Zero doubts of course
Posted by Jorginho 1 month ago

howardfuhrman wrote:

I have no idea what the price will be. I surmise that it will be greater than the 100-300. I would be surprised if it is not compatible with the dual stabilization the GX8. I sure hope the IQ is significantly better than the 100-300. It will not be any faster than the 100-300. I believe that they had to make the lens very slow to limit its weight and size. If its IQ is significantly better than 100-300, I will be interested in purchasing the lens, provided it is less than $1,000.Any more than $1,000 my interest wanes. If the IQ is only comparable to the 100-300, I will have little interest in the lens.


The 100-300 is nothing special. It is nice to 100-200 mm and reasonable above. Needs to be stopped down to f8 or so to get the best beyond 200 mm.

The Leica will simply blow that lens of the charts in each and eveyr way, including price. Just a reasonable consumer lens vs a true professional lens.