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Opportunity, Collaboration & Discovery


The Key to Modernizing Education

"The gateways we have in education . . . have a huge influence . . ." Read more

If I were trying to select a school system for my children . . ."

"If I were trying to select a school system for my children or grandchildren, I'd beware of . . . ." - Howard Gardner, Harvard School of Education Read more
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The Finland Phenomenon: Inside the World's Most Surprising School System

New update December 2, 2013 which includes Yong Zhao link and comments PLUS CNN videos Read more

The Satori Generation

Enlightened or Generation Resignation? Read more

See Dick & Jane Not Run

Kids Less Physically Fit Than Their Parents Read more

Stigliz on Education

VIDEO: "We have an education system that is very dependent on where you live, where you live is very dependent on what you can afford . . . " Read more

Nervy Minerva: Taking on Harvard

"I didn't have habits of mind that a liberal arts education was supposed to have given me." Read more

Lego Founder Opening School (and it's not your parents' school)

"We talk to children about rights and responsibilities so they can better understand the consequences of their actions and develop true self-discipline. We use codes of conduct rather than rules; reflection and restoration rather than punitive sanctions." Read more

How to Develop Students into "Problem-Finders" and why it matters

Designing for Great Learning: Moving Beyond Project-Based Learning Read more
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Here a MOOC, there a MOOC, everywhere a MOOC, MOOC . . .

16 Possible Effects of MOOCs
The good, the bad and the ugly Read more

Cartoon via Boston Globe by Wasserman Remembering the dead and the injured.... Read more
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Yong Zhao: Standardized test scores do not reflect teacher ability, school quality or a student's future

The Asian-American Model Minority Myth, the U.S. obsession with test scores, and why Asian education is running away from that model. VIDEO - great watch. Read more

Weeekend Funnies: Jon Stewart is Killing It in China

Why Jon Stewart is so popular in China: "I am decadent capitalist Jon Stewart. Folks, how about this air quality, am I right? Beijing, Shanghai I've seen Confucius quotes that were clearer." Read more

Maker Faire Africa 2012 in Pictures

Possibly one of the more unexpected products at Maker Faire Africa this year in Lagos is a urine powered generator, created by four girls. Read more

What world am living in . . . what should I learn?

Tom Friedman asks "How Do We Adapt to Thrive?" Lessons from Singapore Read more

A "rising global army of freelancers." Are students equipped for this world?

The problem lies with the system that punishes artists and rewards bureaucrats instead. Read more
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Charlie Rose & Kauffman Foundation On Education & Entrepreneurship

Plus, President "Obama's Entrepreneur Problem" by naming GE's Immelt business czar Read more

Something's Gotta Give

What stays, what goes, and what we're missing in education Read more
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Technology: The Parent Connection

Parent Involvement & School Technology - What Can it Look Like? Read more

A Definitive Guide for Developing a Technology Vision Statement for your School

. . ."students will be inquisitive, open-minded learners who use technology in a balanced & responsible manner along the way to becoming discerning, self-directed life-long learners . . ." Read more

The Minerva Project: Shaking up the Ivies?

A Start-Up "E-lite" University with Urban Classrooms backed by Silicon Valley and Larry Summers Read more
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The Chinese Curse. Is America Next?

Is America Leaving Behind What Asia Wants? : Controversial Book & Video Read more


Daughter came home from school asking, okay, strongly requesting me, to drop everything I was doing to watch this video which was viewed in her . . . Read more
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Stories Matter: The Danger of a Single Story

Melinda Gates' Twitter Poll: A Top "Crowd Fav" TED Talk Read more

"What happens to all the Asian-American overachievers when the test-taking ends?"

"Let me summarize my feelings toward Asian values: . . .F--- grade-grubbing. F--- Ivy League mania. F--- deference to authority. . . . F--- earnest, striving middle-class servility." Read more
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Apple and Education Publishing: The Disruptor

". . . we'd like you to come along for the ride. But if you choose not to, we won't hesitate to leave you behind . . ." -John Gruber, Daring Fireball, referring to his "guess" about Apple's strategy for the education textbook marketplace Read more

A Connected Teacher: Priceless

Does This Look Like Your School Classroom? Read more

The Best Book about Education for Everyone?

The Global Achievement Gap: Why even our best schools don't teach the survival skills our children need - and what we can do about it Read more

What does it mean to be a tech-savvy and connected principal?

I wasn't there. In fact, I was almost literally half-way around the world. It happened in Philadelphia and I'm in China. Read more

"Why Can't Playgrounds Look More Like This?"

"Because a playground doesn't have to cost a million bucks and come in a box. In fact, it's better if it doesn't." Read more

The Dilemmas of the "Professional" Teacher

" . . .although it's perfectly true that good teaching and learning in most schools happen - if and when they do - despite, not because of, the systems and structures that are in place." Read more

Ending the Dinosaur Era?

Global is not a test score. Two thought-leaders. Fred Wilson interviews Carlota Perez in this illuminating and inspiring video about our global future Read more

The Great Disruption

"Two master narratives - one threat-based, one opportunity-based, but both involving seismic changes." Read more

Gamers Help Scientific Breakthroughs for AIDS and Cancer

"Developed by researchers at the University of Washington, Foldit turns scientific problems into competitive games."This just in from PC World.  Great story going beyond the usual positive spin of gaming.  Excerpts:  In just three weeks, gamers deciphered the structure of... Read more

Teaching For Students. Sounds Obvious. Not.

"Seeing" Learning From The Student Perspective: Guest Post By Bill Jackson, Scarsdale Math Teacher, From Day 6 Travel Journal To Japan Read more
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How I Spent My Summer: Being Edgy

"Colleges have moved people from thinking they should be exceptionally well rounded to using the vocabulary that 'well rounded' means 'no edge,' " Read more

"Why It's Smart to be Bi-Lingual" - the brain's new super-food?

Watch actor Bradley Cooper, of The Hangover impress in this interview done in French. Read more

Math Spiraling: down a black hole to nowhere?

Are there too many Math concepts being taught in the early years? Read more

What Should Kids Know?

What about reading and writing, civics, life skills, mastery skills, pleasure of knowledge? What kind of Math should high schoolers learn? Read more

Got Jobs? Yup. Got Tech?

A Help Wanted Listing via Fred Wilson post Read more

The Social Network Grows Up with Google Plus

What goes round must . . . What circle of "Friends" are you in? Sound familiar? Read more

Burma Through Skateboarding

Video - was hooked after the first minute. Global, Culture, Education. Read more

Compare Singapore vs. U.S. Teacher Development. Hmm.

How the U.S. Can Build A Better Teacher Read more

Google Science Fair: Singing Fingers & Musical Paint Strokes?

Mitch Resnick, professor of MIT Media Lab takes us on a quick discovery tour - Video Read more

The Story of One School : Disaster in Japan

60 Minutes' reporter Scott Pelley reports that the crisis is so vast, unimaginable, and difficult to convey that he he chose one story to capture the devastation and impact on so many lives. He brings us to one elementary school. Read more

Some Big Questions for Educators & Parents

"Are we intentionally, purposefully, and explicitly modeling these new technology literacies for our students?" Read more

Sir Ken Robinson: The Purpose of Education

It's Personal. Cultural. Economic. Read more

Education Love-Fest on "Morning Joe"

"Not embracing the status quo and doing everything we can to push for re-invention and self-renewal in education." Howard Shultz, Randi Weingarten, Geoffrey Canada Read more

A More Global Perspective On Teacher Development

High Stakes Standardized Tests As Measurement? Teacher Development & "What Works" With Students Read more

Are Chinese Moms Better than American Moms?

The parents reading this article in the Wall Street Journal are more likely to be the ones having their their children tutored, equally-scheduled, and possibly kinda cheating, and/or privately schooled, and legacy-guaranteed to some marquee-name university, so they can agree with Chua's so called superior- parenting techniques . . . ." C.J. Westerberg Read more

The Teacher Model in Singapore: What Matters Most

"Numerous research studies point to why developing good teachers should be our priority, how effective teachers improve student learning, and the devastating effect that ineffective teachers have on students (many a parent can relate to this)." Read more

Learn Chinese & Become A Communist ?!

Socialism Studies With Jon Stewart on The Daily Show- PLUS CNN UPDATE 1/19/2011 Read more

The Emerging Job Market

Does your grad have what it takes? Are our students learning "the right stuff"? Read more

Bill Gates Riffs about Math Education

Video: The Future of On-Line Lectures plus what Bill is reading and watching these days - Read more

6 Creative Ways Our Students Can be "Contributors" - - - In & Out of School

By Alan November: "If our children are to grow up to make important contributions to our society, it is essential that we provide them with powerful tools and experiences across the curriculum. This will require a new culture of teaching and learning that engages students as contributors." Read more

Did you Know? Shift Happens. Top Viral Video in Education?

Technology, Globalization and The Information Age Read more

Pickling the Cyber-bully Viruses

Australia's "Cure the Bullies" Campaign Read more

Disney's Schools In China

" Disney's focus groups find that for Chinese parents, 'education means everything'. English, in particular, is viewed as a ticket to the wider world ..." Read more
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Cool, Cheap & Clever: 7 Designs for School

Check out the "Lily Pad", a very cool mat for developing countries (why not living rooms?) and the SoapShish - too cool for words so why not Math? Read more

Destination: Education

Imagine If Every Student Spent A Year Abroad Before College. . . Read more

The Professional Lives of Teachers in Singapore

An American Math Teacher Travel Journal Read more

India's "I Can" Mind Shift: What America Can Learn

By Empowering Kids To "Lead The Change", India Raised Math, English and Science Outcomes Read more

Teachers Can't Do It Alone

A powerful and well-done video presentation about the teaching profession - the churn, the upcoming demand, and most glaringly, the lack of collaboration . . . Read more
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Education Arms Race

Outnumbered? Sure. Yet are we dumping valuable assets? Dr. Yong Zhao and "2 Million Minutes" Compton Duke It Out In One Of The Most Important Debates In Education Today Read more
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Teachers As "Underground Freedom Fighters"

" . . .I asked him how he selects the one student he will observe.
He told me that he listens carefully to what students are saying to themselves and
chooses a student who is 'thinking out loud.' . . " - Bill Jackson Read more

College Grads: Diploma First. Passport Next.

"I don't care where you went to business school. I don't care whether your grades were good or bad. You have to leave the country." Read more

A Leader Reveals Key Job Candidate Questions

" . . .In abundance, it's very easy to lose focus. But in adversity, one must have extreme focus. . . " Read more

"Always Learning": The Next Work-Out For Boomers & Gen-X?

" . . .This is the largest study ever to confirm that hitting the books could help you fight the symptoms of dementia in later life. . ." Read more

Star Trek Has Arrived: Telepresence Coming To Schools?

Cool Technology: The Next Wave In Videoconferencing - "Beam Me Up, Scotty". Read more

The Oil Spill And Our Educated Citizenry

 "To educate a man in mind and not in morals is  to educate a menace to society."                                              ... Read more

Chatroulette: Is Your Teen/Tween On This On-Line "Porn" Chat Room?

What Every Parent MUST Know: New Free Video Chat Site With No Real Age Restriction Making It Big With The Younger Set Read more

NYT: "We Have Met The Enemy And He Is PowerPoint"

"When We Understand That Slide, We'll Have Won The War:" General Scott McChrystal Read more

Discovery Premieres Stunning 11-Part "LIFE" Series - Natural Science Lessons At Home

Narrated By Oprah Winfrey - Photography "Ultimate Portrait In Animal Behavior" Read more

Singapore Math - Or How I Learned To Love Numbers

Guest Post By Kathleen Jalalpour, Middle School Math Teacher & Teacher Trainer Read more

Invention Investor & Climate Freakonomist

Nathan Myhrvold: Scientist, Inventor, Billionaire, Investor. Video. Read more

"The Flat World and Education": A Wake-Up Call For Teachers & Parents

Video Comparing The U.S. Vs. Other Countries: What They Do Right & What We Can Learn From Them. Is This The Book Of The Year By Dr. Linda Darling-Hammond? Read more




Water, food, medical supplies, shelter all are needed. . .as are our prayers. Your kids will be hearing about this devastation in school and it is important to be able to dispel any fears and misinformation Read more
The secret message communicated to most young people today by the society around them is that they are not needed, that the society will run itself quite nicely until they - at some distant point in the future - will take over the reigns. Yet the fact is that the society is not running itself nicely... because the rest of us need all the energy, brains, imagination and talent that young people can bring to bear down on our difficulties. For society to attempt to solve its desperate problems without the full participation of even very young people is imbecile.
Alvin Toffler
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