covers the hot topics in higher education and is just too compelling to miss:  for-profit schools like Phoenix University and DeVry, how on-line is impacting higher ed, the... Read more

Chatroulette: Is Your Teen/Tween On This On-Line "Porn" Chat Room?

What Every Parent MUST Know: New Free Video Chat Site With No Real Age Restriction Making It Big With The Younger Set Read more

National Geographic Bee FINALS

Hosted By Alex Trebek - Spread The Word - 5 Million Kids Entered! Read more

"Is The New Facebook A Deal With The Devil?"

Updates Today From Wired Magazine, NY Times, Mashable & Even Al Franken Read more

Why Do Schools Have To Be So Beige? Brooklyn Middle School Shows True Colors

Why do most schools look like left-over military bases? Read more

Controversial Documentary "Waiting for Superman" Expected To Shake Up Education World

Directed and produced by Oscar-winning director Davis Guggenheim of An Inconvenient Truth, Superman "reminds us that education 'statistics' have names: Anthony, Francisco, Bianca, Daisy, and Emily." Read more

Discovery Premieres Stunning 11-Part "LIFE" Series - Natural Science Lessons At Home

Narrated By Oprah Winfrey - Photography "Ultimate Portrait In Animal Behavior" Read more

Why We Need Mentors In School & Work More Than Ever

"The young entrepreneurs who are starting companies for the first time are best served by seeking out and getting experienced serial entrepreneurs as angel investors, board members, and mentors.We encourage all of the first time entrepreneurs we work with to do... Read more

Create 1.5 Million Jobs By Fixing Our Crumbling Schools?

Sounds like a plan.  Link here for more info. How any school in this country has sub-par facilities is beyond comprehension.What do you think?... Read more

History Maker Tom Hanks & Colbert Talk HBO's "The Pacific" & Video Visit To The White House

HBO's "The Pacific" - See new videos below w/Stephen Spielberg & Tom Hanks at The White House PLUS Hanks has some fun with Stephen Colbert defending his "History Maker" moniker, as coined by Time magazine. Read more

Bill Maher: Fire The Parents, Not The Teachers

VIDEO - Did Newsweek Cover Put Maher, A Teacher Union Critic, Over The Edge? Read more

Michelle Obama: "We're In Charge" - Obesity Not Kids' Fault - Global Issue

Newsweek breaks this week with terrific multi-article coverage of First Lady Michelle Obama's take-no-prisoners campaign to help bring our child obesity epidemic and our super-size-it mentality to a tipping point.  Link to articles here.   An excerpt of her much-needed "tough... Read more

Top Chef Jamie Oliver Joins FLOTUS Michelle Obama Vs. Our Overweight Kid Epidemic

Join the "Food Revolution": Can Your High Schooler Cook 10 Healthy Meals? Videos. Read more

PBS: Next "Golden Age" Of Arts In America

Spearheaded By The Surge In New Media, PBS Prez Announces "Major Online Initiative" Bringing Arts To Wider Audience In An Impassioned Speech In Los Angeles. Read more

School Spying Students At-Home Via Computer?

A family is suing school who allegedly spied on their son at home without cause by using a school-provided laptop webcam as a "peeping Tom technology". FBI is on case. Read more

16 Olympic Sports Linked To Science

Video Collaboration by National Science Foundation & NBC Read more

"The Future Is Now" In Education Advertising

Kaplan University & The New Zealand Lottery Hit A Personal Note. 1 Min. Video Read more

Bill Gates: "'Waiting For Superman' Is An Incredible Film"

Watch Two Min. Interview/Trailer: "Film Reminds Us We Need To Change The System" Read more

The Lottery: Watch 2 Min. Movie Trailer

With The Third Major Movie We've Announced This Week (!) In Education, Are We Seeing A Revolution Afoot? This Must-See Flick Hits "The System" Hard. Coming in Spring. Read more


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Are Standardized Test Scores Arne Duncan's One Note Song?

The Federal Stimulus and "Race to the Top" Grants - How Will It Affect Education?According to The Christian Science Monitor this month:"The federal stimulus money for education is prompting states, much more than before, to embrace reforms promoted by the... Read more
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David Bowie and Other Observations - How Education in Detroit May Be a Warning To Other Vulnerable Districts Across the Country Read more


Our boys need good role models now more than ever Read more
The secret message communicated to most young people today by the society around them is that they are not needed, that the society will run itself quite nicely until they - at some distant point in the future - will take over the reigns. Yet the fact is that the society is not running itself nicely... because the rest of us need all the energy, brains, imagination and talent that young people can bring to bear down on our difficulties. For society to attempt to solve its desperate problems without the full participation of even very young people is imbecile.
Alvin Toffler
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