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a queen of infinite space | by maryann johanson

if you want to talk about a movie or TV show I haven’t posted about…

Try as I might, I simply cannot keep up with every movie ever; you should see the long list I have of Want To Watch movies just from this year alone, and that list doesn’t even include the wide releases I haven’t gotten to yet but definitely will because I have to for the Where Are the Women? project. And because of the trying-to-keep-up-with-movies thing, I watch hardly any TV, and I know there’s good stuff there I’m missing and never have a chance to write about.

Anyway, in response to my essay about Hannibal — which I simply had to say something about because it’s just so differentreader MarkyD commented (as part of a larger conversation happening in the comments):

[N]o one I know talks about TV shows(or even movies) much at all. It sucks when you watch something compelling/exhilarating/disturbing, etc. and have no one(REAL) to talk to about it.

I hear that. But we’ve got a smart, engaged community here, so here’s a little something I can do:

If there’s a TV show or movie that you would like to talk about with the FlickFilosopher.com community, and there’s no place to talk about it because I haven’t posted a review or anything else about, ask me to start an open thread for it. I’ll note that it was requested by you, and you can chat away to your heart’s content.

Of course, these posts will not be behind the paywall.

I’m on the fence about allowing requests for open threads for non film or TV projects, but if there’s a graphic novel or book or videogame you’d like to discuss, try me; I may decide based on how well-known the thing is. (I don’t think very obscure things will garner much interest among other members of the community here.)

I reserve the right to deny a request for an open thread, like if I don’t think the request has been made in good faith. (I probably won’t look kindly on anyone asking for an open thread for a project they’re involved in, for instance. Unless you’re already a member of the community here. I like sharing what you guys are doing.) But I will try to err on the side of giving the benefit of the doubt. So ask away!

posted in:
maryann buzz
  • Madoms Ending

    Please start watching Daredevil. A dark and gritty MCU Netflix miniseries. Amazingly strong performances and violence. 13 episodes are on Netflix.

  • http://www.flickfilosopher.com/ MaryAnn Johanson

    That’s probably not going to happen. There are too many other TV shows higher on my want-to-watch list.

    Now, are you asking for an open thread for *Daredevil,* or not?

  • Beowulf

    Do you get “Mr. Robot” in Great Britain? Best show on TV now.
    (Of course not everyone in America “gets” it, of course.)

  • Beowulf

    Of course…….ouch!

  • http://www.flickfilosopher.com/ MaryAnn Johanson

    I have no idea if it’s on TV here — it probably is. A lot of US stuff is on cable, but I don’t have cable.

  • http://www.facebook.com/#!/profile.php?id=1186107134 MarkyD

    I actually agree with him/her. Daredevil should be bumped up that list of yours.

  • http://www.facebook.com/#!/profile.php?id=1186107134 MarkyD

    Thanks for the consideration!
    After my wife and I finally jumped onto the Amazon Prime bandwagon, I saw that series 1 and 2 of Orphan Black was on there. I watched it,and loved the heck out of it. I have yet to see series 3, though, which is not on Prime streaming yet, I suppose it might be hard to chat about it without spoilers from those who’ve seen the most recent series.
    I just started Hannibal last night. Watched the first two episodes, and am very impressed so far. Hugh Dancy and Mads Mikelson(sp?) are going to fun to watch. After I get a bit into it I’ll definitely want to talk. Not there yet, though.
    I agree with the fellow who brought up Daredevil. Definitely worth your time, and worth a thread to chat about.
    I just finished House of Cards season 3 recently, but we already had a post about that. You need to find a way to have posts stay on a sidebar or something so we can access them, and keep it current. I don’t want to go searching for your old post on HoC season 3 in order to talk about it.

  • http://www.facebook.com/#!/profile.php?id=1186107134 MarkyD

    Yeah, this is on my list. Can I stream it off the BBC site yet? Any other (legal) way? I’m not on Hulu.

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