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Failure: It's the Badge of Honor in Silicon Valley & the OPPOSITE in School

CJ Westerberg, November 9, 2014 3:13 PM


" . . . .up to 500 tech start-up newbies have gathered with industry veterans who dish on their "biggest fail" and
lead round-table discussions with titles like
"How to Conduct Yourself When It All Goes Off the Rails."

-New York Times

Would this EVER Happen in a School Setting?

If failure is a badge of honor in Silicon Valley, wonder would happen if schools treated failure more this way (as a learning process and not a high-stakes mark of shame)?

Five years ago, Cassandra Phillipps founded FailCon, a one-day conference in San Francisco celebrating failure. Discouraged by a growing chorus of start-up founders promoting their triumphs throughout Silicon Valley, and nervous about her own prospects as an entrepreneur, she craved the stories of people who had flopped.

The conference was a success. And every October for the next four years, up to 500 tech start-up newbies have gathered with industry veterans who dish on their "biggest fail" and lead round-table discussions with titles like "How to Conduct Yourself When It All Goes Off the Rails."

But this year, the FailCon event in San Francisco was canceled, and Ms. Phillipps says part of the reason is that failure chatter is now so pervasive in Silicon Valley that a conference almost seems superfluous. "It's in the lexicon that you're going to fail," she says.


Famous Failures Who Didn't Make the Grade

Being Pegged, Late Bloomers and Effort

Why Testing Fails: How Numbers Deceive Us All by Joseph Ganem Ph.D.

It had long since come to my attention that people of accomplishment rarely sat back and let things happen to them. They went out and happened to things.
Leonardo da Vinci
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Riffing good stories


Failure: It's the Badge of Honor in Silicon Valley & the OPPOSITE in School

CJ Westerberg, 11.09.2014

Would this EVER Happen in a School Setting?" . . . .up to 500 tech start-up newbies have gathered with industry veterans who dish on their "biggest fail" and lead round-table discussions with titles like "How to Conduct Yourself When It All Goes Off the Rails."

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