Posts By: Daniel Kadvany

Sync Stories is a column dedicated to our users. Each week, we showcase a different use case for BitTorrent Sync and the personal stories behind it. In this week’s edition: Entrepreneur Matt Henderson shares how Sync helps him organize files at home, from important documents to things that his entire family needs access to.

Getting work done these days can often include little more than a laptop. It’s helped give rise to the nomad worker, an individual who’s not tied to a central location – working wherever it makes best sense (maybe they’re a freelancer, a remote worker, or self-employed). In this scenario, when a person does work anywhere/everywhere,…

Matt Singley is the CEO of Singley + Mackie, a creative digital agency based in Los Angeles with associates around the world: When I co-founded our agency in 2010, one of the core values we established right away was to let our employees and contractors be “intellectually green”, which often includes working remotely instead of in a central office….

Sync Stories is a column dedicated to our users. Each week, we showcase a different use case for BitTorrent Sync and the personal stories behind it. In this week’s edition: Mark Wolf, a PhD candidate at the University of Illinois at Chicago, shares how he keeps his research work synced across devices (to be accessed…

Sync Stories is a column dedicated to our users. Each week, we showcase a different use case for BitTorrent Sync and the personal stories behind it. In this week’s edition: Team Live Longer is using mobile technologies to diagnose and early detect cases of cervical cancer in Haiti, an approach that delivers a survival rate of…

Sync Stories is a column dedicated to our users. Each week, we showcase a different use case for BitTorrent Sync and the personal stories behind it. In this week’s edition: Peter Farago of Farago Design shares how his team uses Sync to work effectively together on very large, shared assets.

Sync Stories is a column dedicated to our users. Each week, we showcase a different use case for BitTorrent Sync and the personal stories behind it. In this week’s edition: Luke McKibben of Lukrative Visual shares how Sync helps him work effectively with massive files, creating a suitable workflow and backup system.