calgary stampede
#YourCanada Street Art Project

The Canadian Encyclopedia is looking for intrepid urban explorers to document and share the beautiful murals and street art that span the country from sea to sea to sea. We’re creating a “street art-chive” on the Your Canada map, so you can experience the vibrancy of Canadian communities even if you can’t do that cross-country road trip this summer.

Do you walk past a beautiful piece of street art every day? Add it to the map! We’re giving away a Heritage Minutes prize pack to the ten most shared submissions, so tell your friends!

Prize Pack Awarded to 10 Most Shared Submissions by 31 August 2015:

Heritage Minutes DVD

Heritage Minutes Poster 1

Heritage Minutes Button Pack

How To Post

  1. Find a great piece of street art, or a mural, preferably with an eye to Canadian history and/or identity. Take a picture. Note the location and the subject matter.
  2. Log in to The Canadian Encyclopedia. You can use Facebook or Twitter; we will never post content to your accounts on our own.
  3. Go to the Your Canada map. Click “Add Your Story.”
  4. Give your story a title and select the “Street Art in Canada” theme.
  5. Choose a location for your submission.
  6. Click “Select Photo to Upload” to upload your street art photo.
  7. Tell us a little bit about the subject of your photo.
  8. Submit and share with your friends!

  1. Pick one of 15!