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  1. Three million books were judged by their covers—this is what happened

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  2. Where are you reading this weekend?

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  3. Why Memorizing Poems Will Make Your Life Richer

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  4. ٩،٠٠ ص - ٥ سبتمبر، ٢٠١٥ · التفاصيل
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"I never saw a wild thing sorry for itself"

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  • What We're Reading at Goodreads This Month

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  • Somewhere between sea, sky, and a new book...

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  • 5 Tips to Read 100 Books a Year

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  • Are you certified?

  • The Life and Death of Book Club Attempts

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  • What is happiness for you? (via )

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  • 16 Text Messages That Would Make Any Book Nerd Smile

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    "True friends share everything, except the past before they met."

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    Hey mystery fans! What book got you hooked on the genre?

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  • What will you miss most about summer reading?

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    Happy Friday! What will you be reading this weekend?

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