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PIX 2015

On-sensor ADC is coming to all Canon DSLR Locked

Started 4 days ago | Discussions thread
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Doug J
Veteran MemberPosts: 8,496
Re: Stop!
In reply to Mikael Risedal, 3 days ago

Mikael Risedal wrote:

Doug J wrote:

bronxbombers4 wrote:

SidePod wrote:

Stop scaring the Canon haters with that kind of news ... once Canon ramps up DR they all have to look for a new playground ...

Funny, but all I see is the Canon 'haters' being rather glad to hear this news.

Most, but not all. There are still a couple that will challenge anything & everything Canon - Canon didn't design and/or manufacture it, it's late, it's FSI and not BSI, it's not stacked, yadah yadah.

The real test will be when bodies with the new sensors approach release and go through competent reviews, with performance results and comparisons. Until then it's only speculation.

yadah yadah is a part of the future due to sensor experts who knows what they are talking about

Canon must keep up with yadah yadah.

You're lately focused on sensor & fab technology & capabilities, as if these are the only considerations for photographers today.

You keep missing the point - it's about what a camera company delivers in terms of its cameras' performance, and do they meet the needs of photographers today.

Why should we care about who designs or manufactures the sensor? Or the sensor technology? It's all about results.

If your only criteria for purchasing a camera is what they are developing, and to wait for the next generation sensor, you'll miss using some great cameras that produce excellent results today.


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