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Higher Ed

Inside and Outed


The Key to Modernizing Education

"The gateways we have in education . . . have a huge influence . . ." Read more

"Thwart Institutional Cowardice"

Congratulations Vicki Abeles for Raising Funds for next film "Beyond Measure" Read more

Chinese Super Schools?

"No one, after 12 years of Chinese education, has any chance to receive a Nobel prize, even if he or she went to Harvard, Yale, Oxford or Cambridge for college . . ." Yong Zhao Read more

Ideal Elite College Students: "Excellent Sheep"

"Everybody - administrators, admissions officers, faculty and students - knows that the pressures of the resume race are out of control." Read more

What should you learn after graduation?

. . . and what exactly are students learning in school now? Read more

Big Thinking & the College Promise

" . . . these kids, like any others, are hungry for big ideas." Read more

College Professors Read Their Student Reviews

 Quick Video Below Gotta love the college profs for sharing -... Read more

Ivory Tower: The Movie

A documentary about higher education that "questions its cost and value" . . . Read more

THE LIST: 12 Top Technologies in Education

Breakthroughs, Disruptions and Spin Read more

College Debt and Banks: It's called "Skim"

aka. No-brainer money for bankers; debt for students for brain-credentials Read more

NEW: Weekend Reading

Looking for Intimacy in the Age of Facebook is a higher education course (yes, you heard right). Interestingly, social media may inhibit creativity and innovation Read more

The New Resume

A picture is worth a thousand words. A video game-like format is worth . . . Read more

Advice to Graduates: Accomplishment is Unreliable

The Best Commencement of 2013 - George Saunders: "But still. It bothers me. So here's something I know to be true, although it's a little corny, and I don't quite know what to do with it: What I regret most in my life are failures of kindness. Those moments when another human being was there, in front of me, suffering, and I responded . . . sensibly. Reservedly. Mildly." Read more

10 Things I Learned at (Bard) College Which I Couldn't Possibly Have Picked Up Elsewhere

I've often switched careers - from the arts world to human rights to international relations. "From law to writing and development to events management, Bard has taught me that with the right mindset, flexibility is possible, and versatility allows you to remain calm under pressure . . ." Read more

Can Entrepreneurship be Taught?

"I always say this, "What do penicillin, electricity, Reese's peanut butter cups, and Velcro have in common?" They were all invented by mistake." -Tim Draper Read more

Obama: Higher Education Shouldn't Be a Luxury

Proposes three initiatives including Pay-as-You-Earn Read more

Nervy Minerva: Taking on Harvard

"I didn't have habits of mind that a liberal arts education was supposed to have given me." Read more
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Cultivating the Entrepreneurial Learner

"We dedicate this book to the parents of children who are growing up in the digital age. We hope our contribution will illuminate the strange and wondrous learning styles of the next generation." John Seely Brown Read more

MIT Media Lab's Joi Ito: Trad Classes are so yesterday

Doing, Making and Researching: The Future of Education - Video Read more
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Guest Post: The Difference between a Mentor and Role-Model

"a good mentor takes the time to understand" Read more
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NEW POST: The MFA (Master of Fine Arts) as the new MBA?

Sir Ken Robinson: STEM, STEAM and the Humanities Read more

We're Gonna Make You POPular!

The Top Ten MOOCs Higher Ed "Stars" are Male- Not a Single Woman - Really?? Read more
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Are we creating innovators? 22 Insights

C.J. Westerberg dissects new book by Tony Wagner - "Creating Innovators" Video Trailer Read more

"Figure-It-The-Hell-Out Gene" Is Most Important When Hiring

WIT & WISDOM: CEO Looks for Grads Who Come Up with the Unexpected Read more

How To Learn Math: FREE Summer On-line Course from Stanford U for teachers & parents

Here is a great "manageable" (for those of us who are time-crunched) Summer School opportunity from Dr. Joanne Boaler.I've signed up - do check it out here.The Daily Riff previously featured Dr. Boaler in the post, Math Heaven and Hell.-... Read more

Forget Calculus. Learn Statistics. It's about data, stupid.

UPDATE TODAY The 3 Billion Dollar Brain - Obama's Brain Activity Map Read more

What I'm reading now: Laptop U - Has the future of college moved online?

The New Yorker has a big sprawling piece on MOOCs - a Must-Read. Read more

Advice for Teens Going to College

Weekend Funnies: "Amid skyrocketing tuition costs and dismal job prospects, Aasif Mandvi imparts a healthy fear of higher education in a group of at risk young people." (04:57) Read more
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The Bad Habits You Learn in School

And it's not about smoking. John Coleman via Harvard Business Review Read more

Turning on the Light

Blog post from MIT student Kirsten L. - #BostonStrong #MITStrong Read more
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Here a MOOC, there a MOOC, everywhere a MOOC, MOOC . . .

16 Possible Effects of MOOCs
The good, the bad and the ugly Read more
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High Schoolers: "What You'll Wish You'd Known"

It's dangerous to design your life around getting into college Read more

The Practical University?

Musings on college: Visiting with high schoolers, David Brooks and Stanford University's new video series on MOOCs: " . . ."It's the beginning of a wholesale reorganization of teaching and learning in higher education." Read more

"Revolution Hits the Universities": MOOCs

"Nothing has more potential . . . " -NYTimes Columnist and Author (The World is Flat) Thomas L. Friedman Read more
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Rethinking College

"I believe that we are in the midst of a major transformation in the human experience." - Dr. Joseph Ganem Read more

Math Heaven and Hell

"My different studies have shown that students who engage actively in their mathematics learning, rather than simply practicing procedures, achieve at higher levels." - Stanford professor Dr. Jo Boaler Read more

What Students (Really) Need to Know

"A good rule of thumb for many things in life holds that things take longer to happen than you think they will, and then happen faster than you thought they could." - Lawrence Summers Read more

College M.I.A.'s #7

College Missing In Action: J.D. Salinger, Harry S. Truman, Steve Jobs, Ted Turner -- Didn't Attend College Or Dropped Out -- "Some of the people coming out of those apprenticeships are in more demand than college graduates because they've actually managed things in the workplace." Read more

"I can write a 20-page research paper and my roommate can't .."

It's an amazing skill. Also, they feel more comfortable talking. They report they are participating in class discussions and backing up what they say with evidence and that they feel very comfortable in their first year of college. It's amazing how often we hear from college profs and job recruiters how these skills - writing, communicating, researching and supporting an argument in-depth - are lacking, even from "A" students. A disconnect of assessment, one would think. Read more
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"A" students tend to become professors, and "C" students become wealthy donors...

"Creativity, he said, might be an even more valuable asset that educators and parents should emphasize." -WSJ quoting Larry Summers, former President of Harvard, President Obama and Clinton advisor Read more

More College M.I.A.s --- Larry Ellison, James Cameron . . .

Larry Ellison of Oracle recently closed on the purchase of a majority ownership of land in Lanai, Maui, Hawaii (for those who've been on vacation), which was the catalyst for re-publishing this classic post which may still resonate . . . Like it or him or not, he is another M.I.A. (Missing in Action- didn't graduate or attend college who is among the notable and/or accomplished) Read more

Say 'No' to the Greek Chorus

"The mess, the mess! . . . an engraved invitation to transformation. . . Certainty is dead. . ." Read more

The Cost of College: The Pushback

Secretary of Education, Arne Duncan, is having a busy week on the heels of President Obama's State of the Union address Read more

College: Debt too damn high - Should I stay or should I go?

Should I Stay or Should I go? Another bubble about to pop? Read more
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Dr. Jane (Ph.D.) Can't Network, Either

Guest Post: "Dr. Jane Knows How To Narrowly Present Herself To A Unique Audience Of Like-Minded Individuals. Is It Any Surprise That Students Aren't Well-Equipped For Our Present Economy?" Read more

Saying No to Standardized Testing for College?

Colleges & Universities Jump On Board the "Test Optional" Movement: No SAT or ACT
VIDEO: One Student's Journey + Lawrence University Shares Views Read more
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Girls go to college, and boys create and run tech businesses. Ouch.

"Are girls better at school and boys better at breaking the rules?" Read more

College Drop-Out Steve Jobs' Commencement Speech: "Three Stories From My Life"

Followed His Curiosity & Intuition Which "Turned Out To Be Priceless Later On" VIDEO Read more

Phillips Academy Andover Students Rap About Learning

It's all there - auto-tunes and rap juxtaposed with professors and football fields. Read more
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How I Spent My Summer: Being Edgy

"Colleges have moved people from thinking they should be exceptionally well rounded to using the vocabulary that 'well rounded' means 'no edge,' " Read more

Got Jobs? Yup. Got Tech?

A Help Wanted Listing via Fred Wilson post Read more
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What if . . . College Had No Clothes?

How would high school be different? Read more

The Most Important Higher Education Study in Years - "Trust Us" won't cut it anymore

"Trust Us" Won't Cut It Anymore: American higher education,' the researchers found, 'is characterized by limited or no learning for a large proportion of students.' Read more

Cornell Professor Roars at Yawning Student

Having a Bad Day - Video plus Seth Godin link Read more
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Pushing back on mediocre professors

Seth Godin: "The vast majority of email I get from college students is filled with disgust, disdain and frustration at how backwards the system is." Read more

College Grads: Diploma First. Passport Next.

"I don't care where you went to business school. I don't care whether your grades were good or bad. You have to leave the country." Read more

The College MIA List #6: Those Who Dropped Out Or Never Attended

* Read More About the Steve Wozniak Relationship (Rift?) With Steve Jobs, Fellow M.I.A. In This Fascinating Piece From Slate: "The iPad is Steve Jobs' Final Victory Over The Company's Co-founder Steve Wozniak." Read more
The secret message communicated to most young people today by the society around them is that they are not needed, that the society will run itself quite nicely until they - at some distant point in the future - will take over the reigns. Yet the fact is that the society is not running itself nicely... because the rest of us need all the energy, brains, imagination and talent that young people can bring to bear down on our difficulties. For society to attempt to solve its desperate problems without the full participation of even very young people is imbecile.
Alvin Toffler
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