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Photokina 2014: Hands-on with Leica X and X-E

Leica released two new X-series cameras at Photokina this year - the X and X-E. The 'X,' known as the typ 113 to distinguish it from future X cameras, is the flagship model.  Meanwhile, the X2 is re-branded and re-worked as the X-E. The Leica X features a 35mm equivalent F1.7 lens - answering the long-standing request from X1 and X2 owners for a faster lens. 

The 23mm lens is constructed of ten elements, two of which are aspherical, in eight groups. Focus is from a minimum of 20cm to infinity. Automatic focus uses the contrast-detection method and (of course) manual focus is also available.

The Leica X features a 16MP APS-C CMOS sensor behind a Leica Summilux 23 mm f/1.7 ASPH. lens. According to Leica, a faster aperture lens is the most requested feature from existing X-series customers. Although the X-series is still primarily intended for shooting stills, the X can also capture full HD video. Unlike its big brother the T, the X's 3" rear LCD screen is not touch-sensitive. 

Full manual control is a given, and like previous X-series models, the new X offers physical dials for shutter speed and aperture - the latter being set from a dial on the top-right of the camera. According to Leica, the decision to place aperture control here rather than via a dial on the lens was made to ensure consistency of design across the X-series.

The new X features an ISO standard hotshoe with Leica's proprietary connections for an EVF (the same model that can be used with the Leica T). 

And here's that EVF, which can be tilted upwards by 90 degrees for look-down composition. The dial on the side is a diopter adjustment. 

Here's our hand model (X / T series product manager Maike Harberts, no less) manipulating the X's manual focusing ring. To switch to automatic focus you simply rotate this lens to 'AF'. Nice and simple. What looks like a thinner, secondary ring towards the front of the lens unscrews to allow the fitting of accessories. 

This is the 'elegant silver' version of the X with brown leather trim. The front and rear panels of the X are made from magnesium alloy, and the top and bottom plates from aluminum. The BP-DC8 battery is shared with other X-series models. 

The X is available for $2,295 / £1,550.

Priced at $1,795 the new X-E is described as 'technically identical' to the previous model X-2. As before, a 23mm (35mm equivalent) F2.8 lens sits in front of a 16MP APS-C sensor. Lens construction comprises eight elements (including one aspherical) in six groups. Autofocus uses the contrast-detection method and there are 11 focus points. 

The top-plates of Leica's X-series are more or less standard. Shutter speed and aperture are both set from dedicated dials, and drive modes are selected using the integrated on/off switch around the shutter release. The 'Wall-E' (Leica's description) flash is housed under the port visible on the top left of the camera, in this view. 

The X-E's LCD screen is relatively small by today's standards at 2.7in and very low-resolution, at only 230k-dots. This is a shame on such an expensive camera. On the plus side, the X-E can shoot at up to 5fps and ISO sensitivity tops out at 12,500.

Here's that pop-up flash, popped-up.

The knurled ring around the X-E's lens looks like it should rotate, but does not. 

Here's X and T-series product manager Maike Harberts, holding the new X. 

Buying Options

Leica X (Typ 113)
From Amazon



Total comments: 133
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These two cameras are the ugliest things I've ever seen.


I would love A Licia, but I see there world is the same as Nikon. I would be buying a new camera every 6 months. They are killing me.

Zvonimir Tosic

Leica X has a 900+ K dot display.
Leica X-E has the same old 230K dots 2.7" LCD from the X2 because X-E is the X2 in a new trim. And that's it. That X2's LCD was the same LCD from the X1 camera from many, many years ago.
It does sound odd. But it is pointless to wrestle with Leica regarding those matters because ether will offer some bizarre explanation. They know their audience best.

Pity the X-2, and now X-E, does not have a video mode at all. Not even the simplest one. It only takes photographs. To me that is more perplexing omittance than the ancient 230K display, considering that even their new M series — a synonym for a photo tool, not video tool – have a video mode.

Comment edited 8 minutes after posting


You understand what the acronym EVF stands for right?

I suggest you look it up.

Then look up OVF. (EVFs help with zooms, there is no zoom on this camera and anyhow bet there is an external EVF.)

Didn't make a general comment about VFs for this camera.

Comment edited 4 minutes after posting



ah there we go again: manual dials for changing shutter, aperture - not iso. Let me guess it's as "easy" as in other "manual-flavored" cameras: Press button, look at screen, turn wheel, look at screen again, press button again to confirm- Presto! "Not at all that difficult!" say the fanboys.
I'd rather have a dedicated dial with 100, 200, 400 etc printed on it. Change iso by counting the clicks (= stops) it makes, with your eyes on the subject.

Comment edited 3 times, last edit 4 minutes after posting

I do not know why people complain about Leica cameras. Envy? This is a masterpiece, pure design, pure technology, pure engeneering. Is it expensive? Yes. But, if you can do it better, just do it!


More like pure bull sh*t to me

1 upvote

Wake up dear ... there are companies creating much, much better cameras and yes ... for a much lesser price! But i think it's psychological. With those 5 characters, L E I C A, on the camera some think that they will get "better", sorry i meant "the best", pictures one can do... BS!


Just attempt to clone Sony RX1. But RX1 is more Leica, than Leica X...


The handling and controls are completely different, how do you figure that it's a RX1 clone?



Are you not familiar with either the first X, or X2 or X Vario?

How on earth is this an RX1 clone?


I have x, x2 and x vario and consider them as a brilliant cameras. But do not see any remarkable in this new camera. What happened with Leica?



And my second question?

Also this new Leica X has a faster lens than earlier versions.

1 upvote

Yes, it has slightly faster lenses. But it is very small advantage to be competitive with modern full frame compact with low noise on high ISO.



f/1.7 versus f/2.8 is a lot faster.

You really don't know much about lenses do you.


You still haven't said why you think it's an RX-1 clone.



It's a box, with a sensor (by Sony), with a lens of fixed focal length and no built in VF, so of course it can only be a Sony clone--NOT.


I am very sorry, it is even not clone of RX1 - because RX1 has full size sensor. In my opinion, the difference between f/2,0 on full frame and 1,7 on APS is minimal (if it exists et all). It is too good for X to be considered as a clone of RX1...



And the RX1 has a film era lens design, uses compressed raws, so very unlike Leica X cameras.

The compressed raws of the RX1 cause image quality problems for that Sony. Sony needs to work on this problem with many Sony bodies and cameras--using a good Zeiss lens doesn't help if important colour data aint there.

Happily: This new Leica X is not a clone of the Sony.

And this new X has a significantly faster lens than older Leica X cameras.

You keep digging yourself in deeper.


You are right about colors - Leica has better colors than Sony RX1. But, in my Opinion, Olympus e-m1 and Fuji X Pro1, M have also absolutely impressive colors, if tuned properly, not worse than Leica. I am afraid that Leica lost it's advantage on market and has no attractive cameras this moment. Let us remember time when M8 or M9, X1 appeared - it was great event and long line to buy these cameras. Now situation is changed absolutely.. Nothing special and attractive starting from X2 times. Unfortunately.



The Leica lenses, well done ones, record better colour than good Fujis and Olympuses. And on a good day, Olympus will best Fuji. The only manufactures shipping lenses optically close to Leica are Zeiss, Samsung (Optron) and Sigma. No, I've not forgotten Schneider.

Sony compresses raws, likely tossing important colour data, so even using good Zeiss lenses, like the one on the RX1, Sony has colour problems.

The M240 and X Vario sure sell, as do M lenses. The T system is promising.

The new S2 is something to be very excited about.

You really don't know of what you write, except that yes, Olympus and Fuji do make many very good lenses, however none of the lenses really reach extraordinary.

(Also there's no real tuning a camera when shooting raw. And no one serious about image quality shoots jpeg only or makes IQ judgements based on jpegs from cameras able to shoot raw.)

Lance Hermes

I am using an RX1 on a regular basis. For me, it feels very much like a Sony product. To me it looks like Leica is trying to play in the same market segment but with a different approach. It is good that Sony is getting some competition from the Leica-Panasonic combination.


Lance Hermes:

But this Leica X series isn't new. This f/1.7 lens is.

And the Sony RX1 is full frame.

This German made Leica X has nothing to do with Panasonic, and in fact uses a Sony sensor. This Leica also retails for a bit less than the Sony RX1.

Comment edited 2 minutes after posting

230k screen in the age of HD, Retina and 4k displays....Leica is so 2002 and thinks can getaway with its customers...or even potential ones like me who have been aspiring to become one. Looks with without the rebadged Panny models and and some decent lenses, Leica otherwise would be in a death spiral...if not already

Comment edited 52 seconds after posting

Leica sure is making more money than in 2002. And in 2014 Leica is solidly profitable, unlike, Nikon, Canon, Sony, Ricoh, Panasonic, and Olympus, don't know about Fuji.

Leaving Samsung and Leica in the comfortable profit club--and Samsung aint making money from cameras.


"Looks with without the rebadged Panny models and and some decent lenses, Leica otherwise would be in a death spiral...if not already"

Are you joking?

Comment edited 1 minute after posting

If you do not like, do not buy!


We're on this website to discuss cameras, EduardoKleinFichtner.. what did you think we were here for?

The fact is a lot of us are wondering what's going on with a camera this expensive with a 230k screen. Perfectly valid place to express that THANKYOU VERY MUCH!



The screen on the X-Vario is listed as 920k, so something is probably wrong with this current X and new X E specification list.



Monitor 3"-TFT LCD with 920,000 pixels, wide-angle field of view: 100 %.


what's the first request for a camera, to be elegant and amazing or to take pictures ?


Is it just me, or does the X look almost like a toy camera? The thickness of that lens barrel just doesn't work aesthetically. Leica's always seemed to reek of being no-nonsense but this camera just comes off as minimalist without conveying German durability and precision. But that's just my opinion.

Catalin Stavaru

It's just you.


Leave the personal politics out of the discussion

1 upvote

Sooooo, what is the point of the X-E? Is it like when Marathons became Snickers? Or Jif became Cif? Or The American Taliban became The Tea Party?


I wonder HOW many versions of the model X will take to replace that unacceptable 230K LCD with a normal resolution screen!! Or is this another "feature" of the X series, like the retarded aperture dial? Leica is a dinosaur hiding behind an expiring name. I remember handling the first X1 model I was appalled of the non-resopnsiveness of the AF. I'm expecting that XE as well as the "flagship" (only in size, I'm afraid) X are the slowest AF compacts on the market. Leica, wake your engineers up!!!

Comment edited 4 times, last edit 3 minutes after posting
Christian Grevstad

AF was certainly quite good on the X2, hope this is even better.

AF on the X1 can only be describes as a joke, I agree with you there.

The aperture dial IS a little retarded, but I still prefer it over nothing, but they really should put it on the barrell..
230k accually didn't bother me that much on the X2, X typ 113 has 920 dots so that's a major step up..

A built-in EVF would have been nice, but all in all I think the X 113 makes a bit more sense than both the X1 and X2...

Comment edited 1 minute after posting
1 upvote

Exactly, "a bit" more sense, not full sense. It's still expensive and provocative...

Jozef M

Max shutter speed: 1/2000 ! And this with a new fast lens ... how do I suppose to shoot small dof in bright light with this new lens??? Dpreview, you should ask more critical questions to those Leica guys ... ow .. I forgot, dpreview likes to make profit too ...


EXACTLY ... I had the X1 with a 2.8 lens and 1/2000s was not enough .... had to buy a filter adapter and ND filter to shoot wide open in bright light ... for f1.7 , 1/4000s in not enough ... !!!


Elegant and amazing! If you do not like, do not buy. But do not complain, please. Leica is Leica.


Have you handled it? Have you shot with it?

And I'm a big fan of optically good Leica lenses, but not every Leica thing is "elegant and amazing".


This camera is elegant and amazing. No more complains. This camera is.



Is that a "Yes, I've handled it and shot with it"?



I will buy this amazing camera just a perfect piece of design. And I will buy others cameras after...

Comment edited 8 minutes after posting
1 upvote

Please EduwardoKleinFichtner, stop asking people on here not to voice opinions, that is exactly what we are all members of this site for. It's a discussion amongst photographers, not the Leica appreciation society, if you don't want to read complains please go elsewhere.

Something about someone asking people to censure themselves irritates me more than almost anything else. Why read the comments at all if you've already made your mind up and simply don't want to hear a word against it.



Okay but YouTube isn't you handling the camera and shooting with it.

Oct, 7 2014, today, as best as I know no one has posted DNG samples shot with this camera.

Comment edited 3 minutes after posting

@howaboutRAW, that was my opinion and I dont want to get into the topic of companies that failed to innovate going down....some take longer, some sooner. guess you forgot Kodak



The problem for you is that Leica is doing quite well.

You've confused 2004 with 2014.


Geez a lot of complaints / comparisons by the specsperts on the new X, to me it looks like a darn fine camera and probably the first Leica X I would consider buying, considering the following points:

The new lens is faster than the one for the Leica T, probably the lens to get for that system, plus this whole camera including lens is pretty close to that lens on its own, plus you get a more traditional control scheme camera.

The lens is half a stop faster than the X100 series and likely to be considerably better wide open. Considering these are fixed lens cameras and will only ever use that lens, this is a big plus. Also consider how much we pay for a lens to go from f1.8 say to an f1.4 version.

Compared to the RX1 it is also a half stop faster, but loses out on the bigger sensor which sticks it about halfway between an X100 and an RX1 and the price is about in the middle (RRP anyway) between the two.

Bit unlike the other two this has a real, scaled focus ring (!) which is unheard of in this type of camera. Cannot believe nobody has mentioned it! Also looks like a very clever way to switch between MF and AF.

The EVF is supposed to be excellent (but expensive), so better than the other two there. Also the OVF is nice as well and not badly priced.

Yes there are cheaper cameras, but that doesn't make this bad or even particularly 'overpriced', just maybe more than many are willing to pay for a fixed lens camera. Me I would have a touch time.choosing between this and the RX1.

I do have to wonder if DPR actually played with any of this stuff or did they just pick it and, take a snap of it and move on.


Geez a lot of complaints / comparisons by the specsperts on the new X, to me it looks like a darn fine camera and probably the first Leica X I would consider buying, considering the following points:

The new lens is faster than the one for the Leica T, probably the lens to get for that system, plus this whole camera including lens is pretty close to that lens on its own, plus you get a more traditional control scheme camera.

The lens is half a stop faster than the X100 series and likely to be considerably better wide open. Considering these are fixed lens cameras and will only ever use that lens, this is a big plus. Also consider how much we pay for a lens to go from f1.8 say to an f1.4 version.

Compared to the RX1 it is also a half stop faster, but loses out on the bigger sensor which sticks it about halfway between an X100 and an RX1 and the price is about in the middle (RRP anyway) between the two.

Bit unlike the other two this has a real, scaled focus ring (!) which is unheard of in this type of camera. Cannot believe nobody has mentioned it! Also looks like a very clever way to switch between MF and AF.

The EVF is supposed to be excellent (but expensive), so better than the other two there. Also the OVF is nice as well and not badly priced.

Yes there are cheaper cameras, but that doesn't make this bad or even particularly 'overpriced', just maybe more than many are willing to pay for a fixed lens camera. Me I would have a touch time.choosing between this and the RX1.

I do have to wonder if DPR actually played with any of this stuff or did they just pick it and, take a snap of it and move on.


Something to replace an X2 or GXR with! :)

Waiting to see some full-size RAWs from this thing.

Looks like Leica finally dialed-out the complaints regarding the X1 and X2. The new EVF is much nicer as well...

Comment edited 13 seconds after posting

It looks good (the X, not the X-E), but then a Sony RX1 looks also good and it has a FF sensor in a slightly smaller body although it is a bit more expensive.
It's remarkable that there are so few APS-C fixed lens cameras outside Leica though.


Ricoh GR, Coolpix A, X100/S/T, DP1/2/3 and R1.


total number of fixed lens APS-C or larger zoom lenses ever made? Sony R1?


No viewfinder and a pop up flash ( a fixed flash must surely have better reliability). I think I will take the X100T

1 upvote
white shadow

What a handsome and elegant camera eventhough I am not normally a Leica fan. It should be a nice and capable camera to use for the 35mm angle of view. Now, my Ricoh GR has a partner on my travels besides my Lumix GM1.

DPR should really test this camera to see why it is better.

Comment edited 7 minutes after posting
1 upvote

... but the lens looks soo plastic !

1 upvote

Only in those pictures. The lens is made of metal.


Wow, the top side (pic 3) of the Leica X is the most beautiful camera top side I have ever seen.

1 upvote

what about the M-A?