OFAC’s got some ‘splaining to do…

From OFAC's FAQ on how to determine if you have a match against the SDN list, we have:

Step 3. How much of the SDN’s name is matching against the name of your account holder? Is just one of two or more names matching (i.e., just the last name)?

If yes, you do not have a valid match.*

If no, please continue to 4 below.

Really? Is that really the standard? How about:

  • The data matches the first and middle names but not the last: does every Mary Ann and Jose Maria require additional review?
  • The data matches a first name and the maternal last name of a Hispanic (or Portuguese-speaking) individual, but not the paternal last name – do those require additional research and review?
  • The data matches the 2 last names of a Hispanic (or Portuguese-speaking) individual, but none of the first or middle names – do those require review?

And what should be reviewed for matches to the multiple name components of Muslim names? Are they all created equal other than the given name?

It's very easy for OFAC to say “we can't give any more guidance – otherwise, the terrorists will win.” And it's also not very fair, especially since each of these cases involves significant additional operational overhead – or much smarter systems – to handle the increase in matches.

OFAC needs to issue more precise guidance… period.

To be clear, Mr. Watchlist believes that none of the cases in the list above requires additional review, and that a workable model for Muslim names would require matches to the given name, or initial, and the nisbah, which is the tribal, clan or geographic name. A case could potentially be made to substitute the laqab, which is an attribution name, like al-Rashid, for the nisbah, but it's my understanding that the nisbah is the closest to a family or last name in Muslim name structures.

Matching Multiple Factors

If your main focus is screening business transactions, you can skip to the next blog item you wanted to read – nothing to see here for you.

On the other hand, if you screen static data, like customer records or insurance policies, one way to cut down the number of matches is to attempt additional matches beyond the basic matching phrase. The results of these additional matches can then be used to better assess the quality of that match and potentially skip over the matches which do poorly on the additional comparisons.

It’s reasonable to assume that the additional matching is between elements of your data and elements in (or associated with) the watchlist listing. Typically, both of these records may have the following in common:

  • The address, city and country of residence or domicile
  • Date of birth
  • Identification number, like passport number, national id (like SSN or Cedula), corporate id (like TIN, DUNS id, or VAT id), SWIFT address, IMO number or call sign

In addition, a comparison of the full name from your data could be made to the full listed name.

There are pitfalls to many of these additional checks:

  • A company that has many locations may not be listed on the sanctions lists under all of them, so an address or even city comparison may fail when it’s valid
  • Multiple lists may list dates of birth in different formats, so comparisons of dates beyond year may be inaccurate unless the other components are known to be reliable
  • Some listed persons’ dates of birth are listed as approximate and should not be used in comparisons
  • Name comparisons will yield inaccurate results if the name field can contain multiple parties (e.g. joint account ownership)
  • Name comparisons, of course, must account for name variations (Bill vs. William), use of initials

So, how are these results used? Depends on your technology, of course. Basically, though, each comparison that is performed generates some sort of score. These scores can either be evaluated singly or can be combined into an overall weighted score. Systems can either display these values for informational and evaluational purposes, or may provide rules-based processing to ignore matches with low score values.

What’s the frequency, Kenneth?

In a recent post, I suggested that workflow design be dictated, to some extent, by volumes. If you have lots of states or work folders that are lightly used, you might be better off with rethinking how you segment your data and design your workflow.

Well, the same is true for false positive reduction (FPR) configuration. Making a system change to save a single match that may or may not recur is not a good use of operations or IT resources; it may take less time to clear an individual item than it does to figure out the change you want to make, get it approved, test the change thoroughly and implement it.

In general, rules-based processing (as opposed to whitelisting) should be modified for recurring, higher-volume matches. Where that lower bound is for a particular firm, within limits, depends on where they want to spend their money – on staff or consultants to modify the system or on operational staff to clear the matches.

Some examples:

  1. My first client was an investment bank. They had 1100 FPR rules, some of which were unclear to me as to intent. So, we scanned 6 months’ of traffic to determine what got ignored due to those rules Guess what? 500 of the rules were unused. Apparently, operational staff had written a rule each time they got a match.
  2. An investment bank was performing watchlist screening for a check disbursement product. None of the matches were high-volume, but they were clock-like in their regularity – each biweekly or monthly. And they had a lot of them. For them, anything that was regular was fair game, because that was the nature of the business.
  3. When I was at UBS, we processed German war reparations payments once a quarter. On that single day, 4 times a year, our matches doubled because of how the bank formatted SWIFT field 72. If you averaged those matches over the entire quarter, they fell below the threshold used to change the application configuration. However, since the impact on those 4 dates was so significant, we addressed those matches with system changes.
  4. A recent client had a fair amount of high-frequency matches, but also a decent number of lower-frequency ones. While the high-frequency matches constituted maybe 50-60% of the total, the client wanted to derive as much value from our time, and minimize their internal operations costs, so we included the lower-frequency items and reduced matches by over 90%.

The “how” of finding out what changes to make is another post for another day – it’s boring Excel and/or Access stuff.

For those not as old as I am, or from outside the US, let me explain the title (beyond its relevance to the subject matter). On October 4, 1986, longtime CBS anchorman Dan Rather was mugged by two men who kept asking him “Kenneth, what is the frequency?”. In 1994, the band R.E.M. included the song “What’s the frequency, Kenneth?”, referring to that incident, on their Monster album. So, now you know…

Assuming a wee bit of risk…

In the previous post, we laid out how firms use repeated patterns in their data and/or patterns in the matched watchlist listing to ignore matches. The upside of those strategies is that the risk, if any, is very contained if not totally eliminated. The downside is that you tend to have to take a lot of axe swings to fell the tree; there generally are comparatively few repetitive data patterns that occur very frequently, so firms have to make numerous rules-based configuration changes to get the 50-75% reduction in matches they want.

On the other hand, we can create more general rules in how we process our data, at the cost of increased risk. Whether you feel you can accept this risk is a function of your risk posture.

Let’s get specific by laying out some strategies Mr. Watchlist has recommended over the years to my clients. Some are more risky than others, and are necessitated by the sheer numbers involved and/or data quality issues that have come to light.

Type mismatches

If you’re screening static data, you’ve undoubtedly supplied your data in discrete fields each with a specific purpose, like name, address, date of birth, etc. And that means, assuming you have decent data quality, that only certain types of matches should occur in certain fields. Normally, cities listed on watchlists should only match the field you store the city information, for example.

So, you could configure your application so that matches that shouldn’t occur don’t – like a match to an organization name, like ANA, to your city field. That way, you don’t get Santa Ana matching ANA.

Now, what do you do if your data quality is not so hot? You have a number of options:

  • If the number of nonconforming records is really small, you could choose to screen based on the data quality of the properly-composed records
  • If the number of “bad” records isn’t so small, or if you’re uncomfortable with the first strategy, you could choose to Identify the non-conforming records and screen them differently
  • Another option is to remediate the aberrant records, moving to the desired screening parameters at any time you’re comfortable with any potential risks

Incomplete individual names

There are a pair of cases that make up this category.

First, some individuals on the watchlists also have nicknames or aliases listed. These are largely drug traffickers (e.g. Jose Luis, Maria) and Terrorists (e.g. Tariq, Khalid, Renato).

Second, there are some folks who are only identified either by first or last name. There are a bunch of people on the Central Bureau of Investigation Most Wanted list in India who only have one name listed – and these are very common given names, like Mahesh, Rajesh, and Dev. There are a handful of others on others lists, too – like Abdul Rahman (that’s only one name – Abdul always requires a second name component), the military officer Goodrich, and the Burmese officer’s wife named Cherry, for example.

Wading through every reference to these is, at best, tiresome. A good rule of thumb for the ratio between the false positives and true matches for a given matching phrase is: the more tokens in the matching phrase, the lower the number of false positives per true match. Therefore, single word matching phrases generate much higher numbers of false positives per true match, making the cost/benefit ratio less favorable than for other listed entities.

Consider, too, that someone hiding behind an alias is highly unlikely to provide any additional information to identify themselves as the listed person.

So, what to do? Personally, I’d ignore these all. OFAC, by the way, lists many of the aliases as “weak aliases” and provides guidance that, while you could use the match as a secondary matching criteria, you don’t have to make it the primary thing you match on.

Is there a risk here? Absolutely. If you are troubled by the risk, perhaps the exclusion of these items could be done by value of the relationship (for static information) or transaction value – excluding the low end, of course.


Same strategy, different breed of animal. Terror organizations and companies on watchlists are often listed by their acronyms as well. Another rule of thumb is, the shorter a token/word, the more likely you are to get false positive matches to it – and the more likely it is to have a secondary, legitimate meaning:

  • SL (short for Sendero Luminoso, the Shining Path rebels in Peru) is a common suffix for small businesses in Spanish-speaking areas. It’s like LLC, I believe
  • SRA (Sanibel Relief Agency) is also a way to abbreviate Senora (Mrs.)
  • MME (Metals Machine Engineering, a company in Germany) is an abbreviation for Madame (Mrs.)
  • EGP (a terrorist group) is also the ISO currency code for the Egyptian Pound
  • ETA (the Basque separatist group) is also a common abbreviation for “estimated time of arrival”

Here, too, I’d ignore these if I could justify the risk. And, if I was scanning static information, I’d require that all corporate names were listed in full.

Get Shorty

No, not the movie with John Travolta. Some matching phrases contain multiple words/tokens, one of which is much shorter than the other. On a percentage basis, the shorter token might be not very high quality, but the overall fuzzy score ends up being above the threshold due to the proper spelling of the long tokens (e.g. the matching phrase ATE International matching ARC International). Requiring the shorter token to be properly spelled (if one can’t adjust the minimum score for each token’s matching on a more system-wide basis) is an option to consider.

Order Up!

If screening static data, you could configure your system to enforce name order in certain cases – depending on the name format(s) you use. For example, if your names are in first name, last name order, you might require that a first initial in a matching phrase appear first in the name field – or that a non-Hispanic, non-Arabic last name appear last.

This assumes, of course, that you don’t support both directory-style and non directory-style names in your data – and don’t have multiple names in one field (e.g. joint accounts).

Different strokes for different folks

Not all relationships, or transactions, contain the same risks. Two examples:

  • Restricted accounts, such as 401K/403B, 529 and IRA accounts – are not good money laundering vehicles. One should consider not screening these against the PEP lists (and maybe not any other non-sanctions list)
  • Retail transactions, in particular low-value items, are less likely to contain certain types of references. For example, they are unlikely to contain references to cargo vessel names, or have DBA (doing business as), C/O (in care of) or Attention information as part of the address information. Therefore, they could, in theory, be screened differently

YMMV (Your Mileage May Vary)

Are any of these bulletproof? No. You have to consider all the factors of your risk profile, including assessing those Enforcement Guidelines General Factors (even if you’re not regulated by OFAC, they make an excellent starting point), and weigh that against the cost of finding alternate strategies for managing these items.

In data we trust

When we screen data, we match data patterns we know to be non-matches. If they occur frequently enough, we can choose to ignore that pattern going forward.

In general, there are two generic types of false positive reduction (FPR) strategies: whitelisting, and rules-based processing. Whitelisting generally means that a particular record is being marked as not a match – either to a specific matching phrase, to specific watchlist listings, or being marked generally as a trusted record. Rules-based processing is more generic; if a specified series of conditions in either the data being matched, or the watchlist data being matched against, the match is ignored. The match being ignored can be either to a specific matching phrase, to a specific listing or set of listings, or to a generic class of matches.

Was that vague enough for you?I thought it was…

Let’s consider a number of cases. First, let’s assume our client (account #34543) is Maria Rodriguez Gomez, and it matches Maria Elda Rodriguez Pulido (matching phrase Maria Rodriguez), who has 2 listings on the OFAC list. We could whitelist the record in one of three ways:

  1. Account 34543 is not a match to the matching phrase Maria Rodriguez, but if the record matches something else (e.g. Maria Gomez), it will stop for review for that.
  2. Account 34543 is not a match for the 2 specific records in the OFAC list today. If a third one gets added for the same matching phrase, the record will stop for review for that new listing.
  3. Account 34543 is considered a good record, and will not stop for any matching phrase

It should be noted that whitelisting is a functional capability (as opposed to a specific system capability) because it can be implemented in a number of technical ways. For example, the third option above could be accomplished using rules-based functionality (e.g. ignore all matches for account #34543), or it could be done by a “Mark this record as good” functionality.

Now, let’s consider rules processing. Imagine if we have a large number of clients located in Santa Ana, California. These records all match the Albanian National Army, which is also listed by the ANA acronym. One could write a number of rules to ignore these matches, depending on the nature of the data (and our available tools, of course):

  1. Ignore the match ANA in the CIty field if the City field equals Santa Ana
  2. Ignore all matches in the City field to listings that aren’t cities
  3. Ignore all matches to ANA unless the matched field equals ANA

In both cases, we have identified patterns in the data we screened that we are comfortable saying is not a match to the matching phrase.

There is another way to leverage patterns in data – but, in this case, we are leveraging patterns in the entity listings. We could eliminate patterns based on things we expect to be there, but aren’t.

Example 1: If we match to Juan Cruz (assuming this is the matching phrase for the OFAC listing Juan M. de la Cruz), we could write a rule ignoring all matches that don’t include “de la Cruz”

Example 2: If we match to Maria Rodriguez (from above example, Maria Elda Rodriguez Pulido), we could write a rule to ignore matches when the name doesn’t contain “Maria Rodriguez”, “Maria E Rodriguez” or “Maria Elda Rodriguez”

Example 3: If we match the Iranian city of Kerman, we could write a rule to ignore Kerman if the country field was not Iran. Of course, we could also exclude the matches where the country was USA, or the state was CA or TX (there are Kermans in both states), too.

Depending on your risk tolerance, and your data quality, you may or may not be able to write any of these above rules, For example, if your country field has blank values, and those aren’t predictable defaults (e.g. all blanks mean the account is in the US), you couldn’t write the Kerman rule based on Iran not being in the country field. Or, if sometimes country values sometimes show up in your city field, you may not be able to write a rule to exclude non-city matches in your city field (from the ANA example above). How big “sometimes” needs to be for you to throw the baby out with the bathwater, though, is up to you. It may be better to find the exceptional records and screen them differently if they are a small subset of the whole than to reject real time and cost savings.