We're planning some post-Photokina content and wanted to understand what you're thinking. We've created two polls, both looking for your take on the products and trends of Photokina. If you have a moment, please cast your vote.

There are two polls: one of them included in this news story and a second one in the sidebar down the right-hand-side of the page. We hope you can contribute to both. And, if the options available don't adequately express your position, please take to the comments and explain where you stand, and why.

Have your say
What is the minimum sensor size you consider appropriate for an enthusiast?
  • 1/1.7"-type - it's seemed good enough up 'till now3.7%
  • 1"-type - The best camera is the one you have with you21.6%
  • Four Thirds - The perfect balance of size, price and capability24.7%
  • APS-C - millions of photographers can't be wrong27.0%
  • Full frame or nothing!8.4%
  • Medium format - what would Ansel Adams do?1.0%
  • I don't think sensor size really matters13.7%
Total voters: 2,327