

Weatherbase maintains an industry leading database of weather normals and averages for more than 29,000 destinations worldwide. This coverage allows us to provide travelers an unprecedented depth of coverage to set expectations as to what weather is normally like, by day, week or month, anywhere in the world, based on adjusted statistical means and averages, organized in a way any consumer can understand.

This data helps provide additional depth and perspective to allow travelers to more rapidly make decisions, lifting conversions and sellthrough on holiday packages, air tickets, cruises and hotel rooms. Weatherbase has been a trusted, leading provider of online weather normals since 1999, making it among the most referenced weather site on TripAdvisor, and Wikipedia for weather normals and averages.

We offer a number of licensing packages to provide this data on websites, mobile applications, internal networks and publications, allowing our more than 40 partners to customize and present the data as best fits their brand. Our simple licensing structure offers a rapid turnaround on data packages -- often less than a day.

For immediate service and response, please use the contact form below.


For many industries, the weather is a significant factor impacting business performance. For instance, a chilly spring may have a detrimental effect on apparel sales. A rainy Saturday night can boost food delivery orders. An extended drought cripples crop yields. Though uncontrollable, the degree to which the weather impacts the bottom line can be quantified and leveraged to competitive advantage.

Weatherbase, in partnership with the expert business meteorologists at WeatherAlpha, can provide you with a comprehensive understanding of how weather affects your business, allowing you to manage this risk proactively. Our Weather Impact Assessments reveal the weather variables most significant to your business - see one example assessment at right. Furthermore, through our partnerships within the digital advertising industry, we have the capability to adjust your advertising message and timing as the weather changes - so that you reach your customers when purchase intent is highest.

  • Snowstorm in the forecast for the big cities? Perfect time for a ski resort to advertise (and the tires and vehicle to get there!)
  • Thunderstorms passing through the area? It might be time to purchase home or car insurance.

There are countless examples of products with unique weather sensitivities, and an equal number of ways to apply these impacts to a hyperlocal, realtime marketing campaign.

Our hourly database tracks, collates, and cross-references billions of datapoints for more than 31,000 unique data collection points worldwide, referencing the relevant data to better evaluate its impact and monetization for our partners. Our clients include Fortune 500 companies, travel services, CPG firms, energy concerns, and agribusiness partners.


  • Our Weather Impact assessments provide actionable insights and measurable results quickly and concisely. We can connect these insights to streamline your supply chain and invigorate your marketing strategies
  • Our data overlays with your KPIs, providing another dimension to measure impact and ROI
  • Honed business acumen allows for operational and revenue optimization within weeks of launch

For immediate service and response, please use the contact form below.


If you are interested in licensing our data, or would like more information as to how Weatherbase and WeatherAlpha can help provide actionable weather business intelligence, please use the form below. We will respond within one business day.

You can email us directly at [email protected] or call +1 (703) 879-6555. However, we will be able to respond faster if you use the form. Thank you.
