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CPD Diary

The College provides an online CPD diary for all non-trainee Members and Fellows to record their CPD activities.

  • Log in - update your online CPD records.  Once logged in, click the 'CPD' tab at the top of the page
  • Register - register for CPD Diary access
  • Trainees The College provides a separate E-portfolio for trainees

CPD Events 

Please note that events that are held outside of the UK and on-line courses are not eligible for approval.  However, attendees are able to self-accredit points for non-UK events or on-line course with the agreement of their supervisor.

Guidance on CPD

Royal College of Emergency Medicine CPD Guidance published July 2013.  The guidance gives advice on how to plan and conduct and document effective CPD activity. 

This GMC guidance – Continuing professional development: guidance for all doctors has been developed in co-operation with doctors, medical Royal Colleges, employers, patients and the public, and follows widespread public consultation earlier this year.

The AoMRC's CPD Accreditation Standards and Criteria Document (January 2012).

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