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Mayo Clinic

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When Noah fell off his bike and hit his head, his parents worried about a concussion. An MRI revealed something even more serious.
don quistorff's profile photoMin. Larry D Cornelius Sr's profile photoJulie Feehan's profile photoCrystal Palmer's profile photo
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Mayo Clinic

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Something to Think About: What is our common global enemy?
"The one secure meaning that can bring us all together, which will never pale is the collective meaning of decreasing suffering. You and I can join in an effort to minimize suffering and maximize happiness for our planet’s children." -Dr. Amit Sood
Charlie p's profile photoMarcela Arias's profile photo
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Mayo Clinic

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Olympic champion and world record holder Aries Merritt successfully underwent a kidney transplant at Mayo Clinic in Phoenix, just four days after winning a bronze medal in the 110-meter hurdles at the 2015 IAAF World Championships.
Aries Merritt is a 2012 Olympic gold medalist and owns the world’s fastest time in the 110-meter hurdles. 
Bill Wohl's profile photo
Great story and people.
Aries now has a great shot to be the man in Rio.
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Mayo Clinic

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Sammy Griner achieved Internet immortality when a picture of him clutching a fistful of sand became the "Success Kid" meme. He may prefer a different photo - one taken with his dad after successful transplant surgery.
Seven years ago, Laney Griner of Jacksonville, Florida, took a photo of her then-11-month-old son, Sammy, clutching a tiny fistful [...]
Charles A's profile photo
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Mayo Clinic

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Early participants in the Membership program at Mayo Clinic were asked to choose which health topics interested them most. After collecting hundreds of responses, the results are in. One of the top choices was healthy aging. Want to add your input? Learn more about Membership and sign up at:
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Mayo Clinic

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#ThrowbackThursday: Hematology Laboratory’s New ‘Counter’ Cuts Routine Test Time in Seconds. (1971)
Quantum Paradigm's profile photo
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Mayo Clinic

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This Saturday on #MayoClinicRadio, gastroenterologist Dr. Purna Kashyap discusses how the human microbiome works. Also on the program, infectious disease specialist Dr. Pritish Tosh explains when it might be OK to stop taking an antibiotic early. Stool transplantation is being used to treat serious digestive diseases, and gastroenterologist Dr. Sahil Khanna describes how this new treatment works. And physical medicine and rehabilitation specialist Dr. Nathan LeBrasseur talks about ways to slow the aging process. Join us at 9:05amCT!
Quantum Paradigm's profile photoMickey Hodge's profile photo
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Mayo Clinic

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Obesity is linked to dozens of other chronic diseases, such as type 2 diabetes. Numerous cancers — including female reproductive tumors — are also associated with being overweight or obese. From a women’s health perspective, maintaining a healthy weight can significantly cut your risk of developing these life-threatening conditions.
Tammy Martin's profile photoCoach G Moore's profile photoDebbie Townsend's profile photo
Obesity is now considered officially a disease. It leads to lot of medical
issues. Yet it is a preventable disease.
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Mayo Clinic

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Labor Day honors our nation's workers, and who works harder than a mom in labor? A Harvard study reports that September is one of the busiest months of the year for baby births, which means many soon-to-be moms are busy preparing for the big day.
Penney McNutt's profile photo
Love, love, love being a labor & delivery nurse! Best job in the world! 😃
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Mayo Clinic

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An event helps individuals in recovery discover talents hidden, lost or overlooked in "the fog of addiction" and regain their confidence in the process.
Before she fell into drug addiction 20 years ago, Jayne Stout loved to sing.
Tammy Martin's profile photo
Awesome. Change of direction. New lifestyle is a plus!
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Mayo Clinic

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Living With Cancer: Understanding prostate cancer, one man at a time.
Bob Bacon's profile photoHealth Alliance's profile photo
this is all well and very good, but until modern medicine stops being an art and becomes a real science will we the people benefit, by the way cancer is still the Emperor of all maladies!
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Mayo Clinic

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Your Care Team wants you to stay healthy by getting your flu shot. Call your primary care site appointment line starting October 1 to schedule.
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507-284-2511 (Rochester), 904-953-2000 (Florida), 480-301-8000 (Arizona)
Mayo Clinic is an integrated clinical practice, education and research institution specializing in treating patients.
Mayo Clinic is a nonprofit worldwide leader in medical care, research and education for people from all walks of life. Doctors from every medical specialty work together to care for patients, joined by common systems and a philosophy of "the needs of the patient come first." Our headquarters are located in Rochester, MN while we have campuses in Jacksonville, FL and Arizona.

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